Uses of Class
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Fields in declared as ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Field Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
FeatureEvent. bounds
Indicates the bounds in which the modification occurred.Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
FeatureEvent. getBounds()
Provides access to the area modified (if known).ReferencedEnvelope
FeatureSource. getBounds()
Get the spatial bounds of the feature data.ReferencedEnvelope
FeatureSource. getBounds(Query query)
Get the spatial bounds of the features that would be returned by the givenQuery
ResourceInfo. getBounds()
Returns the bounds of the resource, expressed in the native coordinate reference system.Constructors in with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Constructor Description BatchFeatureEvent(FeatureSource<? extends FeatureType,? extends Feature> featureSource, ReferencedEnvelope bounds, Filter filter)
FeatureEvent(Object source, FeatureEvent.Type type, ReferencedEnvelope bounds)
Constructs a new FeatureEvent.FeatureEvent(Object source, FeatureEvent.Type type, ReferencedEnvelope bounds, Filter filter)
Constructs a new FeatureEvent. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
SampleDataAccessFeatureCollection. getBounds()
Not yet implemented.ReferencedEnvelope
SampleDataAccessFeatureSource. getBounds()
Not yet implemented.ReferencedEnvelope
SampleDataAccessFeatureSource. getBounds(Query query)
Not yet implemented. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.coverage.grid
Methods in org.geotools.coverage.grid that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
GridCoverage2D. getEnvelope2D()
Returns the two-dimensional bounding box for the coverage domain in coordinate reference system coordinates.ReferencedEnvelope
GridGeometry2D. getEnvelope2D()
Returns the two-dimensional bounding box for the coverage domain in coordinate reference system coordinates.ReferencedEnvelope
GridGeometry2D. gridToWorld(GridEnvelope2D gridEnv)
Transforms an represented by a GridEnvelope2D object from grid to world coordinates.ReferencedEnvelope
GridGeometry2D. reduce(Bounds bounds)
Reduces the specified bounds to a two-dimensional ReferencedEnvelope.Methods in org.geotools.coverage.grid with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description GridEnvelope2D
GridGeometry2D. worldToGrid(ReferencedEnvelope envelope)
Transforms a rectangle represented by an ReferencedEnvelope (or BoundingBox) from world to grid coordinates.Constructors in org.geotools.coverage.grid with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Constructor Description GridEnvelope2D(ReferencedEnvelope envelope, PixelInCell anchor)
Casts the specified envelope into a grid envelope.GridEnvelope2D(ReferencedEnvelope envelope, PixelInCell anchor, boolean isHighIncluded)
Casts the specified envelope into a grid envelope. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
GranuleSource. getBounds(Query q)
Get the spatial bounds of the granules that would be returned by the givenQuery
RenamingGranuleSource. getBounds(Query q)
Methods in with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description double[]
ReadResolutionCalculator. computeRequestedResolution(ReferencedEnvelope readBounds)
Computes the requested resolution which is going to be used for selecting overviews and or deciding decimation factors on the target coverage. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Fields in declared as ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Field Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
CoverageReadRequest. geographicArea
The requested area in geographic coordinates, which means the area in destination world space which we want to get data for.Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
SpatialRequestHelper.CoverageProperties. getBbox()
SpatialRequestHelper.CoverageProperties. getGeographicBBox()
Methods in with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description void
SpatialRequestHelper.CoverageProperties. setBbox(ReferencedEnvelope bbox)
CoverageReadRequest. setDomainSubset(Rectangle rasterArea, ReferencedEnvelope worldArea)
SpatialRequestHelper.CoverageProperties. setGeographicBBox(ReferencedEnvelope geographicBBox)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
CoverageSlicesCatalog. getBounds(String typeName)
CoverageSlicesCatalogSource. getBounds(Query q)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static GeneralBounds
Utilities. evaluateRequestedParams(GridEnvelope originalGridRange, ReferencedEnvelope baseEnvelope2D, CoordinateReferenceSystem spatialReferenceSystem2D, MathTransform originalGridToWorld, GeneralBounds requestedEnvelope, Rectangle sourceRegion, Rectangle requestedDim, MathTransform2D readGridToWorld, ReferencedEnvelope wgs84BaseEnvelope2D)
Evaluates the requested envelope and builds a new adjusted version of it fitting this coverage envelope.static GeneralBounds
Utilities. getIntersection(ReferencedEnvelope baseEnvelope2D, CoordinateReferenceSystem spatialReferenceSystem2D, GeneralBounds requestedEnvelope2D, Rectangle requestedDim, MathTransform2D readGridToWorld, ReferencedEnvelope wgs84BaseEnvelope2D)
Returns the intersection between the base envelope and the requested envelope. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.coverage.util
Methods in org.geotools.coverage.util that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static ReferencedEnvelope
CoverageUtilities. getEnvelope2D(Coverage coverage)
Returns a two-dimensional envelope for the given coverage. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Fields in declared as ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Field Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
DataTestCase. buildingBounds
protected ReferencedEnvelope
DataTestCase. invalidGeomBounds
protected ReferencedEnvelope
DataTestCase. lakeBounds
protected ReferencedEnvelope
DataTestCase. rd12Bounds
protected ReferencedEnvelope
DataTestCase. riverBounds
protected ReferencedEnvelope
DataTestCase. roadBounds
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static ReferencedEnvelope
DataUtilities. bounds(FeatureCollection<? extends FeatureType,? extends Feature> collection)
Manually calculates the bounds of a feature collection usingFeatureCollection.features()
.static ReferencedEnvelope
DataUtilities. bounds(FeatureIterator<?> iterator)
Manually calculate the bounds from the provided FeatureIteator.ReferencedEnvelope
DefaultFeatureResults. getBounds()
Returns the bounding box of this FeatureResultsReferencedEnvelope
DefaultResourceInfo. getBounds()
Methods in with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description void
FeatureListenerManager. fireFeaturesAdded(String typeName, Transaction transaction, ReferencedEnvelope bounds, boolean commit)
Notify all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.void
FeatureListenerManager. fireFeaturesChanged(String typeName, Transaction transaction, ReferencedEnvelope bounds, boolean commit)
Notify all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.void
FeatureListenerManager. fireFeaturesRemoved(String typeName, Transaction transaction, ReferencedEnvelope bounds, boolean commit)
Notify all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.protected abstract void
DiffFeatureWriter. fireNotification(int eventType, ReferencedEnvelope bounds)
Subclass must provide the notification.void
DefaultResourceInfo. setBounds(ReferencedEnvelope bounds)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Fields in declared as ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Field Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
ListFeatureCollection. bounds
