Class Line

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, Cloneable

    public class Line
    extends Object
    implements Cloneable, Serializable
    Equation of a line in a two dimensional space (x,y). A line has an equation of the form y=ax+b. At the difference of Line2D (which are bounded by (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) points), Line objects extends toward infinity.

    The equation parameters for a Line object can bet set at construction time or using one of the setLine(...) methods. The y value can be computed for a given x value using the y(double) method. Method x(double) compute the converse and should work even if the line is vertical.

    Martin Desruisseaux (PMO, IRD)
    See Also:
    Point2D, Line2D, Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Construct an initially unitialized line.
      Line​(double slope, double y0)
      Construct a line with the specified slope and offset.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Line

        public Line()
        Construct an initially unitialized line. All methods will returns Double.NaN.
      • Line

        public Line​(double slope,
                    double y0)
        Construct a line with the specified slope and offset. The linear equation will be y=slope*x+y0.
        slope - The slope.
        y0 - The y value at x==0.
        See Also:
        setLine(double, double)
    • Method Detail

      • setLine

        public void setLine​(Line2D line)
        Sets a line colinear with the specified line segment. The line will continues toward infinity after the line segment extremities.
        line - The line segment.
        See Also:
      • setLine

        public void setLine​(Point2D p1,
                            Point2D p2)
        Sets a line through the specified point. The line will continues toward infinity after the point.
        p1 - Coordinate of the first point.
        p2 - Coordinate of the second point.
        See Also:
      • setLine

        public double setLine​(double[] x,
                              double[] y)
                       throws IllegalArgumentException
        Given a set of data points x[0..ndata-1], y[0..ndata-1], fit them to a straight line y=b+mx in a least-squares senses. This method assume that the x values are precise and all uncertainty is in y.

        Reference: Linear Regression Curve Fitting.

        x - Vector of x values (independant variable).
        y - Vector of y values (dependant variable).
        Estimation of the correlation coefficient. The closer this coefficient is to 1, the better the fit.
        MismatchedSizeException - if x and y don't have the same length.
      • translate

        public void translate​(double dx,
                              double dy)
        Translates the line. The slope stay unchanged.
        dx - The horizontal translation.
        dy - The vertical translation.
      • y

        public final double y​(double x)
        Computes y=f(x). If the line is vertical, then this method returns an infinite value. This method is final for performance reason.
        x - The x value.
        The y value.
        See Also:
      • x

        public final double x​(double y)
        Computes x=f-1(y). If the line is horizontal, then this method returns an infinite value. This method is final for performance reason.
        y - The y value.
        The x value.
        See Also:
      • getY0

        public final double getY0()
        Returns the y value for x==0. Coordinate (0, y0) is the intersection point with the y axis.
      • getX0

        public final double getX0()
        Returns the x value for y==0. Coordinate (x0,0) is the intersection point with the x axis.
      • getSlope

        public final double getSlope()
        Returns the slope.
      • intersectionPoint

        public Point2D intersectionPoint​(Line line)
        Returns the intersection point between this line and the specified one. If both lines are parallel, then this method returns null.
        line - The line to intersect.
        The intersection point, or null.
      • intersectionPoint

        public Point2D intersectionPoint​(Line2D line)
        Returns the intersection point between this line and the specified bounded line. If both lines are parallel or if the specified line doesn't reach this line (since Line2D do not extends toward infinities), then this method returns null.
        line - The bounded line to intersect.
        The intersection point, or null.
      • nearestColinearPoint

        public Point2D nearestColinearPoint​(Point2D point)
        Returns the nearest point on this line from the specified point.
        point - An arbitrary point.
        The point on this line which is the nearest of the specified point.
      • isoscelesTriangleBase

        public Line2D isoscelesTriangleBase​(Point2D summit,
                                            double sideLength)
        Computes the base of a isosceles triangle having the specified summit and side length. The base will be colinear with this line. In other words, this method compute two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) located in such a way that:
        • Both points are on this line.
        • The distance between any of the two points and the specified summit is exactly sideLength.
        summit - The summit of the isosceles triangle.
        sideLength - The length for the two sides of the isosceles triangle.
        The base of the isoscele triangle, colinear with this line, or null if the base can't be computed. If non-null, then the triangle is the figure formed by joining (x1,y1), (x2,y2) and summit.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this line. This method returns the linear equation in the form "y=m*x+b" .
        toString in class Object
        A string representation of this line.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object object)
        Compares this object with the specified one for equality.
        equals in class Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns a hash code value for this line.
        hashCode in class Object