Class JTS

  • public final class JTS
    extends Object
    JTS Geometry utility methods, bringing Geotools to JTS.

    Offers geotools based services such as reprojection.


    • transformation
    • coordinate sequence editing
    • common coordinate sequence implementations for specific uses
    Jody Garnett, Martin Desruisseaux, Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions., Michael Bedward
    • Method Detail

      • transform

        public static Envelope transform​(Envelope sourceEnvelope,
                                         Envelope targetEnvelope,
                                         MathTransform transform,
                                         int npoints)
                                  throws TransformException
        Transforms the densified envelope using the specified math transform. The envelope is densified (extra points put around the outside edge) to provide a better new envelope for high deformed situations.

        If an optional target envelope is provided, this envelope will be expanded with the transformation result. It will not be nullified before the expansion.

        Note that this method can not handle the case where the envelope contains the North or South pole, or when it cross the ±180� longitude, because math transforms do not carry suffisient informations. For a more robust envelope transformation, use ReferencedEnvelope.transform(CoordinateReferenceSystem, boolean, int) instead.

        sourceEnvelope - The envelope to transform.
        targetEnvelope - An envelope to expand with the transformation result, or null for returning an new envelope.
        transform - The transform to use.
        npoints - Densification of each side of the rectangle.
        targetEnvelope if it was non-null, or a new envelope otherwise. In all case, the returned envelope fully contains the transformed envelope.
        TransformException - if a coordinate can't be transformed.
      • transform

        public static Coordinate transform​(Coordinate source,
                                           Coordinate dest,
                                           MathTransform transform)
                                    throws TransformException
        Transforms the coordinate using the provided math transform.
        source - the source coordinate that will be transformed
        dest - the coordinate that will be set. May be null or the source coordinate (or new coordinate of course).
        the destination coordinate if not null or a new Coordinate.
        TransformException - if the coordinate can't be transformed.
      • xform

        public static void xform​(MathTransform transform,
                                 double[] src,
                                 double[] dest)
                          throws TransformException
        Like a transform but eXtreme!

        Transforms an array of coordinates using the provided math transform. Each coordinate is transformed separately. In case of a transform exception then the new value of the coordinate is the last coordinate correctly transformed.

        transform - The math transform to apply.
        src - The source coordinates.
        dest - The destination array for transformed coordinates.
        TransformException - if this method failed to transform any of the points.
      • orthodromicDistance

        public static double orthodromicDistance​(Coordinate p1,
                                                 Coordinate p2,
                                                 CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
                                          throws TransformException
        Computes the orthodromic distance between two points. This method:

        1. Transforms both points to geographic coordinates (latitude,longitude).
        2. Computes the orthodromic distance between the two points using ellipsoidal calculations.

        The real work is performed by GeodeticCalculator. This convenience method simply manages a pool of pre-defined geodetic calculators for the given coordinate reference system in order to avoid repetitive object creation. If a large amount of orthodromic distances need to be computed, direct use of GeodeticCalculator provides better performance than this convenience method.

        p1 - First point
        p2 - Second point
        crs - Reference system the two points are in.
        Orthodromic distance between the two points, in meters.
        TransformException - if the coordinates can't be transformed from the specified CRS to a geographic CRS.
      • copy

        public static void copy​(Coordinate point,
                                double[] ordinates)
        Copies the ordinates values from the specified JTS coordinates to the specified array. The destination array can have any length. Only the relevant field of the source coordinate will be copied. If the array length is greater than 3, then all extra dimensions will be set to NaN.
        point - The source coordinate.
        ordinates - The destination array.
      • toGeometry

        public static Point toGeometry​(Position position)
        Create a Point from a ISO Geometry DirectPosition.
      • toGeometry

        public static Point toGeometry​(Position position,
                                       GeometryFactory factory)
        Create a Point from a ISO Geometry DirectPosition.
        factory - Optional GeometryFactory
      • toGeometry

        public static Polygon toGeometry​(Envelope envelope)
        Converts an envelope to a JTS polygon.

        The resulting polygon contains an outer ring with vertices: (x1,y1),(x2,y1),(x2,y2),(x1,y2),(x1,y1)

        envelope - The original envelope.
        The envelope as a polygon.
        IllegalArgumentException - if env is null
      • toGeometry

        public static Polygon toGeometry​(Envelope envelope,
                                         GeometryFactory factory)
        Converts an envelope to a JTS polygon using the given JTS geometry factory.

