Uses of Interface
Uses of Filter in
Methods in that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
QueryConstraintType. getFilter()
Returns the value of the 'Filter' containment reference.Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description void
QueryConstraintType. setFilter(Filter value)
Sets the value of the 'Filter
' containment reference. -
Uses of Filter in
Fields in declared as Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected Filter
QueryConstraintTypeImpl. filter
The cached value of the 'Filter
' containment reference.Methods in that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
QueryConstraintTypeImpl. getFilter()
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description NotificationChain
QueryConstraintTypeImpl. basicSetFilter(Filter newFilter, NotificationChain msgs)
QueryConstraintTypeImpl. setFilter(Filter newFilter)
Uses of Filter in net.opengis.wcs20
Methods in net.opengis.wcs20 that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
GetCoverageType. getFilter()
Custom extension allowing to apply a filter to a coverage content (for readers that can do filtering, mostly StructuredCoverageGridReader ones).Methods in net.opengis.wcs20 with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description void
GetCoverageType. setFilter(Filter value)
Sets the value of the 'Filter
' attribute. -
Uses of Filter in net.opengis.wcs20.impl
Fields in net.opengis.wcs20.impl declared as Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected Filter
GetCoverageTypeImpl. filter
The cached value of the 'Filter
' attribute.protected static Filter
GetCoverageTypeImpl. FILTER_EDEFAULT
The default value of the 'Filter
' attribute.Methods in net.opengis.wcs20.impl that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
Wcs20FactoryImpl. createFilterFromString(EDataType eDataType, String initialValue)
GetCoverageTypeImpl. getFilter()
Methods in net.opengis.wcs20.impl with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description void
GetCoverageTypeImpl. setFilter(Filter newFilter)
Uses of Filter in net.opengis.wcs20.util
Methods in net.opengis.wcs20.util with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
Wcs20Validator. validateFilter(Filter filter, DiagnosticChain diagnostics, Map<Object,Object> context)
Uses of Filter in net.opengis.wfs
Methods in net.opengis.wfs that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
DeleteElementType. getFilter()
Returns the value of the 'Filter' attribute.Filter
LockType. getFilter()
Returns the value of the 'Filter' attribute.Filter
QueryType. getFilter()
Returns the value of the 'Filter' attribute.Filter
UpdateElementType. getFilter()
Returns the value of the 'Filter' attribute.Methods in net.opengis.wfs with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description void
DeleteElementType. setFilter(Filter value)
Sets the value of the 'Filter
' attribute.void
LockType. setFilter(Filter value)
Sets the value of the 'Filter
' attribute.void
QueryType. setFilter(Filter value)
Sets the value of the 'Filter
' attribute.void
UpdateElementType. setFilter(Filter value)
Sets the value of the 'Filter
' attribute. -
Uses of Filter in net.opengis.wfs.impl
Fields in net.opengis.wfs.impl declared as Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected Filter
DeleteElementTypeImpl. filter
The cached value of the 'Filter
' attribute.protected Filter
LockTypeImpl. filter
The cached value of the 'Filter
' attribute.protected Filter
QueryTypeImpl. filter
The cached value of the 'Filter
' attribute.protected Filter
UpdateElementTypeImpl. filter
The cached value of the 'Filter
' attribute.protected static Filter
DeleteElementTypeImpl. FILTER_EDEFAULT
The default value of the 'Filter
' attribute.protected static Filter
The default value of the 'Filter
' attribute.protected static Filter
The default value of the 'Filter
' attribute.protected static Filter
UpdateElementTypeImpl. FILTER_EDEFAULT
The default value of the 'Filter
' attribute.Methods in net.opengis.wfs.impl that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
WfsFactoryImpl. createFilterFromString(EDataType eDataType, String initialValue)
DeleteElementTypeImpl. getFilter()
LockTypeImpl. getFilter()
QueryTypeImpl. getFilter()
UpdateElementTypeImpl. getFilter()
Methods in net.opengis.wfs.impl with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description void
DeleteElementTypeImpl. setFilter(Filter newFilter)
LockTypeImpl. setFilter(Filter newFilter)
QueryTypeImpl. setFilter(Filter newFilter)
UpdateElementTypeImpl. setFilter(Filter newFilter)
Uses of Filter in net.opengis.wfs.validation
Methods in net.opengis.wfs.validation with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
DeleteElementTypeValidator. validateFilter(Filter value)
LockTypeValidator. validateFilter(Filter value)
QueryTypeValidator. validateFilter(Filter value)
UpdateElementTypeValidator. validateFilter(Filter value)
Uses of Filter in net.opengis.wfs20
Methods in net.opengis.wfs20 that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
DeleteType. getFilter()
Returns the value of the 'Filter' containment reference.Filter
QueryType. getFilter()
Convenience method to castAbstractAdhocQueryExpressionType.getAbstractSelectionClause()
to a filter object.Filter
ReplaceType. getFilter()
Returns the value of the 'Filter' containment reference.Filter
UpdateType. getFilter()
Returns the value of the 'Filter' containment reference.Methods in net.opengis.wfs20 with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description void
DeleteType. setFilter(Filter value)
Sets the value of the 'Filter
' attribute.void
QueryType. setFilter(Filter value)
Sets the value of the 'Filter
' attribute.void
ReplaceType. setFilter(Filter value)
Sets the value of the 'Filter
' attribute.void
UpdateType. setFilter(Filter value)
Sets the value of the 'Filter
' attribute. -
Uses of Filter in net.opengis.wfs20.impl
Fields in net.opengis.wfs20.impl declared as Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected Filter
DeleteTypeImpl. filter
The cached value of the 'Filter
' attribute.protected Filter
QueryTypeImpl. filter
The cached value of the 'Filter
' attribute.protected Filter
ReplaceTypeImpl. filter
The cached value of the 'Filter
' attribute.protected Filter
UpdateTypeImpl. filter
The cached value of the 'Filter
' attribute.protected static Filter
The default value of the 'Filter
' attribute.protected static Filter
The default value of the 'Filter
' attribute.protected static Filter
The default value of the 'Filter
' attribute.protected static Filter
The default value of the 'Filter
' attribute.Methods in net.opengis.wfs20.impl that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
Wfs20FactoryImpl. createFilterFromString(EDataType eDataType, String initialValue)
DeleteTypeImpl. getFilter()
QueryTypeImpl. getFilter()
ReplaceTypeImpl. getFilter()
UpdateTypeImpl. getFilter()
Methods in net.opengis.wfs20.impl with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description void
DeleteTypeImpl. setFilter(Filter newFilter)
QueryTypeImpl. setFilter(Filter filter)
ReplaceTypeImpl. setFilter(Filter newFilter)
UpdateTypeImpl. setFilter(Filter newFilter)
Uses of Filter in net.opengis.wfs20.util
Methods in net.opengis.wfs20.util with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
Wfs20Validator. validateFilter(Filter filter, DiagnosticChain diagnostics, Map<Object,Object> context)
Uses of Filter in net.opengis.wfs20.validation
Methods in net.opengis.wfs20.validation with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
DeleteTypeValidator. validateFilter(Filter value)
QueryTypeValidator. validateFilter(Filter value)
ReplaceTypeValidator. validateFilter(Filter value)
UpdateTypeValidator. validateFilter(Filter value)
Uses of Filter in org.geootols.filter.text.cql_2
Methods in org.geootols.filter.text.cql_2 that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
CQL2Compiler. getFilter()
Return the filter resultant of compiling processstatic Filter
CQL2. toFilter(String cql2Predicate)
Parses the input string in CQL2 format into a Filter, using the systems default FilterFactory implementation.static Filter
CQL2. toFilter(String cql2Predicate, FilterFactory filterFactory)
Parses the input string in CQL2 format into a Filter, using the provided FilterFactory.Methods in org.geootols.filter.text.cql_2 that return types with arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description List<Filter>
CQL2Compiler. getFilterList()
Returns the list of Filters built as the result of calling {@link #FilterListCompilationUnit()()}Methods in org.geootols.filter.text.cql_2 with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static String
CQL2. toCQL2(Filter filter)
Generates the CQL2 predicate associated to theFilter
object. -
Uses of Filter in
Fields in declared as Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected Filter
FeatureEvent. filter
Filter used to indicate what content has changed.protected Filter
Query. filter
The filter to constrain the request.Methods in that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
FeatureEvent. getFilter()
Filter describing the content that was changed.Filter
Join. getFilter()
Filter used to constrain which features from the joined feature type to return.Filter
Query. getFilter()
Gets the filter used to define constraints on the features that will be retrieved by this Query.Filter
Join. getJoinFilter()
The filter defining the join condition between the primary feature type and the feature type being joined to.Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Join
Join. filter(Filter filter)
Chaining method forJoin.setFilter(Filter)
FeatureSource. getFeatures(Filter filter)
Retrieves features, in the form of aFeatureCollection
, based on an OGCFilter
SimpleFeatureSource. getFeatures(Filter filter)
SimpleFeatureStore. getFeatures(Filter filter)
DataStore. getFeatureWriter(String typeName, Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
Gets aFeatureWriter
to modify features in thisDataStore
FileDataStore. getFeatureWriter(Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
FeatureLocking. lockFeatures(Filter filter)
FeatureLock features described by Filter.void
FeatureStore. modifyFeatures(Name[] attributeNames, Object[] attributeValues, Filter filter)
Modifies the attributes with the supplied values in all features selected by the given filter.void
FeatureStore. modifyFeatures(Name attributeName, Object attributeValue, Filter filter)
Modifies an attribute with the supplied value in all features selected by the given filter.void
SimpleFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(String[] names, Object[] attributeValues, Filter filter)
SimpleFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(String name, Object attributeValue, Filter filter)
FeatureStore. removeFeatures(Filter filter)
Removes features selected by the given filter.void
Join. setFilter(Filter filter)
Sets the filter used to constrain which features from the joined feature type to return.void
Query. setFilter(Filter filter)
