Class OGRDataStore

    • Method Detail

      • createTypeNames

        protected List<Name> createTypeNames()
                                      throws IOException
        Description copied from class: ContentDataStore
        Creates a set of qualified names corresponding to the types that the datastore provides.

        Namespaces may be left null for data stores which do not support namespace qualified type names.

        Specified by:
        createTypeNames in class ContentDataStore
        A list of Name.
        IOException - Any errors occuring connecting to data.
      • createSchema

        public void createSchema​(SimpleFeatureType schema,
                                 boolean approximateFields,
                                 String[] options)
                          throws IOException
        Creates a new OGR layer with provided schema and options
        schema - the geotools schema
        approximateFields - if true, OGR will try to create fields that are approximations of the required ones when an exact match cannt be provided
        options - OGR data source/layer creation options
      • createSchema

        public void createSchema​(SimpleFeatureCollection data,
                                 boolean approximateFields,
                                 String[] options)
                          throws IOException
        Creates a new OGR layer with provided data and options. This call is specifically made available for the OGC store since for some data source types, such as GML or KML, it is not possible to call createSchema() independently from a write, as the result will not contain the schema definition without having data too. Also, in those formats, the output is writable only so as long as it's empty, it's not possible to write against an existing GML file for example.
        data - The data to fill into the newly created layer
        approximateFields - if true, OGR will try to create fields that are approximations of the required ones when an exact match cannt be provided
        options - OGR data source/layer creation options
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Description copied from interface: DataAccess
        Disposes of this data store and releases any resource that it is using.

        A DataStore cannot be used after dispose has been called, neither can any data access object it helped create, such as FeatureReader, FeatureSource or FeatureCollection.

        This operation can be called more than once without side effects.

        There is no thread safety assurance associated with this method. For example, client code will have to make sure this method is not called while retrieving/saving data from/to the storage, or be prepared for the consequences.

        Specified by:
        dispose in interface DataAccess<SimpleFeatureType,​SimpleFeature>
        dispose in class ContentDataStore