Uses of Interface
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in that return AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description AttributeDescriptor
AttributeReader. getAttributeType(int index)
Retrieve the AttributeType at the given index.AttributeDescriptor
AttributeWriter. getAttributeType(int i)
Retrieve the AttributeType at the given index. -
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in org.geotools.api.feature
Methods in org.geotools.api.feature that return AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description AttributeDescriptor
Attribute. getDescriptor()
Override ofProperty.getDescriptor()
which type narrows toAttributeDescriptor
IllegalAttributeException. getDescriptor()
AttribtueDescriptor being checked against.Methods in org.geotools.api.feature with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description Attribute
FeatureFactory. createAttribute(Object value, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, String id)
Creates an attribute.ComplexAttribute
FeatureFactory. createComplexAttribute(Collection<Property> value, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, String id)
Creates a complex attribute.Feature
FeatureFactory. createFeature(Collection<Property> value, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, String id)
Creates a feature.SimpleFeature
FeatureFactory. createSimpleFeautre(Object[] array, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, String id)
Creates a simple feature.Constructors in org.geotools.api.feature with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Constructor Description IllegalAttributeException(AttributeDescriptor descriptor, Object value)
IllegalAttributeException(AttributeDescriptor descriptor, Object value, String message)
IllegalAttributeException(AttributeDescriptor descriptor, Object value, String message, Throwable t)
IllegalAttributeException(AttributeDescriptor descriptor, Object value, Throwable t)
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in org.geotools.api.feature.simple
Methods in org.geotools.api.feature.simple that return AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description AttributeDescriptor
SimpleFeatureType. getDescriptor(int index)
Returns the attribute descriptor at the specified index.AttributeDescriptor
SimpleFeatureType. getDescriptor(String name)
Returns the attribute descriptor which matches the specified name.AttributeDescriptor
SimpleFeatureType. getDescriptor(Name name)
Returns the attribute descriptor which matches the specified name.Methods in org.geotools.api.feature.simple that return types with arguments of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description List<AttributeDescriptor>
SimpleFeatureType. getAttributeDescriptors()
The list of attribute descriptors which make up the feature type. -
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in org.geotools.api.feature.type
Subinterfaces of AttributeDescriptor in org.geotools.api.feature.type Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Describes an instance of a geometry attribute.Methods in org.geotools.api.feature.type that return AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description AttributeDescriptor
FeatureTypeFactory. createAttributeDescriptor(AttributeType type, Name name, int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, boolean isNillable, Object defaultValue)
Creates an attribute descriptor.Method parameters in org.geotools.api.feature.type with type arguments of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description SimpleFeatureType
FeatureTypeFactory. createSimpleFeatureType(Name name, List<AttributeDescriptor> schema, GeometryDescriptor defaultGeometry, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
Creates a simple feature type. -
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in org.geotools.appschema.feature
Methods in org.geotools.appschema.feature with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description Attribute
AppSchemaFeatureFactoryImpl. createAttribute(Object value, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, String id)
Create an attribute, even for null id.ComplexAttribute
AppSchemaFeatureFactoryImpl. createComplexAttribute(Collection value, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, String id)
Create a new complex attribute, even for null value or id.Feature
AppSchemaFeatureFactoryImpl. createFeature(Collection value, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, String id)
Create a new feature, even for null value or id. -
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Fields in declared as AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Field Description static AttributeDescriptor
SampleDataAccessData. SHAPE_DESCRIPTOR
static AttributeDescriptor
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in that return AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description AttributeDescriptor
JoiningAttributeReader. getAttributeType(int i)
JoiningAttributeWriter. getAttributeType(int i)
protected AttributeDescriptor[]
ReTypeFeatureReader. typeAttributes(SimpleFeatureType target, SimpleFeatureType origional)
Supplies mapping from original to target FeatureType.Methods in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description static boolean
DataUtilities. isMatch(AttributeDescriptor a, AttributeDescriptor b)
Quickly check if two descriptors are at all compatible.static boolean
DataUtilities. isMatch(AttributeDescriptor a, AttributeDescriptor b, boolean strict)
Quickly check descriptors compatibility. -
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Fields in declared as AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Field Description protected AttributeDescriptor