Sets the filter to constrain the features that will be retrieved by this Query.void
FeatureLocking. unLockFeatures(Filter filter)
Unlock Features denoted by provided filter.Constructors in with parameters of type Filter Constructor Description BatchFeatureEvent(FeatureSource<? extends FeatureType,? extends Feature> featureSource, ReferencedEnvelope bounds, Filter filter)
FeatureEvent(Object source, FeatureEvent.Type type, ReferencedEnvelope bounds, Filter filter)
Constructs a new FeatureEvent.Join(String typeName, Filter join)
Constructs a join.Query(String typeName, URI namespace, Filter filter, int maxFeatures, String[] propNames, String handle)
Constructor.Query(String typeName, URI namespace, Filter filter, int maxFeatures, List<PropertyName> properties, String handle)
Constructor.Query(String typeName, Filter filter)
Constructor.Query(String typeName, Filter filter, int maxFeatures, String[] propNames, String handle)
Constructor.Query(String typeName, Filter filter, int maxFeatures, List<PropertyName> properties, String handle)
Constructor.Query(String typeName, Filter filter, String... properties)
Constructor.Query(String typeName, Filter filter, List<PropertyName> properties)
Constructor. -
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.api.feature.type
Methods in org.geotools.api.feature.type that return types with arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description List<Filter>
OperationType. getRestrictions()
List of restrictions used to limit the allowable returned value.List<Filter>
PropertyType. getRestrictions()
List of restrictions used define valid values for properties of this property type.Method parameters in org.geotools.api.feature.type with type arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description AssociationType
FeatureTypeFactory. createAssociationType(Name name, AttributeType relatedType, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AssociationType superType, InternationalString description)
Creates an association type.AttributeType
FeatureTypeFactory. createAttributeType(Name name, Class<?> binding, boolean isIdentifiable, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
Creates an attribute type.ComplexType
FeatureTypeFactory. createComplexType(Name name, Collection<PropertyDescriptor> schema, boolean isIdentifiable, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
Creates a complex type.FeatureType
FeatureTypeFactory. createFeatureType(Name name, Collection<PropertyDescriptor> schema, GeometryDescriptor defaultGeometry, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
Creates a feature type.GeometryType
FeatureTypeFactory. createGeometryType(Name name, Class<?> binding, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, boolean isIdentifiable, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
Creates a geometric attribute type. -
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.api.filter
Subinterfaces of Filter in org.geotools.api.filter Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Abstract base class for filters that compare exactly two values against each other.interface
Abstract super-interface for logical operators that accept two or more other logical values as inputs.interface
A filter that passes only the Identifiers listed.interface
Defines a filter that supports filtering on multi-valued attributes.interface
This filter should be treated as an extension point that allows the injection of a complex filtering expression defined in the language of the target data store.interface
Reverses the logical value of an expression.interface
A compact way of encoding a range check.interface
Filter operator that compares that its two sub-expressions are equal to each other.interface
Filter operator that checks that its first sub-expression is greater than its second subexpression.interface
Filter operator that checks that its first sub-expression is greater or equal to its second subexpression.interface
Filter operator that checks that its first sub-expression is less than its second subexpression.interface
Filter operator that checks that its first sub-expression is less than or equal to its second subexpression.interface
Filter operator that performs the equivalent of the SQL "like
" operator on properties of a feature.interface
Filter operator that checks if an expression's value is nil.interface
Filter operator that compares that its two sub-expressions are not equal to each other.interface
Filter operator that checks if an expression's value isnull
.Classes in org.geotools.api.filter that implement Filter Modifier and Type Class Description class
Indicating "filter all", evaluates tofalse
Indicating "no filtering", evaluates totrue
.Methods in org.geotools.api.filter that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
Not. getFilter()
The filter to reverse.Methods in org.geotools.api.filter that return types with arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description List<Filter>
BinaryLogicOperator. getChildren()
Returns a list containing all of the child filters of this object.Methods in org.geotools.api.filter with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description And
FilterFactory. and(Filter f, Filter g)
filter between two filters.Not
FilterFactory. not(Filter f)
Reverses the logical value of a filter.Or
FilterFactory. or(Filter f, Filter g)
filter between two filters.Method parameters in org.geotools.api.filter with type arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description And
FilterFactory. and(List<Filter> f)
filter between a list of filters.Or
FilterFactory. or(List<Filter> f)
filter between a list of filters. -
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.api.filter.spatial
Subinterfaces of Filter in org.geotools.api.filter.spatial Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Spatial operator that evaluates totrue
when the bounding box of the feature's geometry overlaps the bounding box provided in this object's properties.interface
An extension to the general BBOX filter for supporting 3D Bounding Boxes that have a minimum and maximum Z-value.interface
Concrete distance buffer operator that evaluates astrue
when all of a feature's geometry lies beyond (i.e. is more distant) than the given distance from this object's geometry.interface
Abstract superclass for filter operators that perform some sort of spatial comparison on two geometric objects.interface
Marker interface for spatial operators that are a subset of the BBOX relationship.interface
Concrete binary spatial operator that evaluates totrue
if the the first geometric operand contains the second.interface
Concrete binary spatial operator that evaluates totrue
if the first geometric operand crosses the second (in the sense defined by the OGC Simple Features specification).interface
Concrete binary spatial operator that evaluates totrue
if the first operand is disjoint from the second (in the sense defined in the OGC Simple Features specification).interface
Abstract superclass for spatial operators that check that one shape satisfies some relation to a buffer around another shape.interface
Concrete distance buffer operator that evaluates as true when any part of the first geometry lies within the given distance of the second geometry.interface
Concrete binary spatial operator that evaluates totrue
if the geometry of the two operands are equal.interface
Concrete binary spatial operator that evaluates totrue
if the two geometric operands intersect.interface
Concrete binary spatial operator that evaluates totrue
if the interior of the first geometry somewhere overlaps the interior of the second geometry.interface
Abstract base class for operators that perform a spatial comparison on geometric attributes of a feature.interface
Concrete binary spatial operator that evaluates totrue
if the feature's geometry touches, but does not overlap with the geometry held by this object.interface
Concrete binary spatial operator that evaluates totrue
if the feature's geometry is completely contained by the constant geometry held by this object. -
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.api.filter.temporal
Subinterfaces of Filter in org.geotools.api.filter.temporal Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Filter operator that determines if a temporal object is after another temporal object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.interface
Filter operator that determines if two temporal periods interact in any way as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.interface
Filter operator that determines if a temporal object is before another temporal object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.interface
Filter operator that determines if a temporal object is located at the beginning of another temporal object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.interface
Filter operator that determines if another temporal object is located at the beginning of a temporal object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.interface
Base interface for all temporal filter operators.interface
Filter operator that determines if a temporal object is located during another temporal object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.interface
Filter operator that determines if another temporal object is located at the end of a temporal object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.interface
Filter operator that determines if a temporal object is located at the end of another temporal object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.interface
Filter operator that determines if a temporal period is met by another temporal period as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.interface
Filter operator that determines if a temporal period meets by another temporal period as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.interface
Filter operator that determines if a temporal period is overlapped by another temporal period as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.interface
Filter operator that determines if a temporal object contains another temporal object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.interface
Filter operator that determines if two temporal objects are equal as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.interface
Filter operator that determines if a temporal period overlaps another temporal period as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification. -
Uses of Filter in
Methods in that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
FeatureTypeConstraint. getFilter()
Rule. getFilter()
This is the filter used to select content for this rule to displayMethods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description FeatureTypeConstraint
StyleFactory. createFeatureTypeConstraint(String featureTypeName, Filter filter, Extent... extents)
Creates a new feature type constraint.Rule
StyleFactory. rule(String name, Description description, GraphicLegend legend, double min, double max, List<Symbolizer> symbolizers, Filter filter)