Cached boundsMethods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
ListFeatureCollection. calculateBounds()
Calculate bounds from featuresReferencedEnvelope
CollectionFeatureSource. getBounds()
CollectionFeatureSource. getBounds(Query query)
ListFeatureCollection. getBounds()
SpatialIndexFeatureCollection. getBounds()
SpatialIndexFeatureSource. getBounds()
SpatialIndexFeatureSource. getBounds(Query query)
TreeSetFeatureCollection. getBounds()
Gets the bounding box for the features in this feature collection. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
AppSchemaDataAccess. getBounds(Query query)
Computes the bounds of the features for the specified feature type that satisfy the query provided that there is a fast way to get that result.ReferencedEnvelope
MappingFeatureCollection. getBounds()
Stolen fromReprojectFeatureResults
MappingFeatureSource. getBounds()
MappingFeatureSource. getBounds(Query query)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
ForceCoordinateSystemFeatureResults. getBounds()
ReprojectFeatureResults. getBounds()
This method computes reprojected bounds the hard way, but computing them feature by feature. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
CSVFeatureSource. getBoundsInternal(Query query)
protected ReferencedEnvelope
CSVFeatureStore. getBoundsInternal(Query query)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description List<ReferencedEnvelope>
DB2SQLDialect. getOptimizedBounds(String schema, SimpleFeatureType featureType, Connection cx)
Since DB2 V10.List<ReferencedEnvelope>
DB2SQLDialectBasic. getOptimizedBounds(String schema, SimpleFeatureType featureType, Connection cx)
DB2SQLDialectPrepared. getOptimizedBounds(String schema, SimpleFeatureType featureType, Connection cx)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
DirectoryFeatureSource. getBounds()
DirectoryFeatureSource. getBounds(Query query)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
PreGeneralizedFeatureCollection. getBounds()
PreGeneralizedFeatureSource. getBounds()
PreGeneralizedFeatureSource. getBounds(Query query)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description void
GeoJSONWriter. setBounds(ReferencedEnvelope bbox)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
GeoJSONDataStore. getBbox()
protected ReferencedEnvelope
GeoJSONFeatureSource. getBoundsInternal(Query query)
protected ReferencedEnvelope
GeoJSONFeatureStore. getBoundsInternal(Query query)
Methods in with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description void
GeoJSONDataStore. setBbox(ReferencedEnvelope bbox)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description List<ReferencedEnvelope>
InformixDialect. getOptimizedBounds(String schema, SimpleFeatureType featureType, Connection cx)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
MemoryFeatureCollection. getBounds()
Calculates the bounds of the features without caching.protected ReferencedEnvelope
MemoryFeatureSource. getBoundsInternal(Query query)
protected ReferencedEnvelope
MemoryFeatureStore. getBoundsInternal(Query query)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
MongoFeatureSource. getBoundsInternal(Query query)
protected ReferencedEnvelope
MongoFeatureStore. getBoundsInternal(Query query)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
OGR. toEnvelope(Object extent, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
JniOGR. toEnvelope(Object extent, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description List<ReferencedEnvelope>
OracleDialect. getOptimizedBounds(String schema, SimpleFeatureType featureType, Connection cx)
OracleDialect. getOptimizedBoundsSDO_TUNE(String schema, SimpleFeatureType featureType, Connection cx)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description List<ReferencedEnvelope>
PostGISDialect. getOptimizedBounds(String schema, SimpleFeatureType featureType, Connection cx)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
PropertyFeatureSource. getBoundsInternal(Query query)
protected ReferencedEnvelope
PropertyFeatureStore. getBoundsInternal(Query query)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description List<ReferencedEnvelope>
SQLServerDialect. getOptimizedBounds(String schema, SimpleFeatureType featureType, Connection cx)
Returns the optimized bounds for the geometry columns of the given feature type. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Fields in declared as ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Field Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
ContentState. bounds
cached bounds of featuresMethods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
ContentFeatureCollection. getBounds()
ContentFeatureSource. getBounds()
Returns the bounds of the entire feature source.ReferencedEnvelope
ContentFeatureSource. getBounds(Query query)
Returns the bounds of the results of the specified query against the feature source.ReferencedEnvelope
ContentState. getBounds()
The cached spatial extent.abstract ReferencedEnvelope
DataFeatureCollection. getBounds()
EmptyFeatureCollection. getBounds()
FilteringFeatureCollection. getBounds()
MaxFeaturesFeatureCollection. getBounds()
ReprojectingFeatureCollection. getBounds()
This method computes reprojected bounds the hard way, but computing them feature by feature.protected abstract ReferencedEnvelope
ContentFeatureSource. getBoundsInternal(Query query)
Calculates the bounds of a specified query.Methods in with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description void
ContentState. fireFeatureUpdated(FeatureSource<?,?> source, Feature feature, ReferencedEnvelope before)
Creates a FeatureEvent indicating that the provided feature has been changed.void
ContentState. setBounds(ReferencedEnvelope bounds)
Sets the cached spatial extent. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description List<ReferencedEnvelope>
TeradataDialect. getOptimizedBounds(String schema, SimpleFeatureType featureType, Connection cx)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
TransformFeatureSource. getBounds()
TransformFeatureSource. getBounds(Query query)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
DefaultView. getBounds()
Retrieves the total extent of this FeatureSource.ReferencedEnvelope
DefaultView. getBounds(Query query)
Retrive the extent of the Query. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
VPFCovFeatureSource. getBoundsInternal(Query query)
Implementation that generates the total bounds (many file formats record this information in the header)protected ReferencedEnvelope
VPFLibFeatureSource. getBoundsInternal(Query query)
Implementation that generates the total bounds (many file formats record this information in the header) -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
VPFFileFeatureSource. getBoundsInternal(Query query)
Implementation that generates the total bounds (many file formats record this information in the header) -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
WFSDiff. batchModify(Name[] properties, Object[] values, Filter filter, FeatureReader<SimpleFeatureType,SimpleFeature> oldFeatures, ContentState contentState)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
WFSContentComplexFeatureSource. getBounds()
WFSContentComplexFeatureSource. getBounds(Query query)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
WFSClient. getBounds(QName typeName, CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCrs)
FeatureTypeInfo. getWGS84BoundingBox()
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
FeatureTypeInfoImpl. getBounds()
FeatureTypeInfoImpl. getWGS84BoundingBox()
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
FeatureTypeInfoImpl. getBounds()
FeatureTypeInfoImpl. getWGS84BoundingBox()