DataAccessMappingFeatureIterator. targetFeature
Methods in that return AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description AttributeDescriptor
FeatureTypeMapping. getTargetFeature()
MappingFeatureSource. getTargetFeature()
Methods in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description static FeatureTypeMapping
FeatureTypeMappingFactory. getInstance(FeatureSource<? extends FeatureType,? extends Feature> source, FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType,SimpleFeature> indexSource, AttributeDescriptor target, String defaultGeometryXPath, List<AttributeMapping> mappings, NamespaceSupport namespaces, String itemXpath, boolean isXmlDataStore, boolean isDenormalised)
static FeatureTypeMapping
FeatureTypeMappingFactory. getInstance(FeatureSource<? extends FeatureType,? extends Feature> source, FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType,SimpleFeature> indexSource, AttributeDescriptor target, String defaultGeometryXPath, List<AttributeMapping> mappings, NamespaceSupport namespaces, String itemXpath, boolean isXmlDataStore, boolean isDenormalised, String sourceDatastoreId)
FeatureTypeMapping. setTargetFeature(AttributeDescriptor feature)
Has to be called after#setTargetType(FeatureType)
Constructors in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Constructor Description FeatureTypeMapping(FeatureSource<? extends FeatureType,? extends Feature> source, FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType,SimpleFeature> indexSource, AttributeDescriptor target, String defaultGeometryXPath, List<AttributeMapping> mappings, NamespaceSupport namespaces, boolean isDenormalised)
FeatureTypeMapping(FeatureSource<? extends FeatureType,? extends Feature> source, AttributeDescriptor target, String defaultGeometryXPath, List<AttributeMapping> mappings, NamespaceSupport namespaces, boolean isDenormalised)
FeatureTypeMapping(FeatureSource<? extends FeatureType,? extends Feature> source, AttributeDescriptor target, List<AttributeMapping> mappings, NamespaceSupport namespaces)
XmlFeatureTypeMapping(FeatureSource<? extends FeatureType,? extends Feature> source, AttributeDescriptor target, List<AttributeMapping> mappings, NamespaceSupport namespaces, String itemXpath)
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in that return AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description AttributeDescriptor
FeatureTypeRegistry. getDescriptor(Name descriptorName, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
XPath. isComplexType(XPathUtil.StepList attrXPath, AttributeDescriptor featureType)
XPath. set(Attribute att, XPathUtil.StepList xpath, Object value, String id, AttributeType targetNodeType, boolean isXlinkRef, AttributeDescriptor targetDescriptor, Expression sourceExpression)
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description static XPathUtil.StepList
XPathUtil. rootElementSteps(AttributeDescriptor rootElement, NamespaceSupport namespaces)
Returns the list of steps in an x-path expression that represents the root element.static XPathUtil.StepList
XPathUtil. steps(AttributeDescriptor root, String xpathExpression, NamespaceSupport namespaces)
Returns the list of stepts inxpathExpression
by cleaning it up removing unnecessary elements. -
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in that return AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description AttributeDescriptor
PreGeneralizedSimpleFeature. getDescriptor()
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description void
H2Dialect. encodePostColumnCreateTable(AttributeDescriptor att, StringBuffer sql)
H2DialectBasic. encodePostColumnCreateTable(AttributeDescriptor att, StringBuffer sql)
H2DialectPrepared. encodePostColumnCreateTable(AttributeDescriptor att, StringBuffer sql)
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description void
HanaDialect. encodePostColumnCreateTable(AttributeDescriptor att, StringBuffer sql)
HanaDialect. setValue(Object value, Class<?> binding, AttributeDescriptor att, PreparedStatement ps, int column, Connection cx)
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description void
InformixDialect. encodePostColumnCreateTable(AttributeDescriptor att, StringBuffer sql)
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in that return AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description AttributeDescriptor
MongoDBObjectFeature. getDescriptor()
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description void
MySQLDialect. encodePostColumnCreateTable(AttributeDescriptor att, StringBuffer sql)
MySQLDialectBasic. encodePostColumnCreateTable(AttributeDescriptor att, StringBuffer sql)
MySQLDialectPrepared. encodePostColumnCreateTable(AttributeDescriptor att, StringBuffer sql)
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description void
OracleDialect. postCreateAttribute(AttributeDescriptor att, String tableName, String schemaName, Connection cx)
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description protected String
PostGISPSDialect. getArrayComponentTypeName(AttributeDescriptor att)
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in that return AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description protected AttributeDescriptor[]
ReTypingFeatureIterator. typeAttributes(SimpleFeatureType original, SimpleFeatureType target)
Supplies mapping from origional to target FeatureType.Methods in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description void
ContentFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(AttributeDescriptor[] type, Object[] value, Filter filter)