Create a rule from the provided definition.void
FeatureTypeConstraint. setFilter(Filter filter)
Rule. setFilter(Filter filter)
Filter used to select content for this rule to display. -
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.appschema.jdbc
Methods in org.geotools.appschema.jdbc that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected Filter
JoiningJDBCFeatureSource. aliasFilter(Filter filter, SimpleFeatureType featureType, String alias)
protected Filter[]
JoiningJDBCFeatureSource. splitFilter(Filter original)
Methods in org.geotools.appschema.jdbc with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected Filter
JoiningJDBCFeatureSource. aliasFilter(Filter filter, SimpleFeatureType featureType, String alias)
NestedFilterToSQL. encode(Filter filter)
WrappedFilterToSql. encode(Filter filter)
WrappedFilterToSql. encodeToString(Filter filter)
static boolean
NestedFilterToSQL. isNestedFilter(Filter filter)
A filter is considered nested if it operates on at least one nested attribute.protected Filter[]
JoiningJDBCFeatureSource. splitFilter(Filter original)
protected Object
NestedFilterToSQL. visitNestedFilter(Filter filter, Object extraData, String xpath)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description FeatureCollection<FeatureType,Feature>
SampleDataAccessFeatureSource. getFeatures(Filter filter)
Not yet implemented.FeatureCollection<FeatureType,Feature>
SampleDataAccessFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
Unsupported operation. -
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.appschema.util
Methods in org.geotools.appschema.util that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static Filter
IndexQueryUtils. buildIdInExpression(List<String> ids, FeatureTypeMapping mapping)
Builds a mapping->identifier IN (ids...) like function/clausestatic Filter
IndexQueryUtils. buildIdInExpressionFunction(List<String> ids, FeatureTypeMapping mapping)
Builds a mapping->identifier IN (ids...) like function/clausestatic Filter
IndexQueryUtils. buildIdInExpressionOr(List<String> ids, FeatureTypeMapping mapping)
Builds an OR operator comparing Identifier with ids listMethods in org.geotools.appschema.util with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static List<String>
IndexQueryUtils. getAttributesOnFilter(Filter filter)
Extracts List of attributes names from Filter -
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.brewer.color
Methods in org.geotools.brewer.color that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static Filter
StyleGenerator. toExplicitFilter(String styleExpression, SimpleFeatureType featureType, String attributeTypeName)
Creates a filter with each value explicitly defined.static Filter
StyleGenerator. toExplicitFilter(String styleExpression, Expression attribExpr)
Creates a filter with each value explicitly defined.static Filter[]
StyleGenerator. toFilter(String[] styleExpression, SimpleFeatureType[] featureType, String[] attributeTypeName)
Converts an array of styleExpressions and attributes into Filtersstatic Filter
StyleGenerator. toRangedFilter(String styleExpression, SimpleFeatureType featureType, String attributeTypeName, boolean upperBoundClosed)
Creates a filter for a range of values.Methods in org.geotools.brewer.color with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static String
StyleGenerator. toStyleExpression(Filter filter)
static String[]
StyleGenerator. toStyleExpression(Filter[] filter)
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.brewer.styling.builder
Methods in org.geotools.brewer.styling.builder with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description FeatureTypeConstraintBuilder
FeatureTypeConstraintBuilder. filter(Filter filter)
RuleBuilder. filter(Filter filter)
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.brewer.styling.filter
Fields in org.geotools.brewer.styling.filter declared as Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected Filter
FilterBuilder. filter
protected Filter
IdBuilder. filter
Fields in org.geotools.brewer.styling.filter with type parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected Builder<? extends Filter>
FilterBuilder. delegate
Methods in org.geotools.brewer.styling.filter that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
FilterBuilder. build()
Build the expression.Methods in org.geotools.brewer.styling.filter with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description AndBuilder<P>
AndBuilder. and(Filter filter)
FilterBuilder. reset(Filter filter)
Constructors in org.geotools.brewer.styling.filter with parameters of type Filter Constructor Description FilterBuilder(Filter filter)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description int
GranuleStore. removeGranules(Filter filter)
Removes granules selected by the given filter.default int
GranuleStore. removeGranules(Filter filter, Hints hints)
Removes granules selected by the given filter, controlled by a set of hints (might be implementation dependent and eventually ignored).int
RenamingGranuleStore. removeGranules(Filter filter)
RenamingGranuleStore. removeGranules(Filter filter, Hints hints)
GranuleStore. updateGranules(String[] attributeNames, Object[] attributeValues, Filter filter)
Modifies the attributes with the supplied values in all granules selected by the given filter.void
RenamingGranuleStore. updateGranules(String[] attributeNames, Object[] attributeValues, Filter filter)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
CoverageReadRequest. getFilter()
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description void
CoverageReadRequest. setFilter(Filter filter)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description void
CoverageSlicesCatalog. purge(Filter filter)
CoverageSlicesCatalog. removeGranules(String typeName, Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
CoverageSlicesCatalog.WrappedCoverageSlicesCatalog. removeGranules(String typeName, Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
Uses of Filter in
Fields in with type parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Field Description static ParameterDescriptor<Filter>
Uses of Filter in
Fields in with type parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Field Description static ParameterDescriptor<Filter>
Uses of Filter in
Fields in declared as Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected Filter
FilteringFeatureReader. filter
protected Filter
DataTestCase. rd12Filter
protected Filter
DataTestCase. rd1Filter
protected Filter
DataTestCase. rd2Filter
protected Filter
DataTestCase. rv1Filter
Methods in that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static Filter
DataUtilities. resolvePropertyNames(Filter filter, SimpleFeatureType schema)
Transform provided filter; resolving property namesMethods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static String[]
DataUtilities. attributeNames(Filter filter)
Traverses the filter and returns any encountered property names.static String[]
DataUtilities. attributeNames(Filter filter, SimpleFeatureType featureType)
Traverses the filter and returns any encountered property names.protected int
DataTestCase. expected(Filter filter)
protected boolean
DiffFeatureReader. isSubsetOfBboxFilter(Filter f)
static Set<PropertyName>
DataUtilities. propertyNames(Filter filter)
Traverses the filter and returns any encountered property names.static Set<PropertyName>
DataUtilities. propertyNames(Filter filter, SimpleFeatureType featureType)
Traverses the filter and returns any encountered property names.static Filter
DataUtilities. resolvePropertyNames(Filter filter, SimpleFeatureType schema)
Transform provided filter; resolving property namesConstructors in with parameters of type Filter Constructor Description DiffFeatureReader(FeatureReader<T,F> reader, Diff diff2, Filter filter)
This constructor grabs a "copy" of the current diff.DiffFeatureWriter(FeatureReader<SimpleFeatureType,SimpleFeature> reader, Diff diff, Filter filter)
DiffFeatureWriter construction.FilteringFeatureReader(FeatureReader<T,F> featureReader, Filter filter)
Creates a new instance of AbstractFeatureReaderFilteringFeatureWriter(FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType,SimpleFeature> writer, Filter filter)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description SimpleFeatureCollection
CollectionFeatureSource. getFeatures(Filter filter)
SpatialIndexFeatureSource. getFeatures(Filter filter)
CollectionFeatureSource.SubCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
ListFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
SpatialIndexFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
TreeSetFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
Will return an optimized subCollection based on access to the origional MemoryFeatureCollection. -
Uses of Filter in
Fields in declared as Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected Filter
PostFilteringMappingFeatureIterator. filter
protected Filter
IndexedMappingFeatureIterator. unrolledFilter
protected Filter
IndexedMappingFeatureIteratorFactory. unrolledFilter
Methods in that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected Filter
AppSchemaDataAccess. getUnsupportedFilter(String typeName, Filter filter)
, as the whole filter is unrolled and passed back to the underlying DataStore to be treated.static Filter
AppSchemaDataAccess. unrollFilter(Filter complexFilter, FeatureTypeMapping mapping)
Takes a filter that operates against a FeatureTypeMapping's target FeatureType, and unrolls it creating a new Filter that operates against the mapping's source FeatureType.protected Filter
IndexedMappingFeatureIterator. unrollFilter(Filter filter)
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description FeatureCollection<FeatureType,Feature>
MappingFeatureSource. getFeatures(Filter filter)
MappingFeatureSource. getFeatures(Filter filter, Hints hints)
static IMappingFeatureIterator
MappingFeatureIteratorFactory. getInstance(AppSchemaDataAccess store, FeatureTypeMapping mapping, Query query, Filter unrolledFilter)
static IMappingFeatureIterator
MappingFeatureIteratorFactory. getInstance(AppSchemaDataAccess store, FeatureTypeMapping mapping, Query query, Filter unrolledFilter, Transaction transaction)
static IMappingFeatureIterator
MappingFeatureIteratorFactory. getInstance(AppSchemaDataAccess store, FeatureTypeMapping mapping, Query query, Filter unrolledFilter, Transaction transaction, boolean indexEnable)
protected Filter
AppSchemaDataAccess. getUnsupportedFilter(String typeName, Filter filter)
, as the whole filter is unrolled and passed back to the underlying DataStore to be treated.void
DataAccessMappingFeatureIterator. setListFilter(Filter filter)
MappingFeatureCollection. setUnrolledFilter(Filter unrolledFilter)
MappingFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
static Filter
AppSchemaDataAccess. unrollFilter(Filter complexFilter, FeatureTypeMapping mapping)
