Uses of Interface
Packages that use ComplexType Package Description org.geotools.ows.wms.xml org.geotools.xml.filter The package name does not map the prefix name because we feel that this is a better org.geotools.xml.handlers Overvieworg.geotools.xml.handlers.xsi Overvieworg.geotools.xml.schema Schema Interfacesorg.geotools.xml.schema.impl org.geotools.xml.styling org.geotools.xml.xLink org.geotools.xml.xsi -
Uses of ComplexType in org.geotools.ows.wms.xml
Methods in org.geotools.ows.wms.xml that return ComplexType Modifier and Type Method Description ComplexType[]
OGCSchema. getComplexTypes()
WMSSchema. getComplexTypes()
static ComplexType
ogcComplexTypes._FeatureInfoOutput. getInstance()
static ComplexType
ogcComplexTypes._FeatureInfoSize. getInstance()
static ComplexType
ogcComplexTypes._GetCapabilities. getInstance()
static ComplexType
ogcComplexTypes._GetFeatureInfo. getInstance()
static ComplexType
ogcComplexTypes._GetMap. getInstance()
static ComplexType
ogcComplexTypes._Output. getInstance()
static ComplexType
ogcComplexTypes._Size. getInstance()
static ComplexType
ogcComplexTypes.VendorType. getInstance()
Uses of ComplexType in org.geotools.xml.filter
Methods in org.geotools.xml.filter that return ComplexType Modifier and Type Method Description ComplexType[]
FilterSchema. getComplexTypes()
static ComplexType
FilterComplexTypes.Arithmetic_OperatorsType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterComplexTypes.BinaryOperatorType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterComplexTypes.Comparison_OperatorsType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterComplexTypes.ExpressionType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterComplexTypes.Filter_CapabilitiesType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterComplexTypes.Function_NamesType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterComplexTypes.Function_NameType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterComplexTypes.FunctionsType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterComplexTypes.FunctionType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterComplexTypes.LiteralType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterComplexTypes.PropertyNameType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterComplexTypes.Scalar_CapabilitiesType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterComplexTypes.ServiceExceptionReportType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterComplexTypes.ServiceExceptionType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterComplexTypes.Spatial_CapabilitiesType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterComplexTypes.Spatial_OperatorsType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterOpsComplexTypes.BBOXType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterOpsComplexTypes.BinaryComparisonOpType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterOpsComplexTypes.BinaryLogicOpType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterOpsComplexTypes.BinarySpatialOpType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterOpsComplexTypes.ComparisonOpsType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterOpsComplexTypes.DistanceBufferType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterOpsComplexTypes.DistanceType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterOpsComplexTypes.FeatureIdType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterOpsComplexTypes.FilterType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterOpsComplexTypes.LogicOpsType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterOpsComplexTypes.LowerBoundaryType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterOpsComplexTypes.PropertyIsBetweenType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterOpsComplexTypes.PropertyIsLikeType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterOpsComplexTypes.PropertyIsNullType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterOpsComplexTypes.SpatialOpsType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterOpsComplexTypes.UnaryLogicOpType. getInstance()
static ComplexType
FilterOpsComplexTypes.UpperBoundaryType. getInstance()
Uses of ComplexType in org.geotools.xml.gml
Classes in org.geotools.xml.gml that implement ComplexType Modifier and Type Class Description static class
This class represents an AbstractFeatureCollectionsBaseType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an AbstractFeatureCollectionType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an AbstractFeatureType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an AbstractGeometryCollectionBaseType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an AbstractGeometryType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an BoundingShapeType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an BoxType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an CoordinatesType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an CoordType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an FeatureAssociationType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an GeometryAssociationType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an GeometryCollectionType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an GeometryPropertyType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an LinearRingMemberType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an LinearRingType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an LineStringMemberType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an LineStringPropertyType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an LineStringType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an MultiGeometryPropertyType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an MultiLineStringPropertyType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an MultiLineStringType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an MultiPointPropertyType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an MultiPointType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an MultiPolygonPropertyType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an MultiPolygonType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an PointMemberType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an PointPropertyType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an PointType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an PolygonMemberType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an PolygonPropertyType within the GML Schema.static class
This class represents an PolygonType within the GML Schema.Methods in org.geotools.xml.gml that return ComplexType Modifier and Type Method Description ComplexType[]
GMLSchema. getComplexTypes()
Methods in org.geotools.xml.gml with parameters of type ComplexType Modifier and Type Method Description static SimpleFeatureType
GMLComplexTypes. createFeatureType(ComplexType element)
Uses of ComplexType in org.geotools.xml.handlers
Methods in org.geotools.xml.handlers that return ComplexType Modifier and Type Method Description ComplexType
ComplexElementHandler. getType()
returns the Type of the Elementhandler -
Uses of ComplexType in org.geotools.xml.handlers.xsi
Methods in org.geotools.xml.handlers.xsi that return ComplexType Modifier and Type Method Description protected ComplexType
ComplexTypeHandler. compress(SchemaHandler parent)
compresses the inheritance tree, caching a more efficient copy.protected ComplexType
SchemaHandler. lookUpComplexType(String qname)
convinience method for package -
Uses of ComplexType in org.geotools.xml.schema
Methods in org.geotools.xml.schema that return ComplexType Modifier and Type Method Description ComplexType[]
Schema. getComplexTypes()
This method is intended to provide a list of public ComplexTypes defined by this Schema. -
Uses of ComplexType in org.geotools.xml.schema.impl
Classes in org.geotools.xml.schema.impl that implement ComplexType Modifier and Type Class Description class
Provides ...TODO summary sentence -
Uses of ComplexType in org.geotools.xml.styling
Classes in org.geotools.xml.styling that implement ComplexType Modifier and Type Class Description class
Methods in org.geotools.xml.styling that return ComplexType Modifier and Type Method Description ComplexType[]
sldSchema. getComplexTypes()
Uses of ComplexType in org.geotools.xml.xLink
Methods in org.geotools.xml.xLink that return ComplexType Modifier and Type Method Description ComplexType[]
XLinkSchema. getComplexTypes()
Uses of ComplexType in org.geotools.xml.xsi
Classes in org.geotools.xml.xsi that implement ComplexType Modifier and Type Class Description static class