Class JSimpleStyleDialog

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible, RootPaneContainer, WindowConstants

    public class JSimpleStyleDialog
    extends JDialog
    A dialog to prompt the user for feature style choices. It has a number of static showDialog methods to work with different sources (SimpleFeatureType, Layer, DataStore). Each of these displays a dialog and then creates a new Style instance.

    Examples of use:

     // Use with a shapefile
     Component parentGUIComponent = null;
     ShapefileDataStore shapefile = ...
     Style style = JSimpleStyleDialog.showDialog(parentGUIComponent, shapefile);
     if (style != null) {
        // create a layer using this style
     // Use with an existing Layer
     Layer layer = ...
     Style style = JSimpleStyleDialog.showDialog(parentGUIComponent, layer);
     if (style != null) {
         layer.setStyle( style );
    Michael Bedward
    See Also:
    SLD style helper class, Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final Color DEFAULT_LINE_COLOR

        public static final Color DEFAULT_FILL_COLOR
    • Constructor Detail

      • JSimpleStyleDialog

        public JSimpleStyleDialog​(Frame owner,
                                  SimpleFeatureType schema,
                                  Style initialStyle)
        owner - the parent Frame (may be null)
        schema - the feature type for which the style is being created
        initialStyle - an optional Style object to initialize the dialog (may be null)
        IllegalStateException - if the data store cannot be accessed
      • JSimpleStyleDialog

        public JSimpleStyleDialog​(Dialog owner,
                                  SimpleFeatureType schema,
                                  Style initialStyle)
        owner - the parent Dialog (may be null)
        schema - the feature type for which the style is being created
        initialStyle - an optional Style object to initialize the dialog (may be null)
        IllegalStateException - if the data store cannot be accessed
    • Method Detail

      • showDialog

        public static Style showDialog​(Component parent,
                                       StyleLayer layer)
        Static convenience method: displays a JSimpleStyleDialog to prompt the user for style preferences to use with the given StyleLayer. The layer's existing style, if any, will be used to initialize the dialog.
        parent - parent component (may be null)
        layer - the map layer
        a new Style instance or null if the user cancels the dialog
      • showDialog

        public static Style showDialog​(Component parent,
                                       DataStore dataStore)
        Static convenience method: displays a JSimpleStyleDialog to prompt the user for style preferences to use with the first feature type in the dataStore.
        parent - parent JFrame (may be null)
        dataStore - data store with the features to be rendered
        a new Style instance or null if the user cancels the dialog
      • showDialog

        public static Style showDialog​(Component parent,
                                       DataStore dataStore,
                                       Style initialStyle)
        Static convenience method: displays a JSimpleStyleDialog to prompt the user for style preferences to use with the first feature type in the dataStore.
        parent - parent JFrame (may be null)
        dataStore - data store with the features to be rendered
        initialStyle - an optional Style object to initialize the dialog (may be null)
        a new Style instance or null if the user cancels the dialog
      • showDialog

        public static Style showDialog​(Component parent,
                                       SimpleFeatureType featureType)
        Static convenience method: displays a JSimpleStyleDialog to prompt the user for style preferences to use with the given feature type.
        parent - parent component (may be null)
        featureType - the feature type that the Style will be used to display
        a new Style instance or null if the user cancels the dialog
      • showDialog

        public static Style showDialog​(Component parent,
                                       SimpleFeatureType featureType,
                                       Style initialStyle)
        Static convenience method: displays a JSimpleStyleDialog to prompt the user for style preferences to use with the given feature type.
        parent - parent component (may be null)
        featureType - the feature type that the Style will be used to display
        initialStyle - an optional Style object to initialize the dialog (may be null)
        a new Style instance or null if the user cancels the dialog
      • completed

        public boolean completed()
        Query if the dialog was completed (user clicked the Apply button)
        true if completed; false otherwise
      • getGeomType

        public Geometries getGeomType()
        Gets the geometry type of the selected feature type. Returns null if the user cancelled the dialog.
        the geometry type
      • getLineColor

        public Color getLineColor()
        Get the selected line color
        line color
      • getFillColor

        public Color getFillColor()
        Get the selected fill color
        fill color
      • getOpacity

        public float getOpacity()
        Get the fill opacity
        getOpacity in class Window
        fill opacity between 0 and 1
      • getLineWidth

        public float getLineWidth()
        Get the selected line width
        line width
      • getPointSize

        public float getPointSize()
        Get the selected point size
        point size
      • getPointSymbolName

        public String getPointSymbolName()
        Get the selected point symbol name
        symbol name
      • getLabelField

        public String getLabelField()
        Get the feature field (attribute) to use for labels
        field name
      • getLabelFont

        public Font getLabelFont()
        Get the font to use for labels
        a GeoTools Font object