Takes a filter that operates against a FeatureTypeMapping's target FeatureType, and unrolls it creating a new Filter that operates against the mapping's source FeatureType.protected Filter
IndexedMappingFeatureIterator. unrollFilter(Filter filter)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description List<Filter>
AttributeTypeProxy. getRestrictions()
Method parameters in with type arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description FeatureType
ComplexFeatureTypeFactoryImpl. createFeatureType(Name name, Collection<PropertyDescriptor> schema, GeometryDescriptor defaultGeometry, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
UniqueNameFeatureTypeFactoryImpl. createFeatureType(Name name, Collection<PropertyDescriptor> schema, GeometryDescriptor defaultGeometry, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
Override superclass to returnUniqueNameFeatureTypeImpl
instead ofFeatureTypeImpl
.Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Filter Constructor Description ComplexFeatureTypeImpl(Name name, Collection<PropertyDescriptor> schema, GeometryDescriptor defaultGeometry, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
Constructor for complex feature type with fake feature type descriptor provided.UniqueNameFeatureTypeImpl(Name name, Collection<PropertyDescriptor> schema, GeometryDescriptor defaultGeometry, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
Uses of Filter in
Fields in with type parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected List<Filter>
IndexedFilterDetectorVisitor. indexedFilters
Methods in that return types with arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description List<Filter>
IndexedFilterDetectorVisitor. getIndexedFilters()
UnmappingFilterVisitor. visitBinaryLogicOp(BinaryLogicOperator filter)
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected boolean
IndexedFilterDetectorVisitor. isFullyIndexed(Filter filter)
checks if Filter is fully indexedprotected boolean
SchemaIndexedFilterDetectorVisitor. isFullyIndexed(Filter filter)
Constructors in with parameters of type Filter Constructor Description IndexCombinedFilterTransformerVisitor(BinaryLogicOperator indexedParentLogicOperator, List<Filter> indexedFilters, Filter idInFilter)
Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Filter Constructor Description IndexCombinedFilterTransformerVisitor(BinaryLogicOperator indexedParentLogicOperator, List<Filter> indexedFilters, Filter idInFilter)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType,SimpleFeature>
CSVDataStore. getFeatureWriter(Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description SimpleFeatureCollection
DirectoryFeatureSource. getFeatures(Filter filter)
DirectoryDataStore. getFeatureWriter(String typeName, Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
DirectoryFeatureLocking. lockFeatures(Filter filter)
DirectoryFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(String[] names, Object[] values, Filter filter)
DirectoryFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(String name, Object value, Filter filter)
DirectoryFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(Name[] name, Object[] value, Filter filter)
DirectoryFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(Name attributeName, Object attributeValue, Filter filter)
DirectoryFeatureStore. removeFeatures(Filter filter)
DirectoryFeatureLocking. unLockFeatures(Filter filter)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description SimpleFeatureCollection
PreGeneralizedFeatureSource. getFeatures(Filter filter)
PreGeneralizedDataStore. getFeatureWriter(String typeName, Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
PreGeneralizedFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType,SimpleFeature>
GeoJSONDataStore. getFeatureWriter(Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description void
FilterToSQL. encode(Filter filter)
Performs the encoding, sends the encoded sql to the writer passed in.String
FilterToSQL. encodeToString(Filter filter)
purely a convenience method. -
Uses of Filter in
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<T>
CollectionSource. content(Filter filter)
CollectionSource. content(Filter filter, int countLimit)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType,SimpleFeature>
MongoDataStore. getFeatureWriter(String typeName, Filter filter, Transaction tx)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter[]
OracleDialect. splitFilter(Filter filter, SimpleFeatureType schema)
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
OracleFilterToSQL. doSDOFilter(Filter filter, Expression e1, Expression e2, Object extraData)
protected void
OracleFilterToSQL. doSDORelate(Filter filter, Expression e1, Expression e2, boolean swapped, Object extraData)
Encodes an SDO relateFilter[]
OracleDialect. splitFilter(Filter filter, SimpleFeatureType schema)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter[]
PostGISDialect. splitFilter(Filter filter, SimpleFeatureType schema)
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter[]
PostGISDialect. splitFilter(Filter filter, SimpleFeatureType schema)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType,SimpleFeature>
ShapefileDataStore. getFeatureWriter(Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description SimpleFeatureCollection
SimpleFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
Constructors in with parameters of type Filter Constructor Description FilteringSimpleFeatureReader(SimpleFeatureReader featureReader, Filter filter)
Uses of Filter in
Fields in declared as Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected Filter
FilteringFeatureIterator. filter
The FilterMethods in that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected Filter
ContentFeatureSource. resolvePropertyNames(Filter filter)
Transform provided filter; resolving property namesMethods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description ContentFeatureCollection
ContentFeatureSource. getFeatures(Filter filter)
Returns the feature collection for the features which match the specified filter.FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType,SimpleFeature>
ContentDataStore. getFeatureWriter(String typeName, Filter filter, Transaction tx)
Returns a feature writer for the specified query and transaction.FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType,SimpleFeature>
DecoratingDataStore. getFeatureWriter(String typeName, Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
ContentFeatureSource. getReader(Filter filter)
Returns a reader for features specified by a particular filter.ContentFeatureSource
ContentFeatureSource. getView(Filter filter)
ContentFeatureStore. getWriter(Filter filter)
Returns a writer over features specified by a filter.FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType,SimpleFeature>
ContentFeatureStore. getWriter(Filter filter, int flags)
Returns a writer over features specified by a
ContentFeatureSource. lockFeatures(Filter filter)
Locks features specified by a filter.void
ContentFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(String[] names, Object[] values, Filter filter)
ContentFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(String name, Object attributeValue, Filter filter)
ContentFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(AttributeDescriptor[] type, Object[] value, Filter filter)
ContentFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(AttributeDescriptor type, Object value, Filter filter)
Calls through toContentFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(Name[], Object[], Filter)
ContentFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(Name[] type, Object[] value, Filter filter)
Modifies/updates the features of the store which match the specified filter.void
ContentFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(Name name, Object value, Filter filter)
Calls through toContentFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(Name[], Object[], Filter)
ContentFeatureStore. removeFeatures(Filter filter)
Removes the features from the store which match the specified filter.protected Filter
ContentFeatureSource. resolvePropertyNames(Filter filter)
Transform provided filter; resolving property namesSimpleFeatureCollection
ContentFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
DataFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
Will return an optimized subCollection based on access to the origional FeatureSource.FeatureCollection<T,F>
FilteringFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
MaxFeaturesFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
ReprojectingFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
ContentFeatureSource. unLockFeatures(Filter filter)
Unlocks features specified by a filter.Constructors in with parameters of type Filter Constructor Description FilteringFeatureCollection(FeatureCollection<T,F> delegate, Filter filter)
FilteringFeatureIterator(FeatureIterator<F> delegate, Filter filter)
FilteringIterator(Iterator<F> delegate, Filter filter)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description SimpleFeatureCollection
TransformFeatureSource. getFeatures(Filter filter)
SingleFeatureSourceDataStore. getFeatureWriter(String typeName, Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
TransformFeatureLocking. lockFeatures(Filter filter)
TransformFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(String[] nameArray, Object[] attributeValues, Filter filter)
TransformFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(String name, Object attributeValue, Filter filter)
TransformFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(Name[] attributeNames, Object[] attributeValues, Filter filter)
TransformFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(Name attributeName, Object attributeValue, Filter filter)
TransformFeatureStore. removeFeatures(Filter filter)
TransformFeatureLocking. unLockFeatures(Filter filter)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected Filter
DefaultView. makeDefinitionFilter(Filter filter)
If a definition query has been configured for the FeatureTypeInfo, makes and return a new Filter that contains both the query's filter and the layer's definition one, by logic AND'ing them.Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description SimpleFeatureCollection
DefaultView. getFeatures(Filter filter)
Implement getFeatures.protected Filter
DefaultView. makeDefinitionFilter(Filter filter)
If a definition query has been configured for the FeatureTypeInfo, makes and return a new Filter that contains both the query's filter and the layer's definition one, by logic AND'ing them. -
Uses of Filter in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description List<Filter>
VPFFeatureClass. getRestrictions()
VPFFeatureType. getRestrictions()
Uses of Filter in
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
WFSDiff. batchModify(Name[] properties, Object[] values, Filter filter, FeatureReader<SimpleFeatureType,SimpleFeature> oldFeatures, ContentState contentState)
