AbbreviatedTimeUnitConverterFactory |
Converter Factory converting abbreviated timeUnit Strings (s, m, h, d) to TimeUnit enum.
ArrayConverterFactory |
Converter factory converting objects to single element arrays and vice-versa
BooleanConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory for handling boolean conversions.
CharsetConverterFactory |
Converter for going from a String to a Charset and vice versa.
CollectionConverterFactory |
Converts among arrays and different collection classes.
ColorConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory for handling color conversions.
CommonsConverterFactory |
Convert String to common scalar values.
ComplexAttributeConverterFactory |
This converter retrieves the values out of attributes.
CRSConverterFactory |
Convert String to CRS classes.
DataUrlConnection |
Decodes the base64 data and provides an appropriate InputStream.
DataUrlHandler |
Responsible for instantiating the DataUrlConnection.
DefaultProgressListener |
DefaultProgressListener.Warning |
Collector class for warnings.
DelegateProgressListener |
Base class for progress listeners that delegate to other progress listeners
DistanceBufferUtil |
Utility class for DistanceBufferOperations
EnumerationConverterFactory |
Converts between enumerations and strings
FeatureStreams |
Provides toStream transform methods for Feature Collection & Iterator
FeatureStreams.StreamFeatureIterator<F extends Feature> |
Iterator Wrapper for use on streams
GeometryConverterFactory |
Converter factory performing converstions among geometric types.
GeometryTypeConverterFactory |
Converter factory performing conversions among JTS geometries of different types.
InterpolationConverterFactory |
Convert String to Interpolation classes.
ListenerList |
This class is used to maintain a list of listeners, and is used in the implementations of several classes within
JFace which allow you to register listeners of various kinds.
LobConverterFactory |
Converter factory for converting SQL Large Objects.
MeasureConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory which converts between the Measure and String.
NameConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory for handling Name conversions.
NullProgressListener |
A default progress listener implementation suitable for subclassing.
NumericConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory which converts between the "standard" numeric types.
PercentageConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory which converts between a percentage to Float or Double
QNameConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory for handling qname conversions.
ReferencedEnvelopeConverterFactory |
ScreenMap |
The screenmap is a packed bitmap of the screen, one bit per pixels.
SubProgressListener |
A sub progress monitor, used to delegate a portion of work to a separate process.
TemporalConverterFactory |
Converter factory which created converting between the various temporal types.
URConverterFactory |
Converter factory which can convert between URL,URI, and String.
UuidConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory for handling uuid (uniqueidentifier) conversions.