Class XSIElementHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • XSIElementHandler

        protected XSIElementHandler()
        Creates a new XSIElementHandler object. Intended to limit creation to the sub-packages
    • Method Detail

      • getHandlerType

        public abstract int getHandlerType()
        Returns one of the Specified types ... intended for use by the child packages only
        int (DEFAULT?)
      • characters

        public void characters​(String text)
                        throws SAXException
        In most cases this class should not be called within this framework as we do not intend to parse + store all the information required to recreate the exact Schema document being parsed. As a result, information such as annotations are ignored. When used, they method may be called multiple times for one element. This means the implementor should keep this in mind when overriding this method.
      • endElement

        public abstract void endElement​(String namespaceURI,
                                        String localName)
                                 throws SAXException
        handles SAX end Element events. this is an opportunity to complete some post-processing
      • startElement

        public abstract void startElement​(String namespaceURI,
                                          String localName,
                                          Attributes attr)
                                   throws SAXException
        handles SAX start Element events. This is an opportunity to complete some pre-processing.
      • getHandler

        public abstract XSIElementHandler getHandler​(String namespaceURI,
                                                     String localName)
                                              throws SAXException
        This method will be used to create the XSI document. Validation and in-fix processing is expected to exist within this method, along with data logging for post-processing. This method will directly affect the stack being used to complete the parse.
        XSIElementHandler, or null
      • getLocalName

        public abstract String getLocalName()
        Returns the LocalName for this element (ie this declaration in the Schema ... so ComplexType or Sequence ...)
        String (not-null)
      • setLogLevel

        public static void setLogLevel​(Level l)
        Sets the logging level for all XSIElementHandlers