In this part we will explore several Optimization techniques for CSVDataStore
Query Hints¶
The GeoTools Hints system can be used to configure a DataStore for use by an application. This is often done to speed things up by providing the Factories that the DataStore will use during the course of its operation.
As an example a CurvedGeometryFactory
with a specific tolerance can be passed in to aid in parsing WKT containing arcs:
Query query = new Query( typeName );
Hints hints = new Hints();
hints.put( Hints.JTS_GEOMETRY_FACTORY, new CurvedGeometryFactory( 0.005 ) );
SimpleFeatureCollection features = featureSource.getFeatures( query );
To interactively discover what hints are supported clients call FeatureSource.getSupportedHints()
At the time of writing the following hints are supported:
: indicates returned features are a copy (can can be modified without side-effect)Hints.JTS_GEOMETRY_FACTORY
: control of geometry representationHints.JTS_COORDINATE_SEQUENCE_FACTORY
: control of coordinate storage (you may be able to optimize read performance by directly using the binary data provided by your data format, or you may wish to optimize for memory use).Hints.JTS_PRECISION_MODEL
: configure to match precision maintained by coordinate sequence factoryHints.JTS_SRID
: for compatibility with systems using a spatial reference system identifier (such as PostGIS)Hints.GEOMETRY_DISTANCE
: used to select a geometry of appropriate generalization. Your datastore may wish to simplify “on the fly” while reading the geometryHints.FEATURE_2D
: used to indicate that only two dimensions are required (ignoring the 3rd dimension for 2.5D data)
Many of these values are filled in when rendering, by taking advantage of these query hints you can offer vastly improved performance.
Your implementation can also advertise additional functionality using the FeatureSource.getQueryCapabilities()
data structure.
Formats that allows user supplied FeatureIds
when adding new features fill in QueryCapabilities.isUseProvidedFIDSupported()
to return true.
To use this approach CSVDataStore
would need to be extended with an FID_COLUMN
parameter (to be used as a FeatureId
). This works when reading (or modifying) existing features, but we run into a glitch in the API when inserting new features, the feature id cannot be changed!
The workaround is to ask clients to store the proposed FeatureId
in the user data map:
public String[] encode(SimpleFeature feature) {
List<String> csvRecord = new ArrayList<String>();
String fid = feature.getId();
if( Boolean.TRUE.equals( feature.getUserData().get(Hints.USE_PROVIDED_FID) ) ){
if( feature.getUserData().containsKey(Hints.PROVIDED_FID)){
fid = (String) feature.getUserData().get(Hints.PROVIDED_FID);
for (Property property : feature.getProperties()) {
Object value = property.getValue();
if (value == null) {
} else {
String txt = value.toString();
return csvRecord.toArray(new String[csvRecord.size()-1]);
Low-Level Optimization¶
Single Use Feature Writers¶
The first level of optimizations available is paying attention to the flags
provided when setting up our CSVFeatureWriter
The flags passed in provide a bit of context for how the FeatureWriter
will be
used - so if you have a better implementation on hand you are welcome to use it.
protected FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> getWriterInternal(Query query,
int flags) throws IOException {
boolean append = (flags | WRITER_ADD) == WRITER_ADD;
return new CSVFeatureWriter(getState(), query, append);
There are three distinct uses for FeatureWriters
getFeatureWriter( typeName, transaction )
General purpose
getFeatureWriter( typeName, filter, transaction )
An optimized version that does not create new content can be created.
getFeatureWriterAppend( typeName, transaction)
An optimized version that duplicates the original file, and opens it in append mode can be created. We can also perform special tricks such as returning a Feature delegate to the user, which records when it has been modified.
Can you update the CSVFeatureWriter, or create a new one, that can quickly start appending content to the end of the file?
It is tempting to start with the use of
but remember you need to track the number of features in order to generateFeatureIds
when appending.You may wish to review the implementation of
s inShapeDataStore
Wrapper/Decorator Optimization¶
provides a lot of functionality based on the methods we implemented in the
Tutorials. We also know there are a number of wrappers used to fill in the gaps in our
It is worth reviewing ContentFeatureSource.getReader(Query query)
to see what wrappers may be
in play.
Each wrapper represents a post-processing step that is being applied on your data. If you are making
use of a service that supports reprojection - then you can implement canReproject()
and avoid
this overhead.