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.feature
Methods in org.geotools.feature that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
DefaultFeatureCollection. getBounds()
Gets the bounding box for the features in this feature collection.ReferencedEnvelope
FeatureCollection. getBounds()
Get the total bounds of this collection which is calculated by doing a union of the bounds of each feature inside of it -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.feature.collection
Methods in org.geotools.feature.collection that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description abstract ReferencedEnvelope
AbstractFeatureCollection. getBounds()
Subclasses need to override this.ReferencedEnvelope
AdaptorFeatureCollection. getBounds()
Subclasses need to override this.ReferencedEnvelope
BaseFeatureCollection. getBounds()
Full collection traversal to obtain bounds of FeatureCollection.ReferencedEnvelope
DecoratingFeatureCollection. getBounds()
DecoratingSimpleFeatureCollection. getBounds()
FilteringSimpleFeatureCollection. getBounds()
MaxSimpleFeatureCollection. getBounds()
SubFeatureCollection. getBounds()
Calculates the bounds of the features without caching. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.feature.visitor
Methods in org.geotools.feature.visitor that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
BoundsVisitor. getBounds()
BoundsVisitor.BoundsResult. getValue()
Constructors in org.geotools.feature.visitor with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Constructor Description BoundsResult(ReferencedEnvelope bbox)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.filter.function
Methods in org.geotools.filter.function that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
FilterFunction_buffer. invert(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope)
Returns an expanded rendering envelope if the buffering size is not using feature attributes.ReferencedEnvelope
FilterFunction_isometric. invert(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope)
Returns an translated rendering envelope if the offsets are not using feature attributes.ReferencedEnvelope
FilterFunction_offset. invert(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope)
Returns an translated rendering envelope if the offsets are not using feature attributes.ReferencedEnvelope
GeometryTransformation. invert(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope)
Returns a query envelope given a certainMethods in org.geotools.filter.function with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
FilterFunction_buffer. invert(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope)
Returns an expanded rendering envelope if the buffering size is not using feature attributes.ReferencedEnvelope
FilterFunction_isometric. invert(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope)
Returns an translated rendering envelope if the offsets are not using feature attributes.ReferencedEnvelope
FilterFunction_offset. invert(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope)
Returns an translated rendering envelope if the offsets are not using feature attributes.ReferencedEnvelope
GeometryTransformation. invert(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope)
Returns a query envelope given a certain -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.filter.visitor
Constructors in org.geotools.filter.visitor with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Constructor Description FixBBOXFilterVisitor(ReferencedEnvelope maxbbox)
Visitor used to "clean up" any BBOX expressions. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.gce.grassraster
Constructors in org.geotools.gce.grassraster with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Constructor Description JGrassRegion(ReferencedEnvelope envelope2D)
Creates a new instance ofJGrassRegion
from anEnvelope2D
. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic
Methods in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
RasterLayerRequest. computeCoverageBoundingBox(RasterManager rasterManager)
SpatialRequestHelper.CoverageProperties. getBbox()
Utils.BBOXFilterExtractor. getBBox()
SpatialRequestHelper.CoverageProperties. getComputedBBox()
MosaicConfigurationBean. getEnvelope()
SpatialRequestHelper.CoverageProperties. getGeographicBBox()
RasterLayerResponse. getMosaicBBox()
RasterLayerRequest. getRequestedBounds()
static ReferencedEnvelope
Utils. parseEnvelope(String bboxString)
Parses a bbox in the form of MIX,MINY MAXX,MAXYstatic ReferencedEnvelope
Utils. reprojectEnvelope(ReferencedEnvelope sourceEnvelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS, ReferencedEnvelope targetReferenceEnvelope)
Methods in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description RasterManager
RasterManager. getForGranuleCRS(RasterLayerRequest request, GranuleDescriptor templateDescriptor, ReferencedEnvelope requestBounds, ReferencedEnvelope requestBoundsQuery)
Builds a RasterManager for the sub mosaic of a given template granule, and within a given search boundsGranuleDescriptor.GranuleLoadingResult
GranuleDescriptor. loadRaster(ImageReadParam imageReadParameters, int index, ReferencedEnvelope cropBBox, MathTransform2D mosaicWorldToGrid, RasterLayerRequest request, Hints hints)
Load a specified a raster as a portion of the granule describe by thisGranuleDescriptor
.static ReferencedEnvelope
Utils. reprojectEnvelope(ReferencedEnvelope sourceEnvelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS, ReferencedEnvelope targetReferenceEnvelope)
static Geometry
Utils. reprojectEnvelopeToGeometry(ReferencedEnvelope sourceEnvelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS, ReferencedEnvelope targetReferenceEnvelope)
Reprojects an envelope using theProjectionHandler
SpatialRequestHelper.CoverageProperties. setBBox(ReferencedEnvelope bbox)
SpatialRequestHelper.CoverageProperties. setComputedBBox(ReferencedEnvelope computedBBox)
MosaicConfigurationBean. setEnvelope(ReferencedEnvelope envelope)
SpatialRequestHelper.CoverageProperties. setGeographicBBox(ReferencedEnvelope geographicBBox)
Constructors in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Constructor Description GranuleLoader(ImageReadParam readParameters, int imageIndex, ReferencedEnvelope cropBBox, MathTransform2D mosaicWorldToGrid, GranuleDescriptor granuleDescriptor, RasterLayerRequest request, Hints hints)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.catalog
Methods in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.catalog that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
GranuleCatalogSource. getBounds(Query q)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.egr
Methods in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.egr with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static AffineTransform
RendererUtilities. worldToScreenTransform(ReferencedEnvelope mapExtent, Rectangle paintArea)
Sets up the affine transform -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.geometry.jts
Subclasses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.geometry.jts Modifier and Type Class Description class
A 3D envelope associated with a coordinate reference system.Fields in org.geotools.geometry.jts declared as ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Field Description static ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope. EVERYTHING
A ReferencedEnvelope containing "everything"Methods in org.geotools.geometry.jts that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static ReferencedEnvelope
JTS. bounds(Geometry geometry, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
