Class WorldImageWriter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class WorldImageWriter
    extends AbstractGridCoverageWriter
    implements GridCoverageWriter
    Writes a GridCoverage to a raster image file and an accompanying world file. The destination specified must point to the location of the raster file to write to, as this is how the format is determined. The directory that file is located in must also already exist.
    Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions, rgould, Alessio Fabiani, GeoSolutions
    • Constructor Detail

      • WorldImageWriter

        public WorldImageWriter​(Object destination)
        Destination must be a File. The directory it resides in must already exist. It must point to where the raster image is to be located. The world image will be derived from there.
      • WorldImageWriter

        public WorldImageWriter​(Object destination,
                                Hints hints)
        Destination must be a File. The directory it resides in must already exist. It must point to where the raster image is to be located. The world image will be derived from there.