ContentFeatureStore. modifyFeatures(AttributeDescriptor type, Object value, Filter filter)
Calls through toContentFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(Name[], Object[], Filter)
. -
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description void
TeradataDialect. postCreateAttribute(AttributeDescriptor att, String tableName, String schemaName, Connection cx)
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in that return AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description AttributeDescriptor
Definition. getAttributeDescriptor(SimpleFeature originalFeature)
Computes the output attribute descriptor for thisDefinition
given a sample feature of the original feature type.AttributeDescriptor
Definition. getAttributeDescriptor(SimpleFeatureType originalSchema)
Computes the output attribute descriptor for thisDefinition
given only the original feature type. -
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in that return AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description AttributeDescriptor
VPFColumn. getDescriptor()
VPFFeatureClass. getDescriptor(int index)
VPFFeatureClass. getDescriptor(String name)
VPFFeatureClass. getDescriptor(Name name)
VPFFeatureType. getDescriptor(int index)
VPFFeatureType. getDescriptor(String name)
VPFFeatureType. getDescriptor(Name name)
Methods in that return types with arguments of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description List<AttributeDescriptor>
VPFFeatureClass. getAttributeDescriptors()
VPFFeatureType. getAttributeDescriptors()
Methods in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description VPFFile
VPFFeatureReader. getVPFFile(AttributeDescriptor column)
Returns the VPFFile for a particular column.static VPFColumn
VPFColumn. toVPFColumn(AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
Constructors in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Constructor Description VPFColumn(String name, AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in that return AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description AttributeDescriptor
VPFFile. getDescriptor(String name)
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description protected Object
XmlFeatureParser. parseAttributeValue(AttributeDescriptor attribute)
Parses the value of the current attribute, parser cursor shall be on a feature attribute START_ELEMENT event. -
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in org.geotools.feature
Methods in org.geotools.feature that return AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description protected AttributeDescriptor
AttributeBuilder. attributeDescriptor(Name name)
TypeBuilder. attributeDescriptor()
Create an AttributeDesctiptor, useful for fine grain control.AttributeDescriptor
AttributeTypeBuilder. buildDescriptor(String name)
Builds an attribute descriptor first building an attribute type from internal state.AttributeDescriptor
AttributeTypeBuilder. buildDescriptor(String name, AttributeType type)
Builds an attribute descriptor specifying its attribute type.AttributeDescriptor
AttributeTypeBuilder. buildDescriptor(Name name, AttributeType type)
AttributeBuilder. getDescriptor()
AttributeImpl. getDescriptor()
DecoratingFeature. getDescriptor()
Methods in org.geotools.feature with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description Attribute
AttributeBuilder. addAnyTypeValue(Object value, AttributeType type, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, String id)
Special case for any type.Attribute
AttributeBuilder. addComplexAnyTypeAttribute(Object value, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, String id)
Create a complex attribute for XS.AnyType, since it's defined as a simple type.protected Attribute
AttributeBuilder. create(Object value, AttributeType type, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, String id)
Factors out attribute creation code, needs to be called with either one of type or descriptor null.Attribute
AbstractFeatureFactoryImpl. createAttribute(Object value, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, String id)
AbstractFeatureFactoryImpl. createComplexAttribute(Collection<Property> value, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, String id)
AttributeBuilder. createComplexAttribute(Object value, ComplexType type, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, String id)
Create complex attributeFeature
AbstractFeatureFactoryImpl. createFeature(Collection<Property> value, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, String id)
AbstractFeatureFactoryImpl. createSimpleFeautre(Object[] array, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, String id)
static boolean
FeatureTypes. equals(AttributeDescriptor[] attributesA, AttributeDescriptor[] attributesB)
static boolean
FeatureTypes. equals(AttributeDescriptor a, AttributeDescriptor b)
static boolean
FeatureTypes. equalsExact(AttributeDescriptor[] attributesA, AttributeDescriptor[] attributesB)
static boolean
FeatureTypes. equalsExact(AttributeDescriptor a, AttributeDescriptor b)
AttributeTypeBuilder. init(AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
Initializes builder state from another attribute descriptor.static SimpleFeatureType
FeatureTypes. newFeatureType(AttributeDescriptor[] types, String name)
Create a new FeatureType with the given AttributeTypes.static SimpleFeatureType
FeatureTypes. newFeatureType(AttributeDescriptor[] types, String name, URI ns)
Create a new FeatureType with the given AttributeTypes.static SimpleFeatureType
FeatureTypes. newFeatureType(AttributeDescriptor[] types, String name, URI ns, boolean isAbstract)
Create a new FeatureType with the given AttributeTypes.static SimpleFeatureType