Replacement for geometry.getEnvelopeInternal() that returns ReferencedEnvelope or ReferencedEnvelope3D as appropriate for the provided CRS.static ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope. create(Rectangle2D rectangle, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
Utility method to create a ReferencedEnvelope from a Java2D Rectangle class, supporting empty rectangles.static ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope. create(Bounds bounds)
Utility method to create a ReferencedEnvelope from an opengis Envelope class, supporting 2d as well as 3d envelopes (returning the right class).static ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope. create(Bounds env, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
Utility method to create a ReferencedEnvelope from providedBounds
.static ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope. create(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
Factory method to create the correct ReferencedEnvelope implementation for the provided CoordinateReferenceSystem.static ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope. create(ReferencedEnvelope original)
Factory method to create the correct ReferencedEnvelope.static ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope. envelope(Envelope env, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
Utility method to create a ReferencedEnvelope a plain JTS Envelope class, supporting 2d as well as 3d envelopes (returning the right class).ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope. intersection(Envelope env)
Check if this bounding box intersects the provided bounds.static ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope. rect(double x, double y, double width, double height)
Construct 2D WGS84 referenced envelope using rectangle conventions using width and height.static ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope. rect(double x, double y, double width, double height, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
Construct referenced envelope using rectangle conventions using width and height.static ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope. rect(Rectangle2D rectangle)
Construct 2D WGS84 referenced envelope using rectangle conventions using width and height.static ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope. rect(Rectangle2D rectangle, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
Construct referenced envelope using rectangle conventions using width and height.static ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope. reference(Bounds env)
Cast to a ReferencedEnvelope (used to ensure that an Envelope if a ReferencedEnvelope).static ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope. reference(ReferencedEnvelope e)
Utility method to ensure that an BoundingBox in a ReferencedEnvelope.static ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope. reference(Envelope e)
Cast to a ReferencedEnvelope (used to ensure that an Envelope is a ReferencedEnvelope).static ReferencedEnvelope
JTS. toEnvelope(Geometry geom)
Create a ReferencedEnvelope from the provided geometry, we will do our best to guess the CoordinateReferenceSystem making use of getUserData() and getSRID() as needed.static ReferencedEnvelope
JTS. toGeographic(ReferencedEnvelope envelope)
Transforms the envelope toDefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84
ReferencedEnvelope. transform(CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS, boolean lenient)
Transforms the referenced envelope to the specified coordinate reference system.ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope. transform(CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS, boolean lenient, int numPointsForTransformation)
Transforms the referenced envelope to the specified coordinate reference system using the specified amount of points.ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope3D. transform(CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS, boolean lenient)
Transforms the referenced envelope to the specified coordinate reference system.ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope3D. transform(CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS, boolean lenient, int numPointsForTransformation)
Transforms the referenced envelope to the specified coordinate reference system using the specified amount of points.static ReferencedEnvelope
JTS. transformTo2D(ReferencedEnvelope sourceEnvelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS, boolean lenient, int npoints)
Transform from 3D down to 2D.Methods in org.geotools.geometry.jts with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
ReferencedEnvelope. contains(ReferencedEnvelope bounds)
Check if provided bounds are contained by this ReferencedEnvelope.static ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope. create(ReferencedEnvelope original)
Factory method to create the correct ReferencedEnvelope.static ReferencedEnvelope
ReferencedEnvelope. reference(ReferencedEnvelope e)
Utility method to ensure that an BoundingBox in a ReferencedEnvelope.static ReferencedEnvelope
JTS. toGeographic(ReferencedEnvelope envelope)
Transforms the envelope toDefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84
.static Polygon
JTS. toGeometry(ReferencedEnvelope bbox)
Converts aReferencedEnvelope
to a JTS polygon.static ReferencedEnvelope
JTS. transformTo2D(ReferencedEnvelope sourceEnvelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS, boolean lenient, int npoints)
Transform from 3D down to 2D.static ReferencedEnvelope3D
JTS. transformTo3D(ReferencedEnvelope sourceEnvelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS, boolean lenient, int npoints)
Transform from D up to 3D.Constructors in org.geotools.geometry.jts with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Constructor Description ReferencedEnvelope(ReferencedEnvelope envelope)
Creates a new envelope from an existing envelope. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.geopkg
Fields in org.geotools.geopkg declared as ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Field Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
Entry. bounds
Methods in org.geotools.geopkg that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
Entry. getBounds()
TileEntry. getTileMatrixSetBounds()
Returns the tile matrix set bounds.Methods in org.geotools.geopkg that return types with arguments of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description List<ReferencedEnvelope>
GeoPkgDialect. getOptimizedBounds(String schema, SimpleFeatureType featureType, Connection cx)
Methods in org.geotools.geopkg with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description void
Entry. setBounds(ReferencedEnvelope bounds)
TileEntry. setTileMatrixSetBounds(ReferencedEnvelope tileMatrixSetBounds)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.gml2.bindings
Methods in org.geotools.gml2.bindings with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static Integer
GML2EncodingUtils. getEnvelopeDimension(ReferencedEnvelope e, Configuration configuration)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.grid
Fields in org.geotools.grid declared as ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Field Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
PolygonBuilder. gridBounds
Methods in org.geotools.grid that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static ReferencedEnvelope
Envelopes. expandToInclude(ReferencedEnvelope srcEnv, double resolution)
Include the provided envelope, expanding as necessary and rounding the bounding coordinates such that they are multiples of the specified resolution.ReferencedEnvelope
GridElement. getBounds()
Gets the bounds of this grid element.Methods in org.geotools.grid with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static SimpleFeatureSource