Constructors in with parameters of type Filter Constructor Description BatchUpdate(Name[] properties, Object[] values, Filter filter)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description FeatureCollection<FeatureType,Feature>
WFSContentComplexFeatureSource. getFeatures(Filter filter)
Get features based on the specified filter. -
Uses of Filter in
Methods in that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
GetFeatureRequest. getFilter()
TransactionRequest.Delete. getFilter()
TransactionRequest.Update. getFilter()
GetFeatureRequest. getUnsupportedFilter()
protected Filter
AbstractWFSStrategy. simplify(Filter filter)
AbstractWFSStrategy. splitFilters(QName typeName, Filter filter)
Splits the filter provided by the geotools query into the server supported and unsupported ones.Filter[]
WFSClient. splitFilters(QName typeName, Filter filter)
Splits the filter provided by the geotools query into the server supported and unsupported ones.abstract Filter[]
WFSStrategy. splitFilters(QName typeName, Filter filter)
Splits the filter provided by the geotools query into the server supported and unsupported ones.Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description TransactionRequest.Delete
TransactionRequest. createDelete(QName typeName, Filter deleteFilter)
TransactionRequest. createUpdate(QName typeName, List<QName> propertyNames, List<Object> newValues, Filter updateFilter)
protected String
AbstractWFSStrategy. encodeGetFeatureGetFilter(Filter filter)
Returns a single-line string containing the xml representation of the given filter, as appropriate for theFILTER
parameter in a GetFeature request.void
GetFeatureRequest. setFilter(Filter filter)
GetFeatureRequest. setUnsupportedFilter(Filter unsupportedFilter)
protected Filter
AbstractWFSStrategy. simplify(Filter filter)
AbstractWFSStrategy. splitFilters(QName typeName, Filter filter)
Splits the filter provided by the geotools query into the server supported and unsupported ones.Filter[]
WFSClient. splitFilters(QName typeName, Filter filter)
Splits the filter provided by the geotools query into the server supported and unsupported ones.abstract Filter[]
WFSStrategy. splitFilters(QName typeName, Filter filter)
Splits the filter provided by the geotools query into the server supported and unsupported ones.FeatureCollection<FeatureType,Feature>
WFSContentComplexFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
Issue a new request for subCollectionprotected void
AbstractWFSStrategy. updatePropertyNames(GetFeatureRequest request, Filter unsupportedFilter)
If needed, expands the set of requested property names to include the ones needed to evaluate the unsupported filter.Constructors in with parameters of type Filter Constructor Description WFSContentComplexFeatureCollection(GetFeatureRequest request, FeatureType schema, QName name, Filter filter, WFSClient client)
Making a feature collection based on a request for a type with a filter. -
Uses of Filter in
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description void
XmlComplexFeatureParser. setFilter(Filter filter)
Sets a filter that is evaluated against the returned features.Constructors in with parameters of type Filter Constructor Description XmlComplexFeatureParser(InputStream getFeatureResponseStream, FeatureType targetType, QName featureDescriptorName, Filter filter)
Initialises a new instance of the XmlComplexFeature class.XmlComplexFeatureParser(InputStream getFeatureResponseStream, FeatureType targetType, QName featureDescriptorName, Filter filter, WFSStrategy strategy)
Initialises a new instance of the XmlComplexFeature class. -
Uses of Filter in
Methods in that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter[]
CubeWerxStrategy. splitFilters(QName typeName, Filter queryFilter)
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter[]
CubeWerxStrategy. splitFilters(QName typeName, Filter queryFilter)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
ParameterMappingContext. getFilter()
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description List<ParameterType>
ParameterTypeFactory. buildStoredQueryParameters(Map<String,String> viewParams, Filter filter)
Constructors in with parameters of type Filter Constructor Description ParameterMappingContext(Filter filter, Map<String,String> viewParams, FeatureTypeInfo featureTypeInfo)
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.feature
Fields in org.geotools.feature with type parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected List<Filter>
AttributeTypeBuilder. restrictions
restrictionsMethods in org.geotools.feature that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static Filter
FeatureTypes. createFieldOptions(Collection<?> options)
Creates a restriction limiting an attribute to a given list of values.static Filter
FeatureTypes. createLengthRestriction(int length)
Creates a restriction based on the attribute value lengthprotected Filter
AttributeTypeBuilder. lengthRestriction(int length)
Helper method to create a "length" filter.Methods in org.geotools.feature that return types with arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected List<Filter>
TypeBuilder. createRestrictionSet()
Template method to enable subclasses to customize the set implementation used for restrictions.List<Filter>
TypeBuilder. getRestrictions()
protected List<Filter>
AttributeTypeBuilder. restrictions()
protected List<Filter>
TypeBuilder. restrictions()
Accessor for restructions which does the null check and creation if necessary.Methods in org.geotools.feature with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description void
AttributeTypeBuilder. addRestriction(Filter restriction)
TypeBuilder. addRestriction(Filter restriction)
AttributeTypeBuilder. restriction(Filter restriction)
DefaultFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
Will return an optimized subCollection based on access to the origional MemoryFeatureCollection.FeatureCollection<T,F>
FeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
SimpleFeatureCollection "view" indicated by provided filter.Method parameters in org.geotools.feature with type arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description void
TypeBuilder. setRestrictions(List<Filter> restrictions)
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.feature.collection
Fields in org.geotools.feature.collection declared as Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected Filter
SubFeatureCollection. filter
FilterMethods in org.geotools.feature.collection that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected Filter
SubFeatureCollection. createFilter()
Override to implement subsettingprotected Filter
SubFeatureList. createFilter()
Lazy create a filter based on indexprotected Filter
SubFeatureCollection. filter()
Generate filter to use for content, makes use ofSubFeatureCollection.createFilter()
if needed.Methods in org.geotools.feature.collection with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description SimpleFeatureCollection
AbstractFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
AdaptorFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
BaseFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
Convenience implementation that just wraps this collection into aFilteringFeatureCollection
BaseSimpleFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
DecoratingFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
DecoratingSimpleFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
FilteringSimpleFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
MaxSimpleFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
SubFeatureCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
AdaptorFeatureCollection. subList(Filter filter)
SubFeatureList. subList(Filter subfilter)
Sublist of this sublist!Constructors in org.geotools.feature.collection with parameters of type Filter Constructor Description FilteredIterator(Collection<F> collection, Filter filter)
FilteredIterator(Iterator<F> iterator, Filter filter)
FilteringSimpleFeatureCollection(SimpleFeatureCollection delegate, Filter filter)
FilteringSimpleFeatureCollection(FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType,SimpleFeature> delegate, Filter filter)
FilteringSimpleFeatureIterator(SimpleFeatureIterator delegate, Filter filter)
SubFeatureCollection(SimpleFeatureCollection collection, Filter subfilter)
SubFeatureList(SimpleFeatureCollection list, Filter filter)
SubFeatureList(SimpleFeatureCollection list, Filter filter, SortBy subSort)
Create a simple SubFeatureList with the provided filter. -
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.feature.simple
Fields in org.geotools.feature.simple with type parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected List<Filter>
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. restrictions
Additional restrictions on the type.Methods in org.geotools.feature.simple that return types with arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected List<Filter>
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. restrictions()
Accessor for restrictions (will create restrictions list if needed).Methods in org.geotools.feature.simple with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. restriction(Filter filter)
Adds a restriction to the next attribute added to the feature type.Method parameters in org.geotools.feature.simple with type arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. restrictions(List<Filter> filters)
Adds a collection of restrictions to the next attribute added to the -
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.feature.type
Fields in org.geotools.feature.type with type parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected List<Filter>
PropertyTypeImpl. restrictions
Methods in org.geotools.feature.type that return types with arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description List<Filter>
AbstractLazyAttributeTypeImpl. getRestrictions()
PropertyTypeImpl. getRestrictions()
Method parameters in org.geotools.feature.type with type arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description AssociationType
FeatureTypeFactoryImpl. createAssociationType(Name name, AttributeType relatedType, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AssociationType superType, InternationalString description)
FeatureTypeFactoryImpl. createAttributeType(Name name, Class<?> binding, boolean isIdentifiable, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
FeatureTypeFactoryImpl. createComplexType(Name name, Collection<PropertyDescriptor> schema, boolean isIdentifiable, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
FeatureTypeFactoryImpl. createFeatureType(Name name, Collection<PropertyDescriptor> schema, GeometryDescriptor defaultGeometry, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
FeatureTypeFactoryImpl. createGeometryType(Name name, Class<?> binding, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, boolean isIdentifiable, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
