CogGranuleAccessProvider |
GranuleAccessProvider for COG Granules.
DomainFilterBuilder |
Helper class to build filters matching the provided dimension values
FootprintsTransformation |
GranuleDescriptor |
A granuleDescriptor is a single piece of the mosaic, with its own overviews and everything.
GranuleDescriptor.GranuleLoadingResult |
Simple placeholder class to store the result of a Granule Loading which comprises of a raster
as well as a ROIShape for its footprint.
GranuleLoader |
ImageMosaicConfigHandler |
This class is in responsible for creating and managing the catalog and the configuration of the
ImageMosaicDescriptor |
A class which can be used as input of an ImageMosaicReader to describe an available
mosaic without the need to access an external file such as a shapeFile, a property file, a data
directory or something else.
ImageMosaicDirectoryWalker |
This class is in responsible for creating the index for a mosaic of images that we want to tie
together as a single coverage.
ImageMosaicEventHandlers |
Base class to handle events
ImageMosaicEventHandlers.CompletionEvent |
Event launched when processing completes
ImageMosaicEventHandlers.ExceptionEvent |
Event launched when an exception occurs.
ImageMosaicEventHandlers.FileProcessingEvent |
A special ProcessingEvent raised when a file has completed/failed ingestion
ImageMosaicEventHandlers.ProcessingEvent |
ImageMosaicEventHandlers.ProcessingEventListener |
ImageMosaicEventHandlers.ProgressEventDispatchThreadEventLauncher |
Private Class which simply fires the events using a copy of the listeners list in order to
avoid problems with listeners that remove themselves or are removed by someone else
ImageMosaicEventHandlers.URIProcessingEvent |
A special ProcessingEvent raised when a url has completed/failed ingestion
ImageMosaicEventHandlers.URLProcessingEvent |
A special ProcessingEvent raised when a url has completed/failed ingestion
ImageMosaicFileFeatureConsumer |
An ImageMosaicElementConsumer which handles a provided SimpleFeature by
leveraging on the File associated to the feature.
ImageMosaicFileResourceInfo |
ImageMosaicFormat |
ImageMosaicFormatFactory |
Implementation of the GridCoverageFormat service provider interface for mosaic of georeferenced
ImageMosaicReader |
Reader responsible for providing access to mosaic of georeferenced images.
ImageMosaicURIFeatureConsumer |
An ImageMosaicElementConsumer which handles a provided SimpleFeature by
leveraging on the URI associated to the feature.
ImageMosaicURLFeatureConsumer |
An ImageMosaicElementConsumer which handles a provided SimpleFeature by
leveraging on the URL associated to the feature.
MosaicConfigurationBean |
Very simple bean to hold the configuration of the mosaic.
MosaicElement |
Represents the input raster element for a mosaic operation, source RenderedImage , ROI and alpha channel.
MosaicInputs |
This class represents the inputs for a mosaic JAI operation.
Mosaicker |
A class doing the mosaic operation on top of a List of MosaicElement s.
RasterLayerRequest |
A class to handle coverage requests to a reader for a single 2D layer..
RasterLayerResponse |
A RasterLayerResponse.
RasterManager |
RATCollector |
ReadParamsController |
Class that fills up properly read params given a RasterLayerRequest , an OverviewsController
SampleImage |
Simple serializable class holding a sample model and a color model
SpatialRequestHelper |
Helper class which takes coverage's spatial information input (CRS, bbox, resolution,...) and a
set of request's parameters (requestedCRS, requestedBBox, requested resolution, ...) and takes
care of computing all auxiliary spatial variables for future computations.
SpatialRequestHelper.CoverageProperties |
SupportFilesCollector |
A collector of supportFiles.
Utils |
Sparse utilities for the various mosaic classes.
Utils.BBOXFilterExtractor |
Extracts a bbox from a filter in case there is at least one.
Utils.Prop |
Utils.SourceGetter |
Given a source object, allow to retrieve (when possible) the related url, the related file or
the original input source object itself.