Grids. createHexagonalGrid(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, double sideLen)
Creates a vector grid of hexagonal elements.static SimpleFeatureSource
Grids. createHexagonalGrid(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, double sideLen, double vertexSpacing)
Creates a vector grid of hexagonal elements represented by 'densified' polygons.static SimpleFeatureSource
Grids. createHexagonalGrid(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, double sideLen, double vertexSpacing, GridFeatureBuilder builder)
Creates a vector grid of hexagonal elements represented by 'densified' polygons.static SimpleFeatureSource
Lines. createOrthoLines(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, Collection<OrthoLineDef> lineDefs)
Creates a grid of ortho-lines.static SimpleFeatureSource
Lines. createOrthoLines(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, Collection<OrthoLineDef> lineDefs, double vertexSpacing)
Creates a grid of ortho-lines.static SimpleFeatureSource
Lines. createOrthoLines(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, Collection<OrthoLineDef> lineDefs, double vertexSpacing, GridFeatureBuilder lineFeatureBuilder)
Creates a grid of ortho-lines.static SimpleFeatureSource
Grids. createOvalGrid(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, double sideLen)
Creates a vector grid of oval elements.static SimpleFeatureSource
Grids. createOvalGrid(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, double sideLen, GridFeatureBuilder builder)
Creates a vector grid of square elements represented by 'densified' polygons.static SimpleFeatureSource
Grids. createSquareGrid(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, double sideLen)
Creates a vector grid of square elements.static SimpleFeatureSource
Grids. createSquareGrid(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, double sideLen, double vertexSpacing)
Creates a vector grid of square elements represented by 'densified' polygons.static SimpleFeatureSource
Grids. createSquareGrid(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, double sideLen, double vertexSpacing, GridFeatureBuilder builder)
Creates a vector grid of square elements represented by 'densified' polygons.static ReferencedEnvelope
Envelopes. expandToInclude(ReferencedEnvelope srcEnv, double resolution)
Include the provided envelope, expanding as necessary and rounding the bounding coordinates such that they are multiples of the specified resolution.Constructors in org.geotools.grid with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Constructor Description PolygonBuilder(ReferencedEnvelope gridBounds)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.grid.hexagon
Methods in org.geotools.grid.hexagon that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
HexagonImpl. getBounds()
Gets the bounds of this grid element.Methods in org.geotools.grid.hexagon with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static SimpleFeatureSource
Hexagons. createGrid(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, double sideLen, double vertexSpacing, HexagonOrientation orientation, GridFeatureBuilder gridFeatureBuilder)
Creates a new grid of tesselated hexagons within a bounding rectangle with grid elements represented by densified polygons (ie. additional vertices added to each edge).static SimpleFeatureSource
Hexagons. createGrid(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, double sideLen, HexagonOrientation orientation, GridFeatureBuilder gridBuilder)
Creates a new grid of tesselated hexagons within a bounding rectangle with grid elements represented by simple (ie. undensified) polygons.Constructors in org.geotools.grid.hexagon with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Constructor Description HexagonBuilder(ReferencedEnvelope gridBounds, double sideLen, HexagonOrientation orientation)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.grid.oblong
Methods in org.geotools.grid.oblong that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
OblongImpl. getBounds()
Gets the bounds of this grid element.Methods in org.geotools.grid.oblong with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static SimpleFeatureSource
Oblongs. createGrid(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, double width, double height, double vertexSpacing, GridFeatureBuilder gridFeatureBuilder)
Creates a new grid of oblongs within a bounding rectangle with grid elements represented by densified polygons (ie. additional vertices added to each edge).static SimpleFeatureSource
Oblongs. createGrid(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, double width, double height, GridFeatureBuilder gridBuilder)
Creates a new grid of oblongs within a bounding rectangle with grid elements represented by simple (ie. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.grid.ortholine
Methods in org.geotools.grid.ortholine that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
OrthoLine. getBounds()
Gets the bounds of this grid element.Constructors in org.geotools.grid.ortholine with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Constructor Description OrthoLine(ReferencedEnvelope gridBounds, LineOrientation orientation, double ordinate, int level)
Creates a new ortho-line element.OrthoLineBuilder(ReferencedEnvelope gridBounds)
Creates a new builder for the specified envelope. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.grid.oval
Methods in org.geotools.grid.oval that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
OvalImpl. getBounds()
Gets the bounds of this grid element.Methods in org.geotools.grid.oval with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static SimpleFeatureSource
Ovals. createGrid(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, double width, double height, double vertexSpacing, GridFeatureBuilder gridFeatureBuilder)
Creates a new grid of oblongs within a bounding rectangle with grid elements represented by densified polygons (ie. additional vertices added to each edge).static SimpleFeatureSource
Ovals. createGrid(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, double width, double height, GridFeatureBuilder gridBuilder)
Creates a new grid of oblongs within a bounding rectangle with grid elements represented by simple (ie. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.image.util
Methods in org.geotools.image.util that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static ReferencedEnvelope
ImageUtilities. getReferencedEnvelopeFromGeographicBoundingBox(GeographicBoundingBox geographicBBox)
Builds aReferencedEnvelope
from aGeographicBoundingBox
.static ReferencedEnvelope
ImageUtilities. getWGS84ReferencedEnvelope(GeneralBounds coverageEnvelope)
Builds aReferencedEnvelope
in WGS84 from aGeneralBounds
. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.imageio.netcdf
Methods in org.geotools.imageio.netcdf that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
VariableAdapter.UnidataSpatialDomain. getReferencedEnvelope()
Methods in org.geotools.imageio.netcdf with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description void
VariableAdapter.UnidataSpatialDomain. setReferencedEnvelope(ReferencedEnvelope referencedEnvelope)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.jdbc
Fields in org.geotools.jdbc declared as ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Field Description protected static ReferencedEnvelope
The envelope returned when bounds is called against a geometryless feature typeMethods in org.geotools.jdbc that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
JDBCDataStore. getBounds(SimpleFeatureType featureType, Query query, Connection cx)
