Class DefaultTemporalPosition

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultTemporalPosition

        public DefaultTemporalPosition​(TemporalReferenceSystem frame,
                                       IndeterminateValue indeterminatePosition)
        Creates a new instance from a TemporalReferenceSystem and an IndeterminateValue
        frame - cannot be @CODE null
        indeterminatePosition - can be @CODE NULL if none.
    • Method Detail

      • getIndeterminatePosition

        public IndeterminateValue getIndeterminatePosition()
        When this attribute is used with a subtype of TemporalPosition, it provides a qualifier to the specific value for temporal position provided by the subtype.
        Specified by:
        getIndeterminatePosition in interface TemporalPosition
      • getFrame

        public TemporalReferenceSystem getFrame()
        Returns the TM_ReferenceSystem associated with this TM_TemporalPosition, if not specified, it is assumed to be an association to the Gregorian calendar and UTC.
      • setIndeterminatePosition

        public void setIndeterminatePosition​(IndeterminateValue indeterminatePosition)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object