Constructor parameters in org.geotools.feature.type with type arguments of type Filter Constructor Description AbstractLazyAttributeTypeImpl(Name name, Class<?> binding, boolean identified, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, InternationalString description)
Constructor arguments have the same meaning as inAttributeTypeImpl
.AbstractLazyComplexTypeImpl(Name name, boolean identified, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, InternationalString description)
Constructor arguments have the same meaning as inComplexTypeImpl
.AssociationTypeImpl(Name name, AttributeType referenceType, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AssociationType superType, InternationalString description)
AttributeTypeImpl(Name name, Class<?> binding, boolean identified, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
ComplexTypeImpl(Name name, Collection<PropertyDescriptor> properties, boolean identified, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
FeatureTypeImpl(Name name, Collection<PropertyDescriptor> schema, GeometryDescriptor defaultGeometry, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
GeometryTypeImpl(Name name, Class binding, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, boolean identified, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
PropertyTypeImpl(Name name, Class<?> binding, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, PropertyType superType, InternationalString description)
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.filter
Classes in org.geotools.filter that implement Filter Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implements Filter interface, with constants and default behaviors for methods.class
Direct implementation of And filter.class
Abstract implementation for binary filters.class
Defines geometry filters with a distance element.class
Defines a comparison filter (can be a math comparison or generic equals).class
Defines a ID filter, which holds a list of IDs ( usually feature id;s ).class
Abstract implementation for Filter.class
Implements a geometry filter.class
Straight implementation of GeoAPI interface.class
JD: PropertyIsNil requires us to return true if a property is "nil" in the xml schema sense.class
Defines a like filter, which checks to see if an attribute matches a REGEXP.class
Defines a logic filter (the only filter type that contains other filters).class
Support for Multi-valued properties when comparingclass
Default implementation of a native filter that works like an holder for the native expression.class
Defines a null filter, which checks to see if an attribute is null.class
Fields in org.geotools.filter with type parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected List<Filter>
BinaryLogicAbstract. children
Methods in org.geotools.filter with type parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static <T extends Filter>
TFilters. search(Filter filter, Class<T> filterType, String propertyName)
Find the first child-filter (or the base filter itself) that is of the given type and uses the specified property.Methods in org.geotools.filter that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static Filter
Filters. and(FilterFactory ff, List<Filter> filters)
Safe and combiner for filters, will build an and filter around them only if there is at least two filtersstatic Filter
Filters. and(FilterFactory ff, Filter filter1, Filter filter2)
Safe version of FilterFactory *and* that is willing to combine filter1 and filter2 correctly in the even either of them is already an And filter.Filter
FilterSAXParser. create()
Creates the filter held in the parser.Filter
LogicSAXParser. create()
Creates the the logic filter if in a complete state.Filter
Filters. duplicate(Filter filter)
Deep copy the filter.Filter
NotImpl. getFilter()
static Filter
Filters. or(FilterFactory ff, List<Filter> filters)
Safe or combiner for filters, will build an and filter around them only if there is at least two filtersstatic Filter
Filters. or(FilterFactory ff, Filter filter1, Filter filter2)
Safe version of FilterFactory *or* that is willing to combine filter1 and filter2 correctly in the even either of them is already an Or filter.static Filter
FilterDOMParser. parseFilter(Node root)
Parses the filter using DOM.Filter
Filters. remove(Filter baseFilter, Filter targetFilter)
Removes the targetFilter from the baseFilter if the baseFilter is a group filter (And or Or),recursing into any sub-logic filters to find the targetFilter if necessary.Filter
Filters. remove(Filter baseFilter, Filter targetFilter, boolean recurse)
Removes the targetFilter from the baseFilter if the baseFilter is a group filter (And or Or).static Filter
Filters. removeFilter(Filter baseFilter, Filter targetFilter)
static Filter
Filters. removeFilter(Filter baseFilter, Filter targetFilter, boolean recurse)
Methods in org.geotools.filter that return types with arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static ArrayList<Filter>
Filters. children(Filter filter)
List of child filters.static ArrayList<Filter>
Filters. children(Filter filter, boolean all)
List of child filters.List<Filter>
BinaryLogicAbstract. getChildren()
Returned list is unmodifieable.Methods in org.geotools.filter with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description void
LogicSAXParser. add(Filter filter)
Adds a filter to the current logic list.void
LogicFilterImpl. addFilter(Filter filter)
Adds a sub filter to this filter.And
FilterFactoryImpl. and(Filter f, Filter g)
static Filter
Filters. and(FilterFactory ff, Filter filter1, Filter filter2)
Safe version of FilterFactory *and* that is willing to combine filter1 and filter2 correctly in the even either of them is already an And filter.Set<String>
Filters. attributeNames(Filter filter)
Uses FilterAttributeExtractor to return the list of all mentioned attribute names.static String[]
Filters. attributeNames(Filter filter, SimpleFeatureType featureType)
Traverses the filter and returns any encountered property names.static ArrayList<Filter>
Filters. children(Filter filter)
List of child filters.static ArrayList<Filter>
Filters. children(Filter filter, boolean all)
List of child filters.Filter
Filters. duplicate(Filter filter)
Deep copy the filter.void
FilterHandler. filter(Filter filter)
Method to recieve the filters from the sax processing.static String
Filters. findPropertyName(Filter filter)
Given a filter which contains a term which is a PropertyName, returns the name of the property.boolean
Capabilities. fullySupports(Filter filter)
Determines if the filter and all its sub filters and expressions are supported.boolean
FilterCapabilities. fullySupports(Filter filter)
Determines if the filter and all its sub filters are supported.static boolean
Filters. hasChildren(Filter filter)
Check if the provided filter has child filters of some sort.Not
FilterFactoryImpl. not(Filter filter)
Java 5 type narrowing used to advertise explicit implementation for chainingOr
FilterFactoryImpl. or(Filter f, Filter g)
static Filter
Filters. or(FilterFactory ff, Filter filter1, Filter filter2)
Safe version of FilterFactory *or* that is willing to combine filter1 and filter2 correctly in the even either of them is already an Or filter.static Set<PropertyName>
Filters. propertyNames(Filter filter)
Traverses the filter and returns any encountered property names.static Set<PropertyName>
Filters. propertyNames(Filter filter, SimpleFeatureType featureType)
Traverses the filter and returns any encountered property names.Filter
Filters. remove(Filter baseFilter, Filter targetFilter)
Removes the targetFilter from the baseFilter if the baseFilter is a group filter (And or Or),recursing into any sub-logic filters to find the targetFilter if necessary.Filter
Filters. remove(Filter baseFilter, Filter targetFilter, boolean recurse)
Removes the targetFilter from the baseFilter if the baseFilter is a group filter (And or Or).static Filter
Filters. removeFilter(Filter baseFilter, Filter targetFilter)
static Filter
Filters. removeFilter(Filter baseFilter, Filter targetFilter, boolean recurse)
static <T extends Filter>
TFilters. search(Filter filter, Class<T> filterType, String propertyName)
Find the first child-filter (or the base filter itself) that is of the given type and uses the specified property.void
NotImpl. setFilter(Filter filter)
Capabilities. supports(Filter filter)
Determines if specific filter passed in is supported.boolean
FilterCapabilities. supports(Filter filter)
Determines if the filter passed in is supported.String
Capabilities. toOperationName(Filter filter)
Quickly look at the filter and determine the OperationName we need to check for in the FilterCapabilities data structure.Method parameters in org.geotools.filter with type arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description And
FilterFactoryImpl. and(List<Filter> filters)
static Filter
Filters. and(FilterFactory ff, List<Filter> filters)
Safe and combiner for filters, will build an and filter around them only if there is at least two filtersOr
FilterFactoryImpl. or(List<Filter> filters)
static Filter
Filters. or(FilterFactory ff, List<Filter> filters)
Safe or combiner for filters, will build an and filter around them only if there is at least two filtersvoid
BinaryLogicAbstract. setChildren(List<Filter> children)
Constructors in org.geotools.filter with parameters of type Filter Constructor Description LogicFilterImpl(Filter filter1, Filter filter2, short filterType)
Convenience constructor to create an AND/OR logic filter.NotImpl(Filter filter)
Constructor parameters in org.geotools.filter with type arguments of type Filter Constructor Description AndImpl(List<Filter> children)
BinaryLogicAbstract(List<Filter> children)
LogicFilterImpl(List<Filter> children)
OrImpl(List<Filter> children)
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.filter.spatial
Classes in org.geotools.filter.spatial that implement Filter Modifier and Type Class Description class
A base class for GeometryFilters that will use PreparedGeometries when the Expression is a Literal Expression.class
A 3D BBOX Filter Implementation Supports filtering with BBOXes that have 3D coordinates including a minimum and maximum for the z-axis.class
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.filter.temporal
Classes in org.geotools.filter.temporal that implement Filter Modifier and Type Class Description class
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.filter.text.commons
Methods in org.geotools.filter.text.commons that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
AbstractFilterBuilder. buildAndFilter()
AbstractFilterBuilder. buildNotFilter()
AbstractFilterBuilder. buildOrFilter()
AbstractFilterBuilder. getFilter()
ICompiler. getFilter()
The resultant filter of the compilationstatic Filter
CompilerUtil. parseFilter(String source, AbstractCompilerFactory compilerFactory, FilterFactory filterFactory)
Parses the predicate present on source and makes the filter.static Filter
CompilerUtil. parseFilter(Language language, String predicate)