Returns the bounds of the features for a particular feature type / table.protected ReferencedEnvelope
JDBCFeatureSource. getBoundsInternal(Query query)
protected ReferencedEnvelope
JDBCFeatureStore. getBoundsInternal(Query query)
Methods in org.geotools.jdbc that return types with arguments of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description List<ReferencedEnvelope>
SQLDialect. getOptimizedBounds(String schema, SimpleFeatureType featureType, Connection cx)
Returns the bounds of all geometry columns in the layer using any approach that proves to be faster than the plain bounds aggregation (e.g., better than the "plain select extent(geom) from table" on PostGIS), or null if none exists or the fast method has not been enabled (e.g., if the fast method is just an estimate of the bounds you probably want the user to enable it manually) -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
FeatureLayer. getBounds()
GridCoverageLayer. getBounds()
Layer bounds generated from the grid coverage.ReferencedEnvelope
GridReaderLayer. getBounds()
abstract ReferencedEnvelope
Layer. getBounds()
The bounds of the Layer content (if known).ReferencedEnvelope
MapViewport. getBounds()
Gets the display area in world coordinates.ReferencedEnvelope
MessageDirectLayer. getBounds()
Does not contribute a bounding box to the map.ReferencedEnvelope
MapContent. getMaxBounds()
Get the bounding box of all the layers in this Map.ReferencedEnvelope
MapBoundsEvent. getNewAreaOfInterest()
Get the new area of interestReferencedEnvelope
MapBoundsEvent. getOldAreaOfInterest()
Get the old area of interestMethods in with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
MapViewport. fireMapBoundsListenerMapBoundsChanged(MapBoundsEvent.Type type, ReferencedEnvelope oldBounds, ReferencedEnvelope newBounds)
Notifies MapBoundsListeners about a change to the bounds or crs.void
MapViewport. setBounds(ReferencedEnvelope requestedBounds)
Sets the display area in world coordinates.Constructors in with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Constructor Description MapBoundsEvent(MapContent source, int type, ReferencedEnvelope oldAreaOfInterest, ReferencedEnvelope newAreaOfInterest)
Creates a new instance of BoundsEventMapBoundsEvent(MapViewport source, EnumSet<MapBoundsEvent.Type> type, ReferencedEnvelope oldBounds, ReferencedEnvelope newBounds)
Creates a new instance of BoundsEvent.MapBoundsEvent(MapViewport source, MapBoundsEvent.Type type, ReferencedEnvelope oldBounds, ReferencedEnvelope newBounds)
Creates a new instance of BoundsEvent.MapViewport(ReferencedEnvelope bounds)
Creates a new view port with the specified display area in world coordinates.MapViewport(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, boolean matchAspectRatio)
Creates a new viewport with the specified world bounds. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.mbtiles
Fields in org.geotools.mbtiles declared as ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Field Description static ReferencedEnvelope
Methods in org.geotools.mbtiles that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description protected static ReferencedEnvelope
MBTilesFile. toEnvelope(MBTilesTileLocation tile)
protected ReferencedEnvelope
MBTilesFile. toEnvelope(RectangleLong rect, long zoom)
Converts the tile locations into a real world one -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.mbtiles.mosaic
Fields in org.geotools.mbtiles.mosaic declared as ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Field Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
MBTilesReader. bounds
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.ows.wms
Methods in org.geotools.ows.wms that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
WebMapServer.LayerInfo. getBounds()
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
WMSLayer. getBounds()
Methods in with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description InputStream
WMSLayer. getFeatureInfo(ReferencedEnvelope bbox, int width, int height, int x, int y, String infoFormat, int featureCount)
Allows to run a standalone GetFeatureInfo request, without the need to have previously run a GetMap request on this layer. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.ows.wmts.client
Methods in org.geotools.ows.wmts.client that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
WMTSTileService. getBounds()
static ReferencedEnvelope
WMTSTileFactory. getExtentFromTileName(WMTSTileIdentifier tileIdentifier, TileService service)
protected ReferencedEnvelope
WMTSTileService. getReqExtentInTileCrs(ReferencedEnvelope requestedExtent)
Methods in org.geotools.ows.wmts.client with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description Set<Tile>
WMTSTileService. findTilesInExtent(ReferencedEnvelope requestedExtent, double scaleFactor, boolean recommendedZoomLevel, int maxNumberOfTiles)
protected ReferencedEnvelope
WMTSTileService. getReqExtentInTileCrs(ReferencedEnvelope requestedExtent)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
WMTSMapLayer. getBounds()
Methods in with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
WMTSCoverageReader. renderTiles(Collection<Tile> tiles, Graphics2D g2d, ReferencedEnvelope viewportExtent, AffineTransform worldToImageTransform)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.ows.wmts.request
Methods in org.geotools.ows.wmts.request with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description void
AbstractGetTileRequest. setRequestedBBox(ReferencedEnvelope requestedBBox)
GetTileRequest. setRequestedBBox(ReferencedEnvelope bbox)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.process.raster
Methods in org.geotools.process.raster with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description GridCoverage2D
AreaGridProcess. execute(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, int width, int height)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.process.vector
Methods in org.geotools.process.vector that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
BoundsProcess. execute(FeatureCollection features)
abstract ReferencedEnvelope
ProcessingCollection. getBounds()
The bounds of features in the output.Methods in org.geotools.process.vector with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static SimpleFeatureCollection
ProcessTestUtilities. createPoints(Coordinate[] pts, ReferencedEnvelope bounds)
BarnesSurfaceProcess. execute(SimpleFeatureCollection obsFeatures, String valueAttr, Integer argDataLimit, Double argScale, Double argConvergence, Integer argPasses, Integer argMinObsCount, Double argMaxObsDistance, Double argNoDataValue, Integer argPixelsPerCell, Double argQueryBuffer, ReferencedEnvelope outputEnv, Integer outputWidth, Integer outputHeight, ProgressListener monitor)
GridProcess. execute(ReferencedEnvelope bounds, double width, Double height, Double vertexSpacing, GridProcess.GridMode mode)
HeatmapProcess. execute(SimpleFeatureCollection obsFeatures, Integer argRadiusPixels, String valueAttr, Integer argPixelsPerCell, ReferencedEnvelope argOutputEnv, Integer argOutputWidth, Integer argOutputHeight, ProgressListener monitor)
PointStackerProcess. execute(SimpleFeatureCollection data, Integer cellSize, Boolean argWeightClusterPosition, Boolean argNormalize, PointStackerProcess.PreserveLocation preserveLocation, ReferencedEnvelope outputEnv, Integer outputWidth, Integer outputHeight, String cql, ProgressListener monitor)
RectangularClipProcess. execute(SimpleFeatureCollection features, ReferencedEnvelope clip, Boolean preserveZ)
HeatmapProcess. invertQuery(Integer argRadiusPixels, ReferencedEnvelope argOutputEnv, Integer argOutputWidth, Integer argOutputHeight, Query targetQuery, GridGeometry targetGridGeometry)
