Class WMTSTileService

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WMTSTileService
    extends TileService
    A tile service for a single matrix set of a WMTS servers.

    An instance of this class is tied to a single layer, style and matrixset.

    It can be constructed either by a templateUrl and use the inherited ImageLoader,

    Or it can use a WebMapTileServer to construct the GetTileRequest's and issueRequest for loading images.

    ian, Emanuele Tajariol (etj at geo-solutions dot it)
    • Constructor Detail

      • WMTSTileService

        public WMTSTileService​(String templateURL,
                               WMTSServiceType type,
                               WMTSLayer layer,
                               String styleName,
                               TileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet)
        Create a service with templateURL for loading images directly.

        This constructor, with type as argument, should not be used. A proper formatted templateURL should be used instead.

        templateURL - - where to ask for tiles
        type - - KVP or REST
        layer - - the layer to request
        styleName - - name of the style to use?
        tileMatrixSet - - the tile matrix set to use
      • WMTSTileService

        public WMTSTileService​(String templateURL,
                               WMTSServiceType type,
                               WMTSLayer layer,
                               String styleName,
                               TileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet,
                               HTTPClient client)
        Create a service with templateURL for loading images directly.

        This constructor, with type, should not be used. A proper formatted templateURL should be used instead.

        templateURL - - where to ask for tiles
        type - - KVP or REST
        layer - - layer to request
        styleName - - name of the style to use?
        tileMatrixSet - - matrixset
        client - - HttpClient instance to use for Tile requests.
      • WMTSTileService

        public WMTSTileService​(String templateURL,
                               WMTSLayer layer,
                               TileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet)
        Creates a WMTSTileService based on the templateURL for loading images. Using extent given by layer and tileMatrixSet.
        templateURL -
        layer -
        tileMatrixSet -
      • WMTSTileService

        public WMTSTileService​(String templateURL,
                               WMTSLayer layer,
                               TileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet,
                               HTTPClient client)
        Create a service that uses the templateURL to load images.
        templateURL - - where to ask for tiles
        layer - - layer to request
        tileMatrixSet - - matrixset
        client - - HttpClient instance to use for Tile requests.
      • WMTSTileService

        public WMTSTileService​(WebMapTileServer wmtsServer,
                               WMTSLayer layer,
                               TileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet)
        Create a WMTSTileservice using a WebMapTileServer to load the tile images. Using the format given by the capabilities.
      • WMTSTileService

        public WMTSTileService​(WebMapTileServer wmtsServer,
                               WMTSLayer layer,
                               TileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet,
                               String format)
        Create a WMTSTileService using an WebMapTileServer to load the tile images. Specifying a format.