FeatureTypes. newFeatureType(AttributeDescriptor[] types, String name, URI ns, boolean isAbstract, SimpleFeatureType[] superTypes)
The most specific way to create a new FeatureType.static SimpleFeatureType
FeatureTypes. newFeatureType(AttributeDescriptor[] types, String name, URI ns, boolean isAbstract, SimpleFeatureType[] superTypes, AttributeDescriptor defaultGeometry)
The most specific way to create a new FeatureType.static SimpleFeatureType
FeatureTypes. newFeatureType(AttributeDescriptor[] types, String name, URI ns, boolean isAbstract, SimpleFeatureType[] superTypes, GeometryDescriptor defaultGeometry)
The most specific way to create a new FeatureType.void
AttributeBuilder. setDescriptor(AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
Sets the descriptor of the attribute being built.Method parameters in org.geotools.feature with type arguments of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description static boolean
FeatureTypes. equals(List<AttributeDescriptor> attributesA, List<AttributeDescriptor> attributesB)
static boolean
FeatureTypes. equalsExact(List<AttributeDescriptor> attributesA, List<AttributeDescriptor> attributesB)
Constructors in org.geotools.feature with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Constructor Description AttributeImpl(Object content, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, Identifier id)
ComplexAttributeImpl(Collection<Property> properties, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, Identifier id)
ComplexFeatureBuilder(AttributeDescriptor ad)
ComplexFeatureBuilder(AttributeDescriptor ad, FeatureFactory factory)
FeatureImpl(Collection<Property> properties, AttributeDescriptor desc, FeatureId id)
Create a Feature with the following content. -
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in org.geotools.feature.simple
Fields in org.geotools.feature.simple with type parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Field Description protected List<AttributeDescriptor>
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. attributes
List of attributes.Methods in org.geotools.feature.simple that return AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description AttributeDescriptor
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. get(int index)
Gets an AttributeBuilder configured using the descriptor at the provided index.AttributeDescriptor
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. get(String attributeName)
SimpleFeatureImpl. getDescriptor()
SimpleFeatureTypeImpl. getDescriptor(int index)
SimpleFeatureTypeImpl. getDescriptor(String name)
SimpleFeatureTypeImpl. getDescriptor(Name name)
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. remove(String attributeName)
Removes an attribute from the builderMethods in org.geotools.feature.simple that return types with arguments of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description protected List<AttributeDescriptor>
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. attributes()
Accessor for attributes (will create attributes list if needed)List<AttributeDescriptor>
SimpleFeatureTypeImpl. getAttributeDescriptors()
Methods in org.geotools.feature.simple with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description void
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. add(int index, AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
Adds a descriptor to the builder by index.void
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. add(AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
Adds a descriptor directly to the builder.void
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. addAll(AttributeDescriptor... descriptors)
Adds an array of descriptors directly to the builder.SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. descriptor(AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
Sets all the attribute specific state from a single descriptor.void
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. set(int index, AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
Replace the descriptor at the provided index.void
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. set(String attributeName, AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
Replace the descriptor at the provided index.void
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. set(AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
Replace the descriptor at the provided index.void
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. setAttributes(AttributeDescriptor... attributes)
Directly sets the list of attributes.Method parameters in org.geotools.feature.simple with type arguments of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description void
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. addAll(List<AttributeDescriptor> descriptors)
Adds a list of descriptors directly to the builder.void
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. setAttributes(List<AttributeDescriptor> attributes)
Directly sets the list of attributes.Constructor parameters in org.geotools.feature.simple with type arguments of type AttributeDescriptor Constructor Description SimpleFeatureTypeImpl(Name name, List<AttributeDescriptor> schema, GeometryDescriptor defaultGeometry, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in org.geotools.feature.type
Classes in org.geotools.feature.type that implement AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Class Description class
Methods in org.geotools.feature.type that return AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description AttributeDescriptor
FeatureTypeFactoryImpl. createAttributeDescriptor(AttributeType type, Name name, int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, boolean isNillable, Object defaultValue)