Given a target query and a target grid geometry returns the query to be used to read the input data of the process involved in rendering. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.renderer
Methods in org.geotools.renderer with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description void
GTRenderer. paint(Graphics2D graphics, Rectangle paintArea, ReferencedEnvelope mapArea)
Renders features based on the map layers and their styles as specified in the map context usingsetContext
GTRenderer. paint(Graphics2D graphics, Rectangle paintArea, ReferencedEnvelope mapArea, AffineTransform worldToScreen)
Renders features based on the map layers and their styles as specified in the map context usingsetContext
. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Fields in declared as ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Field Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
ProjectionHandler. renderingEnvelope
protected ReferencedEnvelope
ProjectionHandler. validAreaBounds
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
ProjectionHandler. getProjectedEnvelope(ReferencedEnvelope envelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS)
Reprojects the given envelope to the target CRS, taking into account the ProjectionHandler constraints (valid area bounds, etc.).ReferencedEnvelope
ProjectionHandler. getRenderingEnvelope()
Returns the current rendering envelopeReferencedEnvelope
ProjectionHandler. getValidAreaBounds()
Returns the area where the transformation from source to target is valid, expressed in the source coordinate reference system, or null if there is no limitprotected ReferencedEnvelope
ProjectionHandler. transformEnvelope(ReferencedEnvelope envelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS)
Methods in that return types with arguments of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description List<ReferencedEnvelope>
ProjectionHandler. getQueryEnvelopes()
Returns a set of envelopes that will be used to query the data given the specified rendering envelope and the current query envelopeprotected List<ReferencedEnvelope>
ProjectionHandler. getSourceEnvelopes(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope)
Methods in with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ProjectionHandler
AzimulthalEquidistantProjectionHandlerFactory. getHandler(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS, boolean wrap, int wrapLimit)
ConicHandlerFactory. getHandler(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs, boolean wrap, int maxWraps)
GeographicHandlerFactory. getHandler(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs, boolean wrap, int maxWraps)
HomolosineHandlerFactory. getHandler(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs, boolean wrap, int maxWraps)
LambertAzimuthalEqualAreaHandlerFactory. getHandler(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs, boolean wrap, int maxWraps)
MercatorHandlerFactory. getHandler(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs, boolean wrap, int maxWraps)
OrthographicProjectionHandlerFactory. getHandler(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS, boolean wrap, int wrapLimit)
PolarStereographicHandlerFactory. getHandler(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs, boolean wrap, int maxWraps)
ProjectionHandlerFactory. getHandler(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS, boolean wrap, int wrapLimit)
Returns an handler capable of dealing with the specified envelope, or null if this factory cannot create onestatic ProjectionHandler
ProjectionHandlerFinder. getHandler(ReferencedEnvelope renderingArea, CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs, boolean wrap)
Returns a projection handler for the specified rendering area, or null if not foundstatic ProjectionHandler
ProjectionHandlerFinder. getHandler(ReferencedEnvelope renderingArea, CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs, boolean wrap, Map<String,Object> projectionParameters)
Returns a projection handler for the specified rendering area, or null if not foundProjectionHandler
TransverseMercatorHandlerFactory. getHandler(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs, boolean wrap, int maxWraps)
WorldVanDerGrintenIHandlerFactory. getHandler(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs, boolean wrap, int maxWraps)
ProjectionHandler. getProjectedEnvelope(ReferencedEnvelope envelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS)
Reprojects the given envelope to the target CRS, taking into account the ProjectionHandler constraints (valid area bounds, etc.).protected List<ReferencedEnvelope>
ProjectionHandler. getSourceEnvelopes(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope)
protected ReferencedEnvelope
ProjectionHandler. transformEnvelope(ReferencedEnvelope envelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS)
Method parameters in with type arguments of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
ProjectionHandler. mergeEnvelopes(List<ReferencedEnvelope> envelopes)
protected void
ProjectionHandler. reprojectEnvelopes(CoordinateReferenceSystem queryCRS, List<ReferencedEnvelope> envelopes)
Constructors in with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Constructor Description ProjectionHandler(CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS, Envelope validAreaBounds, ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope)
Initializes a projection handlerProjectionHandler(CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS, Geometry validArea, ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope)
Initializes a projection handlerProjectionHandler(CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS, Geometry validArea, ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope, boolean keepGeometry)
Initializes a projection handlerWrappingProjectionHandler(ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope, ReferencedEnvelope validArea, CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs, double centralMeridian, int maxWraps)
Provides the strategy with the area we want to render and its CRS (the SPI lookup will do this step) -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.renderer.lite
Methods in org.geotools.renderer.lite that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static ReferencedEnvelope
RendererUtilities. createMapEnvelope(Rectangle paintArea, AffineTransform worldToScreen, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
Creates the map's bounding box in real world coordinatesReferencedEnvelope
IndexedFeatureResults. getBounds()
protected ReferencedEnvelope
StreamingRenderer. transformEnvelope(ReferencedEnvelope envelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
Methods in org.geotools.renderer.lite with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static double
RendererUtilities. calculateOGCScale(ReferencedEnvelope envelope, int imageWidth, Map hints)
This method performs the computation using the methods suggested by the OGC SLD specification, page 26.static double
RendererUtilities. calculateScale(ReferencedEnvelope envelope, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, double DPI)
Find the scale denominator of the map.static double
RendererUtilities. calculateScale(ReferencedEnvelope envelope, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, Map<?,?> hints)
First searches the hints for the scale denominator hint otherwise calls#calculateScale(org.geotools.util.SoftValueHashMap.Reference, int, int, double)
StreamingRenderer. paint(Graphics2D graphics, Rectangle paintArea, ReferencedEnvelope mapArea)
Renders features based on the map layers and their styles as specified in the map context usingsetContext