        The resulting polygon contains an outer ring with vertices: (x1,y1),(x2,y1),(x2,y2),(x1,y2),(x1,y1)

        envelope - The original envelope.
        The envelope as a polygon.
        IllegalArgumentException - if either env or factory is null
      • toEnvelope

        public static ReferencedEnvelope toEnvelope​(Geometry geom)
        Create a ReferencedEnvelope from the provided geometry, we will do our best to guess the CoordinateReferenceSystem making use of getUserData() and getSRID() as needed.
        geom - Provided Geometry
        ReferencedEnvelope describing the bounds of the provided Geometry
      • toGeometry

        public static Polygon toGeometry​(ReferencedEnvelope bbox)
        Converts a ReferencedEnvelope to a JTS polygon.

        The resulting polygon contains an outer ring with vertices: (x1,y1),(x2,y1),(x2,y2),(x1,y2),(x1,y1)

        bbox - The original envelope.
        The envelope as a polygon.
        IllegalArgumentException - if bbox is null
      • toGeometry

        public static Polygon toGeometry​(BoundingBox bbox,
                                         GeometryFactory factory,
                                         int npoints)
        Convert the provided bbox to a polygon, sampling a set number of points along each side.
        bbox - bounding box being converted to a Polygon
        factory - geometry factory used to create the polygon
        npoints - number of points to sample along each edge
      • toGeometry

        public static Polygon toGeometry​(BoundingBox bbox)
        Converts a BoundingBox to a JTS polygon.

        The resulting polygon contains an outer ring with vertices: (x1,y1),(x2,y1),(x2,y2),(x1,y2),(x1,y1)

        bbox - The original envelope.
        The envelope as a polygon.
        IllegalArgumentException - if bbox is null
      • toGeometry

        public static Polygon toGeometry​(BoundingBox bbox,
                                         GeometryFactory factory)
        Converts a BoundingBox to a JTS polygon using the given JTS geometry factory.

        The resulting polygon contains an outer ring with vertices: (x1,y1),(x2,y1),(x2,y2),(x1,y2),(x1,y1)

        bbox - The original envelope.
        The envelope as a polygon.
        IllegalArgumentException - if either bbox or factory is null
      • smooth

        public static Geometry smooth​(Geometry geom,
                                      double fit)
        Creates a smoothed copy of the input Geometry. This is only useful for polygonal and lineal geometries. Point objects will be returned unchanged. The smoothing algorithm inserts new vertices which are positioned using Bezier splines. All vertices of the input Geometry will be present in the output Geometry.

        The fit parameter controls how tightly the smoothed lines conform to the input line segments, with a value of 1 being tightest and 0 being loosest. Values outside this range will be adjusted up or down as required.

        The input Geometry can be a simple type (e.g. LineString, Polygon), a multi-type (e.g. MultiLineString, MultiPolygon) or a GeometryCollection. The returned object will be of the same type.

        geom - the input geometry
        fit - tightness of fit from 0 (loose) to 1 (tight)
        a new Geometry object of the same class as geom
        IllegalArgumentException - if geom is null
      • smooth

        public static Geometry smooth​(Geometry geom,
                                      double fit,
                                      GeometryFactory factory)
        Creates a smoothed copy of the input Geometry. This is only useful for polygonal and lineal geometries. Point objects will be returned unchanged. The smoothing algorithm inserts new vertices which are positioned using Bezier splines. All vertices of the input Geometry will be present in the output Geometry.

        The fit parameter controls how tightly the smoothed lines conform to the input line segments, with a value of 1 being tightest and 0 being loosest. Values outside this range will be adjusted up or down as required.

        The input Geometry can be a simple type (e.g. LineString, Polygon), a multi-type (e.g. MultiLineString, MultiPolygon) or a GeometryCollection. The returned object will be of the same type.

        geom - the input geometry
        fit - tightness of fit from 0 (loose) to 1 (tight)
        factory - the GeometryFactory to use for creating smoothed objects
        a new Geometry object of the same class as geom
        IllegalArgumentException - if either geom or factory is null
      • createCS

        public static CoordinateSequence createCS​(CoordinateSequenceFactory csFactory,
                                                  int size,
                                                  int dimension)
        Creates a CoordinateSequence using the provided factory confirming the provided size and dimension are respected.