static AttributeDescriptor
Descriptors. find(List descriptors, Name name)
Returns the attribute descriptor from a list which matches the specified name, ornull
if no such descriptor is found.AttributeDescriptor
ReadonlyAttributeDecorator. getDescriptor()
static AttributeDescriptor
Descriptors. node(Collection schema, Name name)
Finds the node associated with the provided name.static AttributeDescriptor
Descriptors. node(ComplexType schema, String name)
Finds the first node associated with the provided name disregarding namespacesstatic AttributeDescriptor
Descriptors. node(ComplexType schema, AttributeType type)
Finds the node associated with the provided type.static AttributeDescriptor
Descriptors. node(ComplexType schema, Name name)
Finds the node associated with the provided name.static AttributeDescriptor
Descriptors. wrapAttributeType(AttributeType type)
Wraps aAttributeType
.Methods in org.geotools.feature.type that return types with arguments of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description static List<AttributeDescriptor>
Descriptors. nodes(ComplexType schema, AttributeType type)
List of nodes matching AttributeType.Methods in org.geotools.feature.type with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description static Object
Types. parse(AttributeDescriptor descriptor, Object value)
Do our best to make the provided value line up with the needs of descriptor.static void
Types. validate(AttributeDescriptor descriptor, Object value)
Ensure that attributeContent is a good value for descriptor.Method parameters in org.geotools.feature.type with type arguments of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description SimpleFeatureType
FeatureTypeFactoryImpl. createSimpleFeatureType(Name name, List<AttributeDescriptor> schema, GeometryDescriptor defaultGeometry, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description)
static boolean
Descriptors. isSimple(Collection<AttributeDescriptor> schema)
Determines if a collection of attribute descriptors is "simple". -
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in
Methods in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
AbstractFeatureTypeMapper. remapGeometryAttribute(SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder tb, Definition definition, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, AttributeType type)
Remap the original GeomtryType on top of the available definitions to create the database specific featureType -
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.catalog.postgis
Methods in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.catalog.postgis with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
PostgisFeatureTypeMapper. remapGeometryAttribute(SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder tb, Definition definition, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, AttributeType type)
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in org.geotools.geopkg
Methods in org.geotools.geopkg with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description Object
GeoPkgDialect. convertValue(Object value, AttributeDescriptor ad)
GeoPkgDialect. getSQLType(AttributeDescriptor ad)
GeoPkgDialect. isArray(AttributeDescriptor att)
GeoPkgDialect. postCreateAttribute(AttributeDescriptor att, String tableName, String schemaName, Connection cx)
GeoPkgDialect. setArrayValue(Object value, AttributeDescriptor att, PreparedStatement ps, int columnIdx, Connection cx)
GeoPkgDialect. setValue(Object value, Class<?> binding, AttributeDescriptor att, PreparedStatement ps, int column, Connection cx)
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in org.geotools.gml.producer
Methods in org.geotools.gml.producer with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description protected AttributesImpl
FeatureTypeTransformer.FeatureTypeTranslator. createStandardAttributes(AttributeDescriptor attribute)
Creates standard xml attributes present on all xs:element elements.protected void
FeatureTypeTransformer.FeatureTypeTranslator. encode(AttributeDescriptor attribute)
Encode an AttributeType.protected void
FeatureTypeTransformer.FeatureTypeTranslator. encodeBoolean(AttributeDescriptor attribute)
Encode an AttributeType whose value type is a Boolean.protected void
FeatureTypeTransformer.FeatureTypeTranslator. encodeDate(AttributeDescriptor attribute)
Encode an AttributeType whose value type is a Date.protected void
FeatureTypeTransformer.FeatureTypeTranslator. encodeGeometry(AttributeDescriptor attribute)
Encode an AttributeType whose value type is a Geometry.protected void
FeatureTypeTransformer.FeatureTypeTranslator. encodeNumber(AttributeDescriptor attribute)
Encode an AttributeType whose value type is a Number.protected void
FeatureTypeTransformer.FeatureTypeTranslator. encodeString(AttributeDescriptor attribute)
Encode an AttributeType whose value type is a String. -
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in org.geotools.gml2.simple
Methods in org.geotools.gml2.simple with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description protected Attributes
FeatureCollectionEncoderDelegate. getPropertyAttributes(QualifiedName name, FeatureType featureType, AttributeDescriptor attribute, Object value)
Allows subclasses to generate a list of attributes for the property being encoded. -
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in org.geotools.gml3.simple
Methods in org.geotools.gml3.simple with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description protected Attributes
GML32FeatureCollectionEncoderDelegate. getPropertyAttributes(QualifiedName name, FeatureType featureType, AttributeDescriptor attribute, Object value)