StreamingRenderer. paint(Graphics2D graphics, Rectangle paintArea, ReferencedEnvelope mapArea, AffineTransform worldToScreen)
Renders features based on the map layers and their styles as specified in the map context usingsetContext
.protected ReferencedEnvelope
StreamingRenderer. transformEnvelope(ReferencedEnvelope envelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
static AffineTransform
RendererUtilities. worldToScreenTransform(ReferencedEnvelope mapExtent, Rectangle paintArea)
Sets up the affine transform -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.renderer.lite.gridcoverage2d
Methods in org.geotools.renderer.lite.gridcoverage2d that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
GridCoverageReaderHelper. getReadEnvelope()
Constructors in org.geotools.renderer.lite.gridcoverage2d with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Constructor Description GridCoverageReaderHelper(GridCoverage2DReader reader, Rectangle mapRasterArea, ReferencedEnvelope mapExtent, Interpolation interpolation)
GridCoverageReaderHelper(GridCoverage2DReader reader, Rectangle mapRasterArea, ReferencedEnvelope mapExtent, Interpolation interpolation, Hints hints)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.stac.client
Methods in org.geotools.stac.client that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
Collection. getBounds()
Gets a singleReferencedEnvelope
representing the full bounds of the collection, or null if they are not found. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
STACFeatureSource. getBoundsInternal(Query query)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.swing
Fields in org.geotools.swing declared as ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Field Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
AbstractMapPane. fullExtent
protected ReferencedEnvelope
AbstractMapPane. pendingDisplayArea
Methods in org.geotools.swing that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
AbstractMapPane. getDisplayArea()
Gets the current display area in world coordinates.ReferencedEnvelope
MapPane. getDisplayArea()
Gets the current display area in world coordinates. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.swing.event
Methods in org.geotools.swing.event that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
MapMouseEvent. getEnvelopeByPixels(double widthPixels)
Gets an envelope of specified width (in pixels) which is centred on the mouse position.ReferencedEnvelope
MapMouseEvent. getEnvelopeByWorld(double widthWorld)
Gets an envelope of specified width (in world distance units) which is centred on the mouse position. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.tile
Methods in org.geotools.tile that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static ReferencedEnvelope
TileService. createSafeEnvelopeInWGS84(ReferencedEnvelope _mapExtent)
abstract ReferencedEnvelope
TileService. getBounds()
Returns the bounds for the complete TileServiceReferencedEnvelope
Tile. getExtent()
Methods in org.geotools.tile with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static ReferencedEnvelope
TileService. createSafeEnvelopeInWGS84(ReferencedEnvelope _mapExtent)
TileService. findTilesInExtent(ReferencedEnvelope _mapExtent, double scaleFactor, boolean recommendedZoomLevel, int maxNumberOfTiles)
Constructors in org.geotools.tile with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Constructor Description Tile(TileIdentifier tileId, ReferencedEnvelope env, int tileSize)
Creates a tile for the identity given by tileId.Tile(TileIdentifier tileId, ReferencedEnvelope env, int tileSize, TileService service)
Creates a new tile. -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.tile.impl
Methods in org.geotools.tile.impl that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
WebMercatorTileService. getBounds()
static ReferencedEnvelope
WebMercatorTileFactory. getExtentFromTileName(TileIdentifier tileName)
ScaleZoomLevelMatcher. getMapExtentTileCrs()
static ReferencedEnvelope
ScaleZoomLevelMatcher. getProjectedEnvelope(ReferencedEnvelope envelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem destinationCRS, MathTransform transformation)
Re-Projects the given envelope to destinationCRS using transformation.ReferencedEnvelope
ScaleZoomLevelMatcher. projectMapToTileCrs(ReferencedEnvelope boundsInMapCrs)
ScaleZoomLevelMatcher. projectTileToMapCrs(ReferencedEnvelope boundsInTileCrs)
Methods in org.geotools.tile.impl with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static ScaleZoomLevelMatcher
ScaleZoomLevelMatcher. createMatcher(ReferencedEnvelope requestExtent, CoordinateReferenceSystem crsTiles, double scale)
static ReferencedEnvelope
ScaleZoomLevelMatcher. getProjectedEnvelope(ReferencedEnvelope envelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem destinationCRS, MathTransform transformation)
Re-Projects the given envelope to destinationCRS using transformation.ReferencedEnvelope
ScaleZoomLevelMatcher. projectMapToTileCrs(ReferencedEnvelope boundsInMapCrs)
ScaleZoomLevelMatcher. projectTileToMapCrs(ReferencedEnvelope boundsInTileCrs)
Constructors in org.geotools.tile.impl with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Constructor Description ScaleZoomLevelMatcher(CoordinateReferenceSystem crsMap, CoordinateReferenceSystem crsTiles, MathTransform transformMapToTileCrs, MathTransform transformTileCrsToMap, ReferencedEnvelope mapExtentTileCrs, ReferencedEnvelope mapExtentMapCrs, double scale)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in
Methods in that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description static ReferencedEnvelope
BingTileUtil. getTileBoundingBox(double lon, double lat, int zoomLevel)
Calculates the extent of a tile, given the coordinates and a zoom level -
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.tile.util
Methods in org.geotools.tile.util that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
TileLayer. getBounds()
Methods in org.geotools.tile.util with parameters of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
AsyncTileLayer. localRenderTiles(Collection<Tile> tiles, Graphics2D g2d, ReferencedEnvelope viewportExtent, AffineTransform worldToImageTransform)
protected void
AsyncTileLayer. renderTiles(Collection<Tile> tiles, Graphics2D g2d, ReferencedEnvelope viewportExtent, AffineTransform worldToImageTransform)
protected void
TileLayer. renderTiles(Collection<Tile> tiles, Graphics2D g2d, ReferencedEnvelope viewportExtent, AffineTransform worldToImageTransform)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.tpk
Fields in org.geotools.tpk declared as ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Field Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
TPKReader. bounds
protected static ReferencedEnvelope
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.vectormosaic
Methods in org.geotools.vectormosaic that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description protected ReferencedEnvelope
VectorMosaicFeatureSource. getBoundsInternal(Query query)
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.wfs
Methods in org.geotools.wfs that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
CompositeFeatureCollection. getBounds()
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.geotools.xml.gml
Methods in org.geotools.xml.gml that return ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description ReferencedEnvelope
GMLFeatureCollection. getBounds()
Uses of ReferencedEnvelope in org.h2gis.geotools
Methods in org.h2gis.geotools that return types with arguments of type ReferencedEnvelope Modifier and Type Method Description List<ReferencedEnvelope>
H2GISDialect. getOptimizedBounds(String schema, SimpleFeatureType featureType, Connection cx)