Class AngleFormat

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable

    public class AngleFormat
    extends Format
    Parses and formats angles according a specified pattern. The pattern is a string containing any characters, with a special meaning for the following characters:

    D  The integer part of degrees
    d  The fractional part of degrees
    M  The integer part of minutes
    m  The fractional part of minutes
    S  The integer part of seconds
    s  The fractional part of seconds
    .  The decimal separator

    Upper-case letters D, M and S are for the integer parts of degrees, minutes and seconds respectively. They must appear in this order (e.g. "M'D" is illegal because "M" and "S" are inverted; " D°S" is illegal too because there is no "M" between "D" and "S"). Lower-case letters d, m and s are for fractional parts of degrees, minutes and seconds respectively. Only one of those may appears in a pattern, and it must be the last special symbol (e.g. "D.dd°MM'" is illegal because "d" is followed by "M"; "" is illegal because "m" is not the fractional part of "D").

    The number of occurrence of D, M, S and their lower-case counterpart is the number of digits to format. For example, "DD.ddd" will format angle with two digits for the integer part and three digits for the fractional part (e.g. 4.4578 will be formatted as "04.458"). Separator characters like °, ' and " and inserted "as-is" in the formatted string (except the decimal separator dot ("."), which is replaced by the local-dependent decimal separator). Separator characters may be completely omitted; AngleFormat will still differentiate degrees, minutes and seconds fields according the pattern. For example, "0480439" with the pattern "DDDMMmm" will be parsed as 48°04.39'.

    The following table gives some examples of legal patterns.

    Pattern Example
    DD°MM'SS" 48°30'00"
    DD°MM' 48°30'
    DD.ddd 48.500
    DDMM 4830
    DDMMSS 483000
    Martin Desruisseaux (PMO, IRD)
    See Also:
    Angle, Latitude, Longitude, Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final int DEGREES_FIELD
        Constant for degrees field. When formatting a string, this value may be specified to the FieldPosition constructor in order to get the bounding index where degrees have been written.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MINUTES_FIELD
        Constant for minutes field. When formatting a string, this value may be specified to the FieldPosition constructor in order to get the bounding index where minutes have been written.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SECONDS_FIELD
        Constant for seconds field. When formatting a string, this value may be specified to the FieldPosition constructor in order to get the bounding index where seconds have been written.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int HEMISPHERE_FIELD
        Constant for hemisphere field. When formatting a string, this value may be specified to the FieldPosition constructor in order to get the bounding index where the hemisphere synbol has been written.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • AngleFormat

        public AngleFormat()
        Constructs a new AngleFormat using the current default locale and a default pattern.
      • AngleFormat

        public AngleFormat​(String pattern)
                    throws IllegalArgumentException
        Constructs a new AngleFormat using the current default locale and the specified pattern.
        pattern - Pattern to use for parsing and formatting angle. See class description for an explanation of how this pattern work.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the specified pattern is not legal.
      • AngleFormat

        public AngleFormat​(String pattern,
                           Locale locale)
                    throws IllegalArgumentException
        Constructs a new AngleFormat using the specified pattern and locale.
        pattern - Pattern to use for parsing and formatting angle. See class description for an explanation of how this pattern work.
        locale - Locale to use.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the specified pattern is not legal.
      • AngleFormat

        public AngleFormat​(String pattern,
                           DecimalFormatSymbols symbols)
        Constructs a new AngleFormat using the specified pattern and decimal symbols.
        pattern - Pattern to use for parsing and formatting angle. See class description for an explanation of how this pattern work.
        symbols - The symbols to use for parsing and formatting numbers.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the specified pattern is not legal.
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static AngleFormat getInstance​(Locale locale)
        Constructs a new AngleFormat for the specified locale.
        locale - The locale.
        An angle format in the given locale.
      • getDefaultRoundingMethod

        public static AngleFormat.RoundingMethod getDefaultRoundingMethod()
        Get the default rounding method.
        the default rounding method.
      • getRoundingMethod

        public static AngleFormat.RoundingMethod getRoundingMethod()
        Get the rounding method being used by this instance.
        the rounding method for this instance
      • applyPattern

        public void applyPattern​(String pattern)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException
        Sets the pattern to use for parsing and formatting angle. See class description for an explanation of how patterns work.
        pattern - Pattern to use for parsing and formatting angle.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the specified pattern is not legal.
      • toPattern

        public String toPattern()
        Returns the pattern used for parsing and formatting angles. See class description for an explanation of how patterns work.
        The formatting pattern.
      • format

        public final String format​(double angle)
        Format an angle. The string will be formatted according the pattern set in the last call to applyPattern(java.lang.String).
        angle - Angle to format, in degrees.
        The formatted string.
      • format

        public StringBuffer format​(double angle,
                                   StringBuffer toAppendTo,
                                   FieldPosition pos)
        Formats an angle and appends the resulting text to a given string buffer. The string will be formatted according the pattern set in the last call to applyPattern(java.lang.String).
        angle - Angle to format, in degrees.
        toAppendTo - Where the text is to be appended.
        pos - An optional FieldPosition identifying a field in the formatted text, or null if this information is not wanted. This field position shall be constructed with one of the following constants: DEGREES_FIELD, MINUTES_FIELD, SECONDS_FIELD or HEMISPHERE_FIELD.
        The string buffer passed in as toAppendTo, with formatted text appended.
      • format

        public StringBuffer format​(Object obj,
                                   StringBuffer toAppendTo,
                                   FieldPosition pos)
                            throws IllegalArgumentException
        Formats an angle, a latitude or a longitude and appends the resulting text to a given string buffer. The string will be formatted according the pattern set in the last call to applyPattern(java.lang.String). The argument obj shall be an Angle object or one of its derived class (Latitude, Longitude). If obj is a Latitude object, then a symbol "N" or "S" will be appended to the end of the string (the symbol will be choosen according the angle's sign). Otherwise, if obj is a Longitude object, then a symbol "E" or "W" will be appended to the end of the string. Otherwise, no hemisphere symbol will be appended.

        Strictly speaking, formatting ordinary numbers is not the AngleFormat's job. Nevertheless, this method accept Number objects. This capability is provided only as a convenient way to format altitude numbers together with longitude and latitude angles.
        Specified by:
        format in class Format
        obj - Angle or Number object to format.
        toAppendTo - Where the text is to be appended.
        pos - An optional FieldPosition identifying a field in the formatted text, or null if this information is not wanted. This field position shall be constructed with one of the following constants: DEGREES_FIELD, MINUTES_FIELD, SECONDS_FIELD or HEMISPHERE_FIELD.
        The string buffer passed in as toAppendTo, with formatted text appended.
        IllegalArgumentException - if obj if not an object of class Angle or Number.
      • parse

        public Angle parse​(String source,
                           ParsePosition pos)
        Parses a string as an angle. This method can parse an angle even if it doesn't comply exactly to the expected pattern. For example, this method will parse correctly string " 48°12.34'" even if the expected pattern was "" (i.e. the string should have been "4812.34"). Spaces between degrees, minutes and secondes are ignored. If the string ends with an hemisphere symbol "N" or "S", then this method returns an object of class Latitude. Otherwise, if the string ends with an hemisphere symbol "E" or "W", then this method returns an object of class Longitude. Otherwise, this method returns an object of class Angle.
        source - A String whose beginning should be parsed.
        pos - Position where to start parsing.
        The parsed string as an Angle, Latitude or Longitude object.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns a "hash value" for this object.
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj)
        Compares this format with the specified object for equality.
        equals in class Object
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object.
        toString in class Object