Class TransactionTypeBinding

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Binding, ComplexBinding

    public class TransactionTypeBinding
    extends AbstractComplexEMFBinding
    Binding object for the type

      <xsd:complexType name="TransactionType">
                  The TransactionType defines the Transaction operation.  A
                  Transaction element contains one or more Insert, Update
                  Delete and Native elements that allow a client application
                  to create, modify or remove feature instances from the
                  feature repository that a Web Feature Service controls.
              <xsd:extension base="wfs:BaseRequestType">
                      <xsd:element minOccurs="0" ref="wfs:LockId">
                              In order for a client application to operate upon
                              locked feature instances, the Transaction request
                              must include the LockId element.  The content of
                              this element must be the lock identifier the client
                              application obtained from a previous
                              GetFeatureWithLock or LockFeature operation.
                              If the correct lock identifier is specified the Web
                              Feature Service knows that the client application may
                              operate upon the locked feature instances.
                              No LockId element needs to be specified to operate upon
                              unlocked features.
                      <xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
                          <xsd:element ref="wfs:Insert"/>
                          <xsd:element ref="wfs:Update"/>
                          <xsd:element ref="wfs:Delete"/>
                          <xsd:element ref="wfs:Native"/>
                  <xsd:attribute name="releaseAction" type="wfs:AllSomeType" use="optional">
                           The releaseAction attribute is used to control how a Web
                           Feature service releases locks on feature instances after
                           a Transaction request has been processed.
                           Valid values are ALL or SOME.
                           A value of ALL means that the Web Feature Service should
                           release the locks of all feature instances locked with the
                           specified lockId regardless or whether or not the features
                           were actually modified.
                           A value of SOME means that the Web Feature Service will
                           only release the locks held on feature instances that
                           were actually operated upon by the transaction.  The
                           lockId that the client application obtained shall remain
                           valid and the other, unmodified, feature instances shall
                           remain locked.
                           If the expiry attribute was specified in the original
                           operation that locked the feature instances, then the
                           expiry counter will be reset to give the client
                           application that same amount of time to post subsequent
                           transactions against the locked features.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TransactionTypeBinding

        public TransactionTypeBinding​(WfsFactory factory)
    • Method Detail

      • getTarget

        public QName getTarget()
        The qualified name of the target for the binding.
      • parse

        public Object parse​(ElementInstance instance,
                            Node node,
                            Object value)
                     throws Exception
        Specified by:
        parse in interface ComplexBinding
        parse in class AbstractComplexEMFBinding
        instance - The element being parsed.
        node - The node in the parse tree representing the element being parsed.
        value - The result of the parse from another strategy in the type hierarchy. Could be null if this is the first strategy being executed.
        The parsed object, or null if the component could not be parsed.
        Exception - Strategy objects should not attempt to handle any exceptions.