Package org.geotools.coverage.grid
GridCoverage2D implementation. An explanation for this
package is provided in the OpenGIS® javadoc.
The remaining discussion on this page is specific to the Geotools implementation.
Class Summary Class Description AbstractGridCoverage Base class for GeoTools implementation of grid coverage.GeneralGridCoordinates Holds the set of grid coordinates that specifies the location of the grid point within the grid.GeneralGridCoordinates.Immutable An immutableGridCoordinates
.GeneralGridEnvelope Defines a range of grid coverage coordinates.GeneralGridGeometry Describes the valid range of grid coordinates and the math transform to transform grid coordinates to real world coordinates.GridCoordinates2D Holds the set of two-dimensional grid coordinates that specifies the location of the grid point within the grid.GridCoverage2D Basic access to grid data values backed by a two-dimensional rendered image.GridCoverageBuilder Helper class for the creation ofGridCoverage2D
instances.GridCoverageFactory A factory for grid coverage objects.GridEnvelope2D Defines a range of two-dimensional grid coverage coordinates.GridGeometry2D Describes the valid range of grid coordinates and the math transform, in the special case where only 2 dimensions are in use.ImageGeometry A simple grid geometry holding the grid range as a rectangle and the grid to CRS relationship as an affine transform.Interpolator2D A grid coverage using an interpolation for evaluating points.LookupTableFactory A factory forLookupTableJAI
objects built from an array ofMathTransform1D
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Exception Summary Exception Description InvalidGridGeometryException Thrown byGeneralGridGeometry
when a grid geometry is in an invalid state.