Makes the Filter for the predicatestatic Filter
CompilerUtil. parseFilter(Language language, String predicate, FilterFactory filterFactory)
Returns the filter resultant of the parsing process of predicate expression.Filter
BuildResultStack. popFilter()
Methods in org.geotools.filter.text.commons that return types with arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description List<Filter>
AbstractFilterBuilder. getFilterList()
ICompiler. getFilterList()
Return the compilation result.static List<Filter>
CompilerUtil. parseFilterList(String predicateSequence, AbstractCompilerFactory compilerFactory, FilterFactory filterFactory)
Parses the sequence of predicate and makes the filter liststatic List<Filter>
CompilerUtil. parseFilterList(Language language, String predicate)
Makes a list of filters extracted from the sequence of search predicatesstatic List<Filter>
CompilerUtil. parseFilterList(Language language, String predicate, FilterFactory filterFactory)
Makes a list of filters extracted from the sequence of search predicatesMethods in org.geotools.filter.text.commons with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Not
AbstractFilterBuilder. buildNotFilter(Filter eq)
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.filter.text.cql2
Methods in org.geotools.filter.text.cql2 that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
CQLCompiler. getFilter()
Return the filter resultant of compiling processstatic Filter
CQL. toFilter(String cqlPredicate)
Parses the input string in OGC CQL format into a Filter, using the systems default FilterFactory implementation.static Filter
CQL. toFilter(String cqlPredicate, FilterFactory filterFactory)
Parses the input string in OGC CQL format into a Filter, using the provided FilterFactory.Methods in org.geotools.filter.text.cql2 that return types with arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description List<Filter>
CQLCompiler. getFilterList()
Returns the list of Filters built as the result of calling#MultipleCompilationUnit()
static List<Filter>
CQL. toFilterList(String cqlFilterList)
Parses the input string, which has to be a list of OGC CQL predicates separated by;
into aList
s, using the provided FilterFactory.static List<Filter>
CQL. toFilterList(String cqlSequencePredicate, FilterFactory filterFactory)
Parses the input string which has to be a list of OGC CQL predicates separated by ";
" into aList
s, using the provided FilterFactory.Methods in org.geotools.filter.text.cql2 with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static String
CQL. toCQL(Filter filter)
Generates the cql predicate associated to theFilter
object.Method parameters in org.geotools.filter.text.cql2 with type arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static String
CQL. toCQL(List<Filter> filterList)
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.filter.text.cqljson
Methods in org.geotools.filter.text.cqljson that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
CQLJsonCompiler. convertToFilter(JsonNode cql2Expression)
Converts JSON Node into GT FilterFilter
CQLJsonCompiler. getFilter()
Get compiled filterstatic Filter
CQL2Json. toFilter(String cql2Json)
Converts CQL2-Json to aFilter
object.Methods in org.geotools.filter.text.cqljson that return types with arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description List<Filter>
CQLJsonCompiler. getFilterList()
Is this needed for CQL-JSON?Methods in org.geotools.filter.text.cqljson with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static String
CQL2Json. toCQL2(Filter filter)
Generates the CQL2-Json predicate as a string associated to theFilter
object.static JsonNode
CQL2Json. toCQL2Json(Filter filter)
Generates the CQL2-Json predicate associated to theFilter
object. -
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.filter.text.ecql
Methods in org.geotools.filter.text.ecql that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
ECQLCompiler. getFilter()
Return the filter resultant of compiling processstatic Filter
ECQL. toFilter(String ecqlPredicate)
Parses the input string in ECQL format into a Filter, using the systems default FilterFactory implementation.static Filter
ECQL. toFilter(String ecqlPredicate, FilterFactory filterFactory)
Parses the input string in ECQL format into a Filter, using the provided FilterFactory.Methods in org.geotools.filter.text.ecql that return types with arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description List<Filter>
ECQLCompiler. getFilterList()
Returns the list of Filters built as the result of calling {@link #FilterListCompilationUnit()()}static List<Filter>
ECQL. toFilterList(String ecqlSequencePredicate)
static List<Filter>
ECQL. toFilterList(String ecqlSequencePredicate, FilterFactory filterFactory)
Methods in org.geotools.filter.text.ecql with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static String
ECQL. toCQL(Filter filter)
Generates the ecql predicate associated to theFilter
object.Method parameters in org.geotools.filter.text.ecql with type arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static String
ECQL. toCQL(List<Filter> filterList)
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.filter.visitor
Fields in org.geotools.filter.visitor declared as Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected Filter
PostPreProcessFilterSplittingVisitor. original
Methods in org.geotools.filter.visitor that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected <T extends MultiValuedFilter>
FilterLiteralDemultiplyingFilterVisitor. demultiply(T filter, LiteralDemultiplyingFilterVisitor.FilterReplacer<T> replacer)
Demultiplies first and second expressionprotected <T extends MultiValuedFilter>
FilterLiteralDemultiplyingFilterVisitor. demultiplyFirst(T filter, LiteralDemultiplyingFilterVisitor.FilterReplacer<T> replacer)
demultiplies the first expressionFilter
ClientTransactionAccessor. getDeleteFilter()
Returns all the filters indicating deleted feature ANDed together.Filter
CapabilitiesFilterSplitter. getFilterPost()
Gets the filter that cannot be sent to the server and must be post-processed on the client by geotools.Filter
PostPreProcessFilterSplittingVisitor. getFilterPost()
Gets the filter that cannot be sent to the server and must be post-processed on the client by geotools.Filter
CapabilitiesFilterSplitter. getFilterPre()
Gets the filter that can be sent to the server for pre-processing.Filter
PostPreProcessFilterSplittingVisitor. getFilterPre()
Gets the filter that can be sent to the server for pre-processing.Filter
ClientTransactionAccessor. getUpdateFilter(String attributePath)
Returns all the filters of updates that affect the attribute in the expression ORed together.Filter
LiteralDemultiplyingFilterVisitor.BinaryComparisonOperatorReplacer. replaceExpressions(BinaryComparisonOperator filter, Expression expression1, Expression expression2)
LiteralDemultiplyingFilterVisitor.BinarySpatialOperatorReplacer. replaceExpressions(BinarySpatialOperator filter, Expression expression1, Expression expression2)
LiteralDemultiplyingFilterVisitor.BinaryTemporalOperatorReplacer. replaceExpressions(BinaryTemporalOperator filter, Expression expression1, Expression expression2)
LiteralDemultiplyingFilterVisitor.FilterReplacer. replaceExpressions(F filter, Expression expression1, Expression expression2)
Replace the expressions in a filterstatic Filter
SimplifyingFilterVisitor. simplify(Filter filter)
Tries to simplify the filter if it's not already a simple one.static Filter
SimplifyingFilterVisitor. simplify(Filter filter, FeatureType featureType)
Tries to simplify the filter if it's not already a simple oneFilter
MultiRange. toFilter(FilterFactory ff, Expression variable)
Methods in org.geotools.filter.visitor that return types with arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected List<Filter>
SimplifyingFilterVisitor. basicAndSimplification(List<Filter> filters)
protected List<Filter>
SimplifyingFilterVisitor. basicOrSimplification(List<Filter> filters)
protected <T extends BinaryLogicOperator>
List<Filter>SimplifyingFilterVisitor. collect(T filter, Class<T> type, Object extraData, List<Filter> collected)
protected List<Filter>
SimplifyingFilterVisitor. extraAndSimplification(Object extraData, List<Filter> filters)
protected List<Filter>
SimplifyingFilterVisitor. extraOrSimplification(Object extraData, List<Filter> filters)
Methods in org.geotools.filter.visitor with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static Filter
SimplifyingFilterVisitor. simplify(Filter filter)
Tries to simplify the filter if it's not already a simple one.static Filter
SimplifyingFilterVisitor. simplify(Filter filter, FeatureType featureType)
Tries to simplify the filter if it's not already a simple oneMethod parameters in org.geotools.filter.visitor with type arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected List<Filter>
SimplifyingFilterVisitor. basicAndSimplification(List<Filter> filters)
protected List<Filter>
SimplifyingFilterVisitor. basicOrSimplification(List<Filter> filters)
protected <T extends BinaryLogicOperator>
List<Filter>SimplifyingFilterVisitor. collect(T filter, Class<T> type, Object extraData, List<Filter> collected)
protected List<Filter>
SimplifyingFilterVisitor. extraAndSimplification(Object extraData, List<Filter> filters)
protected List<Filter>
SimplifyingFilterVisitor. extraOrSimplification(Object extraData, List<Filter> filters)
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic
Fields in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic declared as Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected Filter
RasterLayerRequest. filter
Fields in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic with type parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Field Description static ParameterDescriptor<Filter>
ImageMosaicFormat. FILTER
Filter tiles based on attributes from the input coverageMethods in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
DomainFilterBuilder. createFilter(List values)
RasterManager.DomainManager. createFilter(String domain, List values)
Setup a Filter on top of the specified domainRequest which is in the form "key=value"Filter
RasterLayerRequest. getFilter()
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.catalog
Methods in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.catalog with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description int
GranuleCatalogStore. removeGranules(Filter filter)
GranuleCatalogStore. removeGranules(Filter filter, Hints hints)
GranuleCatalogStore. updateGranules(String[] attributeNames, Object[] attributeValues, Filter filter)
Uses of Filter in
Methods in with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType,SimpleFeature>
DataStoreWrapper. getFeatureWriter(String typeName, Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.granulecollector
Constructors in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.granulecollector with parameters of type Filter Constructor Description DefaultSubmosaicProducer(RasterLayerResponse rasterLayerResponse, Filter granuleFilter, boolean dryRun)
