Annotation Type UML

    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      String identifier
      The UML identifier for the annotated interface, method or code list element.
      Specification specification
      The specification where this UML come from.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      Obligation obligation
      The obligation declared in the UML.
    • Element Detail

      • identifier

        String identifier
        The UML identifier for the annotated interface, method or code list element. Scripts can use this identifier in order to maps a GeoAPI method to the UML entity where it come from.
        The UML identifier used in the standard.
      • specification

        Specification specification
        The specification where this UML come from.
        The originating specification.
      • obligation

        Obligation obligation
        The obligation declared in the UML. This metadata can be queried in order to determine if a null value is allowed for the annotated method or not. If the obligation is Obligation.MANDATORY, then null value are not allowed.
        The obligation declared in the standard.