//apply wrappers based on subclass capabilities
// transactions
if( !canTransact() && transaction != null && transaction != Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT) {
DiffTransactionState state = (DiffTransactionState) getTransaction().getState(getEntry());
reader = new DiffFeatureReader<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature>(reader, state.getDiff());
if ( !canFilter(query) ) {
if (query.getFilter() != null && query.getFilter() != Filter.INCLUDE ) {
reader = new FilteringFeatureReader<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature>( reader, query.getFilter() );
if ( !canRetype(query) ) {
if ( query.getPropertyNames() != Query.ALL_NAMES ) {
//rebuild the type and wrap the reader
SimpleFeatureType target =
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder.retype(getSchema(), query.getPropertyNames());
// do an equals check because we may have needlessly retyped (that is,
// the subclass might be able to only partially retype)
if ( !target.equals( reader.getFeatureType() ) ) {
reader = new ReTypeFeatureReader( reader, target, false );
// sorting
if ( query.getSortBy() != null && query.getSortBy().length != 0 ) {
if ( !canSort(query) ) {
reader = new SortedFeatureReader(DataUtilities.simple(reader), query);
// offset
int offset = query.getStartIndex() != null ? query.getStartIndex() : 0;
if( !canOffset(query) && offset > 0 ) {
// skip the first n records
for(int i = 0; i < offset && reader.hasNext(); i++) {
// max feature limit
if ( !canLimit(query) ) {
if (query.getMaxFeatures() != -1 && query.getMaxFeatures() < Integer.MAX_VALUE ) {
reader = new MaxFeatureReader<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature>(reader, query.getMaxFeatures());
// reprojection
if ( !canReproject() ) {
CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = query.getCoordinateSystemReproject();
if (targetCRS != null) {
CoordinateReferenceSystem nativeCRS = reader.getFeatureType().getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
if(nativeCRS == null) {
throw new IOException("Cannot reproject data, the source CRS is not available");
} else if(!nativeCRS.equals(targetCRS)) {
try {
reader = new ReprojectFeatureReader(reader, targetCRS);
} catch (Exception e) {
if(e instanceof IOException)
throw (IOException) e;
throw (IOException) new IOException("Error occurred trying to reproject data").initCause(e);
The canRetype(query)
operation is easy to support, check the query and only provide values for the
requested attributes. This is an especially valuable optimization to perform at a low-level as
you may be able to avoid an expensive step (like parsing Geometry
) if it is not being requested
by the client.
Check the
object passed into yourFeatureWriter
A similar set of wrappers is used for FeatureWriter
public final FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> getWriter( Query query, int flags ) throws IOException {
query = joinQuery( query );
query = resolvePropertyNames(query);
FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> writer;
if (!canTransact() && transaction != null && transaction != Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT) {
DiffTransactionState state = (DiffTransactionState) getTransaction().getState(getEntry());
FeatureReader<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> reader = getReader(query);
writer = new DiffContentFeatureWriter(this, state.getDiff(), reader);
} else {
writer = getWriterInternal(query, flags);
// events
if (!canEvent()){
writer = new EventContentFeatureWriter(this, writer );
// filtering
if (!canFilter(query)) {
if (query.getFilter() != null && query.getFilter() != Filter.INCLUDE) {
writer = new FilteringFeatureWriter(writer, query.getFilter());
// Use InProcessLockingManager to assert write locks?
if (!canLock()) {
LockingManager lockingManager = getDataStore().getLockingManager();
writer = ((InProcessLockingManager) lockingManager).checkedWriter(writer,
// Finished
return writer;
The wrapper classes mentioned above are excellent examples on how to create your own FeatureWriters
Historically Filter.ALL
and Filter.NONE
were used as placeholder,
as crazy as it sounds, Filter.ALL
filters out ALL (accepts none)
filters out NONE (accepts ALL).
These two have been renamed in GeoTools 2.3 for the following:
has been replaced withFilter.EXCLUDE
has been replaced withFilter.INCLUDE
Every helper class we discussed above can be replaced if your external data source supports the functionality.
Actual Query Optimization¶
Since GeoTools version 31.0, the actual query can be passed to the method to determine whether the DataStore implementation can optimize for specific queries.
For example, canLimit()
changes to canLimit(query)
so the actual query can be evaluated and used to determine the response of true or false. Previously, canLimit()
had to respond in a generic way, without the benefit of the query. The old methods have been deprecated.
This allows some simple queries to be optimized when possible without also having to optimize for more complex queries (which might not be possible for the particular DataStore.)
For more details on whether a method can be optimized in this way, please refer to the API docs.
Custom ContentState¶
supplies an example of sub-classing ContentEntry
to store additional information.

Create your own CSVState
and wire it into CSVDataStore
If you like you can use your CSVState
to store a SpatialIndex
listing the row numbers.
High-Level Optimization¶
, FeatureSource
and FeatureStore
provide a few methods specifically set up
for Optimization.
DataStore Optimization¶
DataStore leaves open a number of methods for high-level optimizations:
ContentDataStore.getCount( query )
ContentDataStore.getBounds( query )
has already done a good job of isolating this calculation and recording
the result on ContentState
(so it is not regenerated each time).
FeatureStore Optimization¶
s operating against rich external data sources can often perform high level optimizations.
for instance can often construct SQL statements that completely fulfill a request
without making use of FeatureWriter
s at all.
When performing these queries please remember two things:
Check the
- If you are not providing your own native locking support, please check the user’s authorization against thelockingManager
Event Notification - Remember to fire the appropriate notification events when contents change, Feature Caches will depend on this notification to accurately track the contents of your DataStore
Since the FeatureId
for CSV files is determined by row number, you can quickly scan to
to a requested FeatureID
by skipping an appropriate number of rows.
Use this knowledge to implement an optimized version of FeatureSource.removeFeatures(Filter filter)
that detects the use of an Id
Hint: The Id
Filter contains a Set<FeatureId>
- and you deliberately constructed your FeatureId
with a consistent pattern.