Constructor. -
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.geopkg
Methods in org.geotools.geopkg that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
GeoPkgDialect. getRestrictions(ResultSet columns, Connection cx)
GeoPkgDialect. splitFilter(Filter filter, SimpleFeatureType schema)
Methods in org.geotools.geopkg with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description void
GeoPackage. add(FeatureEntry entry, SimpleFeatureSource source, Filter filter)
Adds a new feature dataset to the geopackage.void
GeoPkgFilterToSQL. encode(Filter filter)
Override done to ensure we don't complain if there is a BBOX filter, even if we claim not to support itSimpleFeatureReader
GeoPackage. reader(FeatureEntry entry, Filter filter, Transaction tx)
Returns a reader for the contents of a feature dataset.Filter[]
GeoPkgDialect. splitFilter(Filter filter, SimpleFeatureType schema)
GeoPackage. writer(FeatureEntry entry, boolean append, Filter filter, Transaction tx)
Returns a writer used to modify or add to the contents of a feature dataset. -
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.geopkg.wps
Fields in org.geotools.geopkg.wps declared as Filter Modifier and Type Field Description protected Filter
GeoPackageProcessRequest.FeaturesLayer. filter
Methods in org.geotools.geopkg.wps that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
GeoPackageProcessRequest.FeaturesLayer. getFilter()
GeoPackageProcessRequest.Overview. getFilter()
Methods in org.geotools.geopkg.wps with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description void
GeoPackageProcessRequest.FeaturesLayer. setFilter(Filter filter)
GeoPackageProcessRequest.Overview. setFilter(Filter filter)
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.jdbc
Classes in org.geotools.jdbc that implement Filter Modifier and Type Class Description class
Id filter that knows what feature type it comes from.Methods in org.geotools.jdbc that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
JoinInfo. getFilter()
JoinInfo.JoinPart. getJoinFilter()
JoinInfo.JoinPart. getPostFilter()
JoinInfo.JoinPart. getPreFilter()
ColumnMetadata. getRestriction()
SQLDialect. getRestrictions(ResultSet columnMetaData, Connection cx)
Allows the dialect to setup restrictions for attribute at handprotected Filter[]
JDBCFeatureSource. splitFilter(Filter original)
Helper method for splitting a filter.Filter[]
SQLDialect. splitFilter(Filter filter, SimpleFeatureType schema)
Splits the filter into two parts, an encodable one, and a non encodable one.Methods in org.geotools.jdbc with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
JDBCDataStore. delete(SimpleFeatureType featureType, Filter filter, Connection cx)
Deletes an existing feature(s) in the database for a particular feature type / table.protected String
JDBCDataStore. deleteSQL(SimpleFeatureType featureType, Filter filter)
Generates a 'DELETE FROM' sql statement.protected PreparedStatement
JDBCDataStore. deleteSQLPS(SimpleFeatureType featureType, Filter filter, Connection cx)
Generates a 'DELETE FROM' prepared statement.protected void
JDBCDataStore. ensureAuthorization(SimpleFeatureType featureType, Filter filter, Transaction tx, Connection cx)
Ensures that that the specified transaction has access to features specified by a filter.void
JDBCFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(Name[] names, Object[] values, Filter filter)
JDBCFeatureStore. removeFeatures(Filter filter)
JoinInfo. setFilter(Filter filter)
JoinInfo.JoinPart. setJoinFilter(Filter joinFilter)
JoinInfo.JoinPart. setPostFilter(Filter postFilter)
JoinInfo.JoinPart. setPreFilter(Filter preFilter)
ColumnMetadata. setRestriction(Filter restriction)
protected Filter[]
JDBCFeatureSource. splitFilter(Filter original)
Helper method for splitting a filter.Filter[]
SQLDialect. splitFilter(Filter filter, SimpleFeatureType schema)
Splits the filter into two parts, an encodable one, and a non encodable one.protected void
JDBCDataStore. update(SimpleFeatureType featureType, List<AttributeDescriptor> attributes, List<Object> values, Filter filter, Connection cx)
Updates an existing feature(s) in the database for a particular feature type / table.protected void
JDBCDataStore. update(SimpleFeatureType featureType, AttributeDescriptor[] attributes, Object[] values, Filter filter, Connection cx)
Updates an existing feature(s) in the database for a particular feature type / table.protected String
JDBCDataStore. updateSQL(SimpleFeatureType featureType, AttributeDescriptor[] attributes, Object[] values, Filter filter, Set<String> pkColumnNames)
Generates an 'UPDATE' sql statement.protected PreparedStatement
JDBCDataStore. updateSQLPS(SimpleFeatureType featureType, AttributeDescriptor[] attributes, Object[] values, Filter filter, Set<String> pkColumnNames, Connection cx)
Generates an 'UPDATE' prepared statement. -
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.mbstyle.layer
Methods in org.geotools.mbstyle.layer that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
MBLayer. filter()
The "filter" as a GeoToolsFilter
suitable for feature selection, as defined byMBLayer.getFilter()
. -
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.mbstyle.parse
Methods in org.geotools.mbstyle.parse that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
MBFilter. filter()
Generate GeoToolsFilter
from json definition. -
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.process.vector
Methods in org.geotools.process.vector that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected Filter
HeatmapProcess. expandBBox(Filter filter, double distance)
Methods in org.geotools.process.vector with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description SimpleFeatureCollection
QueryProcess. execute(SimpleFeatureCollection features, List<String> attributes, Filter filter)
protected Filter
HeatmapProcess. expandBBox(Filter filter, double distance)
SimpleProcessingCollection. subCollection(Filter filter)
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.stac.client
Methods in org.geotools.stac.client that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static Filter
GeometryDefaulter. defaultGeometry(Filter filter)
SearchQuery. getFilter()
Methods in org.geotools.stac.client with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static Filter
GeometryDefaulter. defaultGeometry(Filter filter)
STACFilterSerializer. serialize(Filter filter, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider serializerProvider)
SearchQuery. setFilter(Filter filter)
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.styling
Methods in org.geotools.styling that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static Filter[]
SLD. filters(Rule... rule)
Retrieves all filters defined in a rulestatic Filter[]
SLD. filters(Style style)
Retrieves all filters defined in a styleFilter
FeatureTypeConstraintImpl. getFilter()
RuleImpl. getFilter()
Methods in org.geotools.styling with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description FeatureTypeConstraint
StyleFactoryImpl. createFeatureTypeConstraint(String featureTypeName, Filter filter, Extent[] extents)
StyleFactoryImpl. createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers, Description desc, Graphic legend, String name, Filter filter, boolean isElseFilter, double maxScale, double minScale)
StyleFactoryImpl. rule(String name, Description description, GraphicLegend legend, double min, double max, List<Symbolizer> symbolizers, Filter filter)
StyleFactoryImpl2. rule(String name, Description description, GraphicLegend legend, double min, double max, List<Symbolizer> symbolizers, Filter filter)
FeatureTypeConstraintImpl. setFilter(Filter filter)
RuleImpl. setFilter(Filter filter)
Constructors in org.geotools.styling with parameters of type Filter Constructor Description RuleImpl(Symbolizer[] symbolizers, Description desc, Graphic legend, String name, Filter filter, boolean isElseFilter, double maxScale, double minScale)
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.styling.visitor
Methods in org.geotools.styling.visitor that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected Filter
DuplicatingStyleVisitor. copy(Filter filter)
Null safe copy of filter.Methods in org.geotools.styling.visitor with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected Filter
DuplicatingStyleVisitor. copy(Filter filter)
Null safe copy of filter. -
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.vectormosaic
Methods in org.geotools.vectormosaic that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
FilterTracker. getDelegateFilter()
VectorMosaicGranule. getFilter()
FilterTracker. getGranuleFilter()
protected Filter
VectorMosaicFeatureSource. getSplitFilter(Query query, DataStore dataStore, String typeName, boolean isDelegate)
Methods in org.geotools.vectormosaic with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description void
FilterTracker. setDelegateFilter(Filter delegateFilter)
VectorMosaicGranule. setFilter(Filter filter)
FilterTracker. setGranuleFilter(Filter granuleFilter)
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.xml.filter
Methods in org.geotools.xml.filter that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description Filter
FilterCompliancePreProcessor. getFilter()
Returns the filter that can be encoded.Filter
FilterEncodingPreProcessor. getFilter()
Returns the filter that can be encoded.Methods in org.geotools.xml.filter with parameters of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected static void
FilterOpsComplexTypes. encodeFilter(Filter filter, PrintHandler output, Map<String,Object> hints)
Calls the appropriate type for encoding.String
FilterTransformer. transform(Filter f)
A typed convenience method for converting a Filter into XML.void
FilterEncodingPreProcessor. visit(Filter filter)
protected void
FilterEncodingPreProcessor. visitCompareFilter(Filter filter)
protected void
FilterEncodingPreProcessor. visitLogicFilter(Filter filter)
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.xml.gml
Constructor parameters in org.geotools.xml.gml with type arguments of type Filter Constructor Description ChoiceGeometryTypeImpl(Name name, Class[] types, Class defaultType, boolean nillable, int min, int max, Object defaultValue, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, List<Filter> filter)
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.xml.styling
Methods in org.geotools.xml.styling that return Filter Modifier and Type Method Description protected Filter
SLDParser. parseFilter(Node child)
Internal parse method - made protected for unit testing -
Uses of Filter in org.geotools.xsd.filter
Methods in org.geotools.xsd.filter that return types with arguments of type Filter Modifier and Type Method Description static List<Filter>
FilterParsingUtils. BinaryLogicOperator_getChildFilters(Node node, FilterFactory factory)
static List<Filter>
FilterParsingUtils. parseExtendedOperators(Node node, FilterFactory factory)