Class WFSDataAccessFactory.WFSFactoryParam<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • WFSFactoryParam

        public WFSFactoryParam​(String key,
                               Class<T> type,
                               String title,
                               String description)
        Creates a required parameter
      • WFSFactoryParam

        public WFSFactoryParam​(String key,
                               Class<T> type,
                               String title,
                               String description,
                               T defaultValue)
        Creates an optional parameter with the supplied default value
      • WFSFactoryParam

        public WFSFactoryParam​(String key,
                               Class<T> type,
                               String title,
                               String description,
                               T defaultValue,
                               String level)
        Creates an optional parameter with the supplied default value
    • Method Detail

      • lookUp

        public T lookUp​(Map params)
                 throws IOException
        Description copied from class: DataAccessFactory.Param
        Lookup Param in a user supplied map.

        Type conversion will occur if required, this may result in an IOException. An IOException will be throw in the Param is required and the Map does not contain the Map.

        The handle method is used to process the user's value.

        lookUp in class DataAccessFactory.Param
        params - Map of user input
        Parameter as specified in map
        IOException - if parse could not handle value