Class VectorMosaicStore

    • Constructor Detail

      • VectorMosaicStore

        public VectorMosaicStore​(String delegateStoreName,
                                 Repository repository)
        Creates a new instance of VectorMosaicStore
        delegateStoreName - the name of the delegate store. Delegate store must be registered in the repository and must point to vector featuretypes with identical attributes.
        repository - the repository to use for lookup of the delegate store.
    • Method Detail

      • getDelegateStoreName

        public String getDelegateStoreName()
      • getRepository

        public Repository getRepository()
      • getConnectionParameterKey

        public String getConnectionParameterKey()
      • setConnectionParameterKey

        public void setConnectionParameterKey​(String connectionParameterKey)
      • getPreferredSPI

        public String getPreferredSPI()
      • setPreferredSPI

        public void setPreferredSPI​(String preferredSPI)
      • buildName

        public static Name buildName​(String name)
        Builds a qualified name from a name containing the ":" separator, otherwise the given name will be used as the local part
        name - the name to build a qualified name from
        the qualified name
      • createTypeNames

        protected List<Name> createTypeNames()
                                      throws IOException
        Description copied from class: ContentDataStore
        Creates a set of qualified names corresponding to the types that the datastore provides.

        Namespaces may be left null for data stores which do not support namespace qualified type names.

        Specified by:
        createTypeNames in class ContentDataStore
        A list of Name.
        IOException - Any errors occuring connecting to data.