Coverage |
Operations.absolute(Coverage source) |
Computes the mathematical absolute value of each sample value.
Coverage |
Operations.add(Coverage source,
double[] constants) |
Adds constants (one for each band) to every sample values of the source coverage.
Coverage |
Operations.add(Coverage source0,
Coverage source1) |
Returns the sum between two coverages
GridCoverage |
Operations.affine(GridCoverage source,
AffineTransform transform,
Interpolation interpolation,
double[] noDataValues) |
Translates and resizes an image.
Coverage |
Operations.crop(Coverage source,
Bounds envelope) |
Crops the image to a specified rectangular area.
Coverage |
Operations.crop(Coverage source,
Geometry roi) |
Crops the image to a specified clipping area
Coverage |
Operations.divideBy(Coverage source,
double[] constants) |
Divides every sample values of the source coverage by constants (one for each band).
abstract Coverage |
AbstractOperation.doOperation(ParameterValueGroup parameters,
Hints hints) |
Applies a process operation to a coverage.
Coverage |
OperationJAI.doOperation(ParameterValueGroup parameters,
Hints hints) |
Applies a process operation to a grid coverage.
protected Coverage |
Operations.doOperation(String operationName,
Coverage source) |
Applies a process operation with default parameters.
protected Coverage |
Operations.doOperation(String operationName,
Coverage source,
String argumentName1,
Object argumentValue1) |
Applies a process operation with one parameter.
protected Coverage |
Operations.doOperation(String operationName,
Coverage source,
String argumentName1,
Object argumentValue1,
String argumentName2,
Object argumentValue2) |
Applies process operation with two parameters.
protected Coverage |
Operations.doOperation(String operationName,
Coverage source,
String argumentName1,
Object argumentValue1,
String argumentName2,
Object argumentValue2,
String argumentName3,
Object argumentValue3) |
Applies a process operation with three parameters.
protected Coverage |
Operations.doOperation(String operationName,
Coverage source,
String argumentName1,
Object argumentValue1,
String argumentName2,
Object argumentValue2,
String argumentName3,
Object argumentValue3,
String argumentName4,
Object argumentValue4) |
Applies a process operation with four parameters.
protected Coverage |
Operations.doOperation(String operationName,
Coverage source,
String argumentName1,
Object argumentValue1,
String argumentName2,
Object argumentValue2,
String argumentName3,
Object argumentValue3,
String argumentName4,
Object argumentValue4,
String argumentName5,
Object argumentValue5) |
Applies a process operation with five parameters.
protected Coverage |
Operations.doOperation(String operationName,
Coverage source,
String argumentName1,
Object argumentValue1,
String argumentName2,
Object argumentValue2,
String argumentName3,
Object argumentValue3,
String argumentName4,
Object argumentValue4,
String argumentName5,
Object argumentValue5,
String argumentName6,
Object argumentValue6) |
Applies a process operation with six parameters.
protected Coverage |
Operations.doOperation(String operationName,
Coverage source0,
Coverage source1) |
Applies a process binary operation on two coverages with default parameters.
Coverage |
Operations.exp(Coverage source) |
Takes the exponential of the sample values of a coverage.
Coverage |
Operations.extrema(Coverage source) |
Finds the maximum and minimum pixel values for each band within that region of the coverage.
GridCoverage |
Operations.filteredSubsample(GridCoverage source) |
Subsamples an image using the default values.
GridCoverage |
Operations.filteredSubsample(GridCoverage source,
int scaleX,
int scaleY,
float[] qsFilter) |
Subsamples an image by integral factors.
GridCoverage |
Operations.filteredSubsample(GridCoverage source,
int scaleX,
int scaleY,
float[] qsFilter,
Interpolation interpolation) |
Subsamples an image by integral factors.
GridCoverage |
Operations.interpolate(GridCoverage source,
String type) |
Specifies the interpolation type to be used to interpolate values for points which fall between grid cells.
GridCoverage |
Operations.interpolate(GridCoverage source,
Interpolation type) |
Specifies the interpolation type to be used to interpolate values for points which fall between grid cells.
GridCoverage |
Operations.interpolate(GridCoverage source,
Interpolation[] types) |
Specifies the interpolation types to be used to interpolate values for points which fall between grid cells.
Coverage |
Operations.invert(Coverage source) |
Inverts the sample values of a coverage.
Coverage |
Operations.log(Coverage source) |
Takes the natural logarithm of the sample values of a coverage.
Coverage |
Operations.multiply(Coverage source,
double[] constants) |
Multiplies every sample values of the source coverage by constants (one for each band).
Coverage |
Operations.multiply(Coverage source0,
Coverage source1) |
Returns the multiplication between two coverages
GridCoverage |
Operations.nodataFilter(GridCoverage source) |
Replaces NaN values by the weighted average of neighbors values.
GridCoverage |
Operations.nodataFilter(GridCoverage source,
int padding,
int validityThreshold) |
Replaces NaN values by the weighted average of neighbors values.
Coverage |
Operations.resample(Coverage source,
CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) |
Resamples a coverage to the specified coordinate reference system.
Coverage |
Operations.resample(GridCoverage source,
Bounds envelope,
Interpolation interpolationType) |
Resamples a grid coverage to the specified envelope.
Coverage |
Operations.resample(GridCoverage source,
CoordinateReferenceSystem crs,
GridGeometry gridGeometry,
Interpolation interpolationType) |
Resamples a grid coverage to the specified coordinate reference system and grid geometry.
Coverage |
Operations.resample(GridCoverage source,
CoordinateReferenceSystem crs,
GridGeometry gridGeometry,
Interpolation interpolationType,
double[] backgroundValues) |
Resamples a grid coverage to the specified coordinate reference system and grid geometry.
Coverage |
Operations.rescale(Coverage source,
double[] constants,
double[] offsets) |
Maps the sample values of a coverage from one range to another range.
GridCoverage |
Operations.scale(GridCoverage source,
double xScale,
double yScale,
double xTrans,
double yTrans) |
Translates and resizes an image.
GridCoverage |
Operations.scale(GridCoverage source,
double xScale,
double yScale,
double xTrans,
double yTrans,
Interpolation interpolation) |
Translates and resizes an image.
Coverage |
Operations.selectSampleDimension(Coverage source,
int[] sampleDimensions) |
Chooses N sample dimensions from a coverage and
copies their sample data to the destination grid coverage in the order specified.
GridCoverage |
Operations.subsampleAverage(GridCoverage source,
double scaleX,
double scaleY) |
Subsamples an image by averaging over a moving window
Coverage |
Operations.subtract(Coverage source,
double[] constants) |
Subtracts constants (one for each band) from every sample values of the source coverage.
Coverage |
Operations.subtractFrom(Coverage source,
double[] constants) |
Subtracts every sample values of the source coverage from constants (one for each band).
GridCoverage |
Operations.warp(GridCoverage source,
Warp warp) |
Warps an image.
GridCoverage |
Operations.warp(GridCoverage source,
Warp warp,
Interpolation interpolation) |
Translates and resizes an image.