Interface DataStore

    • Method Detail

      • updateSchema

        void updateSchema​(String typeName,
                          SimpleFeatureType featureType)
                   throws IOException
        Applies a new schema to the given feature type. This can be used to add or remove properties. The resulting update will be persistent.
        typeName - name of the feature type to update
        featureType - the new schema to apply
        IOException - on error
      • removeSchema

        void removeSchema​(String typeName)
                   throws IOException
        Used to permanently remove a schema from the underlying storage

        This functionality is similar to an "drop table" statement in SQL. Implementation is optional; it may not be supported by all servers or files.

        IOException - if the operation failed
        UnsupportedOperation - if functionality is not available
      • getTypeNames

        String[] getTypeNames()
                       throws IOException
        Gets the names of feature types available in this DataStore. Please note that this is not guaranteed to return a list of unique names since the same unqualified name may be present in separate namespaces within the DataStore.
        names of feature types available in this DataStore
        IOException - if data access errors occur
      • getSchema

        SimpleFeatureType getSchema​(String typeName)
                             throws IOException
        Gets the type information (schema) for the specified feature type.
        typeName - the feature type name
        the requested feature type
        IOException - if typeName is not available
      • getFeatureSource

        SimpleFeatureSource getFeatureSource​(String typeName)
                                      throws IOException
        Gets a SimpleFeatureSource for features of the specified type. SimpleFeatureSource provides a high-level API for feature operations.

        The resulting SimpleFeatureSource may implment more functionality as in this example:

         SimpleFeatureSource fsource = dataStore.getFeatureSource("roads");
         if (fsource instanceof SimpleFeatureStore) {
             // we have write access to the feature data
             SimpleFeatureStore fstore = (SimpleFeatureStore) fs;
         else {
             // System.out.println("We do not have write access to roads");
        typeName - the feature type
        a SimpleFeatureSource (or possibly a subclass) providing operations for features of the specified type
        IOException - if data access errors occur
        See Also:
        SimpleFeatureSource, SimpleFeatureStore
      • getFeatureReader

        FeatureReader<SimpleFeatureType,​SimpleFeature> getFeatureReader​(Query query,
                                                                              Transaction transaction)
                                                                       throws IOException
        Gets a FeatureReader for features selected by the given Query. FeatureReader provies an iterator-style API to feature data.

        The Query provides the schema for the form of the returned features as well as a Filter to constrain the features available via the reader.

        The Transaction can be used to externalize the state of the DataStore. Examples of this include a JDBCDataStore sharing a connection for use across several FeatureReader requests; and a ShapefileDataStore redirecting requests to an alternate file during the course of a Transaction.

        query - a query providing the schema and constraints for features that the reader will return
        transaction - a transaction that this reader will operate against
        an instance of FeatureReader
        IOException - if data access errors occur
      • getFeatureWriter

        FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType,​SimpleFeature> getFeatureWriter​(String typeName,
                                                                              Filter filter,
                                                                              Transaction transaction)
                                                                       throws IOException
        Gets a FeatureWriter to modify features in this DataStore. FeatureWriter provides an iterator style API to features.

        The returned writer does not allow features to be added.

        typeName - the type name for features that will be accessible
        filter - defines additional constraints on the features that will be accessible
        transaction - the transaction that the returned writer operates against
        an instance of FeatureWriter
        IOException - if data access errors occur
        See Also:
        getFeatureWriterAppend(String, Transaction)
      • getFeatureWriterAppend

        FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType,​SimpleFeature> getFeatureWriterAppend​(String typeName,
                                                                                    Transaction transaction)
                                                                             throws IOException
        Gets a FeatureWriter that can add new features to the DataStore.

        The FeatureWriter will return false when its hasNext() method is called, but next() can be used to acquire new features.

        typeName - name of the feature type for which features will be added
        transaction - the transaction to operate against
        an instance of FeatureWriter that can only be used to append new features
        IOException - if data access errors occur
      • getLockingManager

        LockingManager getLockingManager()
        Retrieve a per featureID based locking service from this DataStore.
        an instance of LockingManager; or null if locking is handled by the DataStore in a different fashion