Class OblongImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • OblongImpl

        public OblongImpl​(double minX,
                          double minY,
                          double width,
                          double height,
                          CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
        Creates a new oblong.
        minX - minimum X ordinate
        minY - minimum Y ordinate
        width - span in the X direction
        height - span in the Y direction
        crs - coordinate reference system (may be null)
    • Method Detail

      • getArea

        public double getArea()
        Gets the area of this grid element.
        Specified by:
        getArea in interface PolygonElement
        the area
      • getCenter

        public Coordinate getCenter()
        Gets the center coordinates of this grid element.
        Specified by:
        getCenter in interface PolygonElement
        the center coordinates
      • getVertices

        public Coordinate[] getVertices()
        Gets the vertices of this grid element.

        Vertex 0 is at the min X and Y coordinate (lower left) with the subsequent vertices being indexed clockwise.

        Specified by:
        getVertices in interface GridElement
        the vertices
      • toGeometry

        public Geometry toGeometry()
        Creates a new Geometry from this grid element.
        Specified by:
        toGeometry in interface GridElement
        a new Geometry
      • toDenseGeometry

        public Geometry toDenseGeometry​(double maxSpacing)
        Creates a new, densified Geometry from this grid element.
        Specified by:
        toDenseGeometry in interface GridElement
        maxSpacing - the maximum distance between adjacent vertices
        a new Geometry