class |
AverageVisitor |
Calculates the Average
class |
GroupByVisitor |
Group features by one or several attributes and applies an aggregator visitor to each group.
class |
MaxVisitor |
Calculates the maximum value of an attribute.
class |
MedianVisitor |
Calculates the median of an attribute in all features of a collection
class |
MinVisitor |
Calculates the minimum value of an attribute.
class |
NearestVisitor |
Finds the nearest value to the provided one in the attribute domain.
class |
StandardDeviationVisitor |
Determines the standard deviation.
class |
SumAreaVisitor |
Calculates the Sum of Areas for geometric fields
class |
SumVisitor |
Calculates the Sum of an attribute (of a FeatureVisitor)
class |
UniqueCountVisitor |
Determines the number of unique features in the collection on the basis of the specified feature attribute.
class |
UniqueVisitor |
Generates a list of unique values from a collection