Class AbstractOpenWebService<C extends Capabilities,​R>

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    WebMapServer, WebMapTileServer, WFSClient

    public abstract class AbstractOpenWebService<C extends Capabilities,​R>
    extends Object
    This abstract class provides a building block for one to implement an Open Web Service (OWS) client. Each OWS is usually defined by an OGC specification, available at

    This class provides version negotiation, Capabilities document retrieval, and a request/response infrastructure. Implementing subclasses need to provide their own Specifications (representing versions of the OWS to be implemented) and their own request/response instances.

    Richard Gould
    • Method Detail

      • setHttpClient

        public void setHttpClient​(HTTPClient httpClient)
        httpClient should be treated as a final
        httpClient -
      • getHTTPClient

        public HTTPClient getHTTPClient()
      • getCapabilities

        public abstract C getCapabilities()
        Get the getCapabilities document. If there was an error parsing it during creation, it will return null (and it should have thrown an exception during creation).
        a Capabilities object, representing the Capabilities of the server
      • getInfo

        public ServiceInfo getInfo()
        Description of this service.

        Provides a very quick description of the service, for more information please review the capabilitie document.

        description of this service.
      • createInfo

        protected abstract ServiceInfo createInfo()
        Implemented by a subclass to describe service
      • createInfo

        protected abstract ResourceInfo createInfo​(R resource)
      • setupSpecifications

        protected abstract void setupSpecifications()
        Sets up the specifications/versions that this server is capable of communicating with.
      • negotiateVersion

        protected C negotiateVersion()
                              throws IOException,
        Version number negotiation occurs as follows (credit OGC):
        • 1) If the server implements the requested version number, the server shall send that version.
        • 2a) If a version unknown to the server is requested, the server shall send the highest version less than the requested version.
        • 2b) If the client request is for a version lower than any of those known to the server, then the server shall send the lowest version it knows.
        • 3a) If the client does not understand the new version number sent by the server, it may either cease communicating with the server or send a new request with a new version number that the client does understand but which is less than that sent by the server (if the server had responded with a lower version).
        • 3b) If the server had responded with a higher version (because the request was for a version lower than any known to the server), and the client does not understand the proposed higher version, then the client may send a new request with a version number higher than that sent by the server.

        The OGC tells us to repeat this process (or give up). This means we are actually going to come up with a bit of setup cost in figuring out our GetCapabilities request. This means that it is possible that we may make multiple requests before being satisfied with a response.

        Also, if we are unable to parse a given version for some reason, for example, malformed XML, we will request a lower version until we have run out of versions to request with. Thus, a server that does not play nicely may take some time to parse and might not even succeed.

        a capabilities object that represents the Capabilities on the server
        IOException - if there is an error communicating with the server, or the XML cannot be parsed
        ServiceException - if the server returns a ServiceException
      • internalIssueRequest

        protected Response internalIssueRequest​(Request request)
                                         throws IOException,
        Issues a request to the server and returns that server's response. It asks the server to send the response gzipped to provide a faster transfer time.
        request - the request to be issued
        a response from the server, which is created according to the specific Request
        IOException - if there was a problem communicating with the server
        ServiceException - if the server responds with an exception or returns bad content
      • setLoggingLevel

        public void setLoggingLevel​(Level newLevel)
      • getHints

        public Map<String,​Object> getHints()
        Returns the hints affecting the service operations
      • setHints

        public void setHints​(Map<String,​Object> hints)
        Sets the hints affecting the service operations