Class ContentDataStore

    • Field Detail


        public static final String JOINED_FEATURE_TYPE
        When joining feature types, the UserData of the joined attribute descriptors will contain their full feature type under this key
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • WRITER_ADD

        protected static final int WRITER_ADD
        Flag writer for adding new content
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final int WRITER_UPDATE
        Flag writer for updating content in place
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final int WRITER_COMMIT
        Flag writer for commit (AUTO_COMMIT with no events)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • LOGGER

        protected final Logger LOGGER
      • typeFactory

        protected FeatureTypeFactory typeFactory
        Factory used to create feature types
      • featureFactory

        protected FeatureFactory featureFactory
        Factory used to create features
      • filterFactory

        protected FilterFactory filterFactory
        Factory used to create filters
      • geometryFactory

        protected GeometryFactory geometryFactory
        Factory used to create geometries
      • namespaceURI

        protected String namespaceURI
        namespace uri of the datastore itself, or default namespace
      • lockingManager

        protected LockingManager lockingManager
        locking manager
      • dataStoreFactory

        protected DataStoreFactorySpi dataStoreFactory
        factory used to create the datastore
    • Constructor Detail

      • ContentDataStore

        public ContentDataStore()