After |
FilterFactory.after(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if one expression is temporally after another
AnyInteracts |
FilterFactory.anyInteracts(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if one expression temporally interacts in any way with another
FilterFactory.bbox(String propertyName,
double minx,
double miny,
double maxx,
double maxy,
String srs,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the bounding box of the feature's geometry overlaps the indicated bounds.
FilterFactory.bbox(String propertyName,
BoundingBox3D env,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
FilterFactory.bbox(Expression geometry,
double minx,
double miny,
double maxx,
double maxy,
String srs,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the geometry expression overlaps the specified bounding box.
FilterFactory.bbox(Expression propertyName,
Expression bounds,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
FilterFactory.bbox(Expression geometry,
BoundingBox3D env,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the geometry expression overlaps the specified bounding box.
FilterFactory.bbox(Expression geometry,
BoundingBox bounds,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the bounding box of the feature's geometry overlaps the indicated bounds.
Before |
FilterFactory.before(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if one expression is temporally before another
Begins |
FilterFactory.begins(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if one expression temporally begins another
BegunBy |
FilterFactory.begunBy(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if one expression is temporally begun by another
PropertyIsBetween |
FilterFactory.between(Expression expr,
Expression lower,
Expression upper,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
A compact way of encoding a range check.
Beyond |
FilterFactory.beyond(String propertyName,
Geometry geometry,
double distance,
String units,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Check if all of a feature's geometry is more distant than the given distance from this object's geometry.
Beyond |
FilterFactory.beyond(Expression geometry1,
Expression geometry2,
double distance,
String units,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Check if all of a geometry is more distant than the given distance from this object's geometry.
Contains |
FilterFactory.contains(String propertyName,
Geometry geometry,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the the first geometric operand contains the second.
Contains |
FilterFactory.contains(Expression geometry1,
Expression geometry2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the the first geometric operand contains the second.
Crosses |
FilterFactory.crosses(String propertyName,
Geometry geometry,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the first geometric operand crosses the second.
Crosses |
FilterFactory.crosses(Expression geometry1,
Expression geometry2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the first geometric operand crosses the second.
Disjoint |
FilterFactory.disjoint(String propertyName,
Geometry geometry,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the first operand is disjoint from the second.
Disjoint |
FilterFactory.disjoint(Expression geometry1,
Expression geometry2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the first operand is disjoint from the second.
During |
FilterFactory.during(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if one expression is temporally during another
DWithin |
FilterFactory.dwithin(String propertyName,
Geometry geometry,
double distance,
String units,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if any part of the first geometry lies within the given distance of the second geometry.
DWithin |
FilterFactory.dwithin(Expression geometry1,
Expression geometry2,
double distance,
String units,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if any part of the first geometry lies within the given distance of the second geometry.
EndedBy |
FilterFactory.endedBy(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if one expression is temporally ended by another
Ends |
FilterFactory.ends(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if one expression temporally ends by another
PropertyIsEqualTo |
FilterFactory.equal(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
boolean matchCase,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Compares that two sub-expressions are equal to eacher other
Equals |
FilterFactory.equal(Expression geometry1,
Expression geometry2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the geometry of the two operands are equal.
Equals |
FilterFactory.equals(String propertyName,
Geometry geometry,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the geometry of the two operands are equal.
PropertyIsGreaterThan |
FilterFactory.greater(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
boolean matchCase,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks that the first sub-expression is greater than the second subexpression.
PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo |
FilterFactory.greaterOrEqual(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
boolean matchCase,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks that the first sub-expression is greater or equal to the second subexpression.
Intersects |
FilterFactory.intersects(String propertyName,
Geometry geometry,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the two geometric operands intersect.
Intersects |
FilterFactory.intersects(Expression geometry1,
Expression geometry2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the two geometric operands intersect.
PropertyIsLessThan |
FilterFactory.less(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
boolean matchCase,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo |
FilterFactory.lessOrEqual(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
boolean matchCase,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
PropertyIsLike | expr,
String pattern,
String wildcard,
String singleChar,
String escape,
boolean matchCase,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Character string comparison operator with pattern matching and specified wildcards.
Meets |
FilterFactory.meets(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if one expression temporally meets another
MetBy |
FilterFactory.metBy(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if one expression is temporally met by another
PropertyIsNotEqualTo |
FilterFactory.notEqual(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
boolean matchCase,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks that the first sub-expression is not equal to the second subexpression.
OverlappedBy |
FilterFactory.overlappedBy(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if one expression is temporally overlapped by another
Overlaps |
FilterFactory.overlaps(String propertyName,
Geometry geometry,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the interior of the first geometry somewhere overlaps the interior of the second geometry.
Overlaps |
FilterFactory.overlaps(Expression geometry1,
Expression geometry2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the interior of the first geometry somewhere overlaps the interior of the second geometry.
TContains |
FilterFactory.tcontains(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if one expression temporally contains another
TEquals |
FilterFactory.tequals(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if one expression temporally equals another
Touches |
FilterFactory.touches(String propertyName,
Geometry geometry,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the feature's geometry touches, but does not overlap with the geometry held by this object.
Touches |
FilterFactory.touches(Expression propertyName1,
Expression geometry2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the feature's geometry touches, but does not overlap with the geometry held by this object.
TOverlaps |
FilterFactory.toverlaps(Expression expr1,
Expression expr2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if one expression temporally overlaps another
Within |
FilterFactory.within(String propertyName,
Geometry geometry,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the feature's geometry is completely contained by the specified constant geometry.
Within |
FilterFactory.within(Expression geometry1,
Expression geometry2,
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction matchAction) |
Checks if the feature's geometry is completely contained by the specified constant geometry.