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in org.geotools.jdbc
Fields in org.geotools.jdbc with type parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Field Description protected List<AttributeDescriptor>
PreparedFilterToSQL. descriptors
Methods in org.geotools.jdbc that return AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description AttributeDescriptor
JDBCFeatureReader.ResultSetFeature. getDescriptor()
Methods in org.geotools.jdbc that return types with arguments of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description List<AttributeDescriptor>
PreparedFilterToSQL. getDescriptors()
Returns the attribute descriptors compared to a given literal (if any, not always available, normally only needed if arrays are involved)Methods in org.geotools.jdbc with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description Object
SQLDialect. convertValue(Object value, AttributeDescriptor ad)
Convertes the given value to the target type.void
SQLDialect. encodePostColumnCreateTable(AttributeDescriptor att, StringBuffer sql)
Encodes anything post a column in a CREATE TABLE statement.protected String
PreparedStatementSQLDialect. getArrayComponentTypeName(AttributeDescriptor att)
Given the full information about the attribute being transformed, figure out the native SQL Type Name to use when creating a SQL Array object· The default implementation just scansJDBCDataStore.getSqlTypeNameToClassMappings()
backwards, and will fail in case there are ambiguities.protected int
JDBCDataStore. getDescriptorDimension(AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
Extracts the eventual native dimension user property from the descriptor, returns -1 if not foundprotected int
JDBCDataStore. getDescriptorSRID(AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
Extracts the eventual native SRID user property from the descriptor, returns -1 if not foundprotected int
JDBCDataStore. getGeometryDimension(Geometry g, AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
Looks up the geometry dimension by trying a number of heuristics.protected int
JDBCDataStore. getGeometrySRID(Geometry g, AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
Looks up the geometry srs by trying a number of heuristics.Integer
JDBCDataStore. getMapping(Class<?> binding, AttributeDescriptor d)
Returns the sqlType of the given attribute, if present.Integer
SQLDialect. getSQLType(AttributeDescriptor ad)
Gives an opportunity to the dialect to do its own custom type mapping, based on the full description of the attribute.boolean
SQLDialect. isArray(AttributeDescriptor att)
Returns true if the attribute in question is an array.void
SQLDialect. postCreateAttribute(AttributeDescriptor att, String tableName, String schemaName, Connection cx)
Callback which executes after an attribute descriptor has been built from a table column.void
PreparedStatementSQLDialect. setArrayValue(Object value, AttributeDescriptor att, PreparedStatement ps, int i, Connection cx)
Sets a value in a prepared statement, for the specific case ofArray
PreparedStatementSQLDialect. setValue(Object value, Class<?> binding, AttributeDescriptor att, PreparedStatement ps, int column, Connection cx)
Sets a value in a prepared statement, for "basic types" (non-geometry).protected void
JDBCDataStore. update(SimpleFeatureType featureType, AttributeDescriptor[] attributes, Object[] values, Filter filter, Connection cx)
Updates an existing feature(s) in the database for a particular feature type / table.protected String
JDBCDataStore. updateSQL(SimpleFeatureType featureType, AttributeDescriptor[] attributes, Object[] values, Filter filter, Set<String> pkColumnNames)
Generates an 'UPDATE' sql statement.protected PreparedStatement
JDBCDataStore. updateSQLPS(SimpleFeatureType featureType, AttributeDescriptor[] attributes, Object[] values, Filter filter, Set<String> pkColumnNames, Connection cx)
Generates an 'UPDATE' prepared statement.Method parameters in org.geotools.jdbc with type arguments of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
JDBCDataStore. update(SimpleFeatureType featureType, List<AttributeDescriptor> attributes, List<Object> values, Filter filter, Connection cx)
Updates an existing feature(s) in the database for a particular feature type / table. -
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in org.geotools.vectormosaic
Methods in org.geotools.vectormosaic with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description protected boolean
VectorMosaicFeatureSource. isNotMandatoryIndexType(AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
Checks if the attribute descriptor is not a mandatory index type -
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in org.geotools.wfs
Constructors in org.geotools.wfs with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Constructor Description PropertyValueCollection(FeatureCollection delegate, AttributeDescriptor descriptor, PropertyName propName)
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in org.geotools.xml.gml
Subinterfaces of AttributeDescriptor in org.geotools.xml.gml Modifier and Type Interface Description (package private) interface
A temporary measure representing a choice between several bindings.interface
Classes in org.geotools.xml.gml that implement AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Class Description class
Created for GML generated FeatureTypes. -
Uses of AttributeDescriptor in org.h2gis.geotools
Methods in org.h2gis.geotools with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor Modifier and Type Method Description protected String
H2GISPSDialect. getArrayComponentTypeName(AttributeDescriptor att)