        If the requested dimension is larger than the CoordinateSequence implementation can provide, then a sequence of maximum possible dimension should be created. An error should not be thrown.

        This method is functionally identical to calling csFactory.create(size,dim) - it contains additional logic to work around a limitation on the commonly used CoordinateArraySequenceFactory.

        size - the number of coordinates in the sequence
        dimension - the dimension of the coordinates in the sequence
      • createCS

        public static CoordinateSequence createCS​(CoordinateSequenceFactory csFactory,
                                                  int size,
                                                  int dimension,
                                                  int measures)
        Creates a CoordinateSequence using the provided factory confirming the provided size and dimension are respected.

        If the requested dimension is larger than the CoordinateSequence implementation can provide, then a sequence of maximum possible dimension should be created. An error should not be thrown.

        This method is functionally identical to calling csFactory.create(size,dim) - it contains additional logic to work around a limitation on the commonly used CoordinateArraySequenceFactory.

        size - the number of coordinates in the sequence
        dimension - the dimension of the coordinates in the sequence
        measures - the measures of the coordinates in the sequence
      • bounds

        public static ReferencedEnvelope bounds​(Geometry geometry,
                                                CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
        Replacement for geometry.getEnvelopeInternal() that returns ReferencedEnvelope or ReferencedEnvelope3D as appropriate for the provided CRS.
        ReferencedEnvelope (or ReferencedEnvelope3D) as appropriate
      • removeCollinearVertices

        public static Geometry removeCollinearVertices​(Geometry g)
        Removes collinear vertices from the provided Geometry.

        For the moment this implementation only accepts, Polygon, LineString and MultiPolygon It will throw an exception if the geometry is not one of those types

        g - the instance of a Geometry to remove collinear vertices from.
        a new instance of the provided Geometry without collinear vertices.
      • removeCollinearVertices

        public static Geometry removeCollinearVertices​(Geometry geometry,
                                                       int minPoints)
        Removes collinear vertices from the provided Geometry if the number of point exceeds the requested minPoints.

        For the moment this implementation only accepts, Polygon, LineString and MultiPolygon It will throw an exception if the geometry is not one of those types

        geometry - the instance of a Geometry to remove collinear vertices from.
        minPoints - perform removal of collinear points if num of vertices exceeds minPoints.
        a new instance of the provided Geometry without collinear vertices.
      • makeValid

        public static List<Polygon> makeValid​(Polygon polygon,
                                              boolean removeHoles)
        Given a potentially invalid polygon it rebuilds it as a list of valid polygons, eventually removing the holes
      • toRectangle2D

        public static Rectangle2D toRectangle2D​(Envelope envelope)
        Converts a JTS Envelope into an equivalent Rectangle2D
        envelope - The source envelope
      • toEnvelope

        public static Envelope toEnvelope​(Rectangle2D rectangle)
        Converts a AWT Rectangle2D into a JTS Envelope
        rectangle - The source rectangle
      • equals

        public static boolean equals​(Envelope e1,
                                     Envelope e2,
                                     double tolerance)
        Envelope equality with target tolerance.
        e1 - The first envelope
        e2 - The second envelope
        tolerance - The tolerance
        True if the envelopes have the same boundaries, minus the given tolerance
      • equals

        public static boolean equals​(BoundingBox a,
                                     BoundingBox b,
                                     double tolerance)
        BoundingBox equality with target tolerance. This method compares also coordinate reference systems.
        a - The first envelope
        b - The second envelope
        tolerance - The tolerance
        True if the envelopes have the same boundaries, minus the given tolerance, and the CRSs are equal according to CRS#equalsIgnoreMetadata
      • setCRS

        public static void setCRS​(Geometry geometry,
                                  CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
        Set the CRS of a geometry is Geometry.getUserData().

        Stored in Geometry.getUserData() as a CoordinateReferenceSystem directly, or as a Map<Object,Object> using CoordinateReferenceSystem.class as a key.

        If user data is being used to store another kind of value geometry will not be changed.

        Stored in Geometry.getSRID() as EPSG code.

        geometry - the geometry
        crs - the CRS, or null to clear CRS from geometry