Interface ResourceInfo

    • Method Detail

      • getTitle

        String getTitle()
        Returns the resource's title.

        The title is human readable text representing the resource, in the current locale if available.

        tile, in the current locale if available.
      • getKeywords

        Set<String> getKeywords()
        Returns keywords associated with this resource for use with searches etc.

        Known Mappings:

        • Maps to Dublin Core's Subject element
        Keywords or null if unavailable
      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
        Returns a description or abstract for this resource.

        Known Mappings:

        • WFS GetCapabilities abstract
        • WMS GetCapabilities abstract
        The description may be in the current locale if known.
        description of resource, or null if unavailable
      • getName

        String getName()
        Returns the name of this resource within the context of its service.

        Known mappings:

        • WFS typeName
        • Database table name
        • WMS layer name
        • level of a grid coverage
        The name should be unique within the context of a single Service.
        name of this resource
      • getSchema

        URI getSchema()
        A namespace, in the form of a URI, used to identify the resource type.

        Known Mappings:

        • Dublin Code Format element
        • WFS DescribeFeatureType URL
        • file.toURI()
        • XML namespace
        • URL
        namespace, used with getName() to identify resource type
      • getBounds

        ReferencedEnvelope getBounds()
        Returns the bounds of the resource, expressed in the native coordinate reference system. IF the bounds are unknown or undefined calling isNull() on the returned envelope will return true.
        bounds of the resource if defined; otherwise an envelope where the isNull() returns true
      • getCRS

        CoordinateReferenceSystem getCRS()
        Returns the coordinate reference system of this resource if known.

        Known Mappings:

        • 2nd part of the Dublin Core Coverage
        • Shapefile prj file
        • WFS SRS
        CRS of the resource, or null if unavailable.