Class WMSLayer

  • public class WMSLayer
    extends GridReaderLayer
    Wraps a WMS layer into a Layer for interactive rendering usage TODO: expose a GetFeatureInfo that returns a feature collection TODO: expose the list of named styles and allow choosing which style to use
    Andrea Aime - OpenGeo
    • Method Detail

      • getBounds

        public ReferencedEnvelope getBounds()
        Description copied from class: Layer
        The bounds of the Layer content (if known). The bounds can be used to determine if any of the layers content is "on screen" when rendering the map; however often it is expensive to calculate a layers bounds up front so we are allowing this value to be optional.

        The returned bounds are a ReferencedEnvelope using the same CoordinateReferenceSystem as the layers contents.

        getBounds in class GridReaderLayer
        layer bounds, null if unknown
      • getFeatureInfoAsText

        public String getFeatureInfoAsText​(Position2D pos,
                                           int featureCount)
                                    throws IOException
        Retrieves the feature info as text (assuming "text/plain" is a supported feature info format)
        pos - the position to be checked, in real world coordinates
      • getFeatureInfo

        public InputStream getFeatureInfo​(Position2D pos,
                                          String infoFormat,
                                          int featureCount)
                                   throws IOException
        Retrieves the feature info as a generic input stream, it's the duty of the caller to interpret the contents and ensure the stream is closed feature info format)
        pos - the position to be checked, in real world coordinates
        infoFormat - The INFO_FORMAT parameter in the GetFeatureInfo request
      • getFeatureInfo

        public InputStream getFeatureInfo​(ReferencedEnvelope bbox,
                                          int width,
                                          int height,
                                          int x,
                                          int y,
                                          String infoFormat,
                                          int featureCount)
                                   throws IOException
        Allows to run a standalone GetFeatureInfo request, without the need to have previously run a GetMap request on this layer. Mostly useful for stateless users that rebuild the map context for each rendering operation (e.g., GeoServer)
        infoFormat - The INFO_FORMAT parameter in the GetFeatureInfo request
      • getWMSLayers

        public List<Layer> getWMSLayers()
        Returns the WMS Layers used by this layer
      • getWMSStyles

        public List<String> getWMSStyles()
        return the names of the styles used by this layer.
      • getCoordinateReferenceSystem

        public CoordinateReferenceSystem getCoordinateReferenceSystem()
        Returns the CRS used to make requests to the remote WMS
      • getLastGetMap

        public GetMapRequest getLastGetMap()
        Returns last GetMap request performed by this layer
      • addLayer

        public void addLayer​(Layer layer)
        Allows to add another WMS layer into the GetMap requests
      • addLayer

        public void addLayer​(Layer layer,
                             String style)
        Allows to add another WMS layer into the GetMap requests
      • isNativelySupported

        public boolean isNativelySupported​(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
        Returns true if the specified CRS can be used directly to perform WMS requests. Natively supported crs will provide the best rendering quality as no client side reprojection is necessary, the image coming from the WMS server will be used as-is