Interface Style

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    BasicLineStyle, BasicPolygonStyle, NamedStyleImpl, StyleImpl

    public interface Style
    A UserStyle is at the same semantic level as a NamedStyle used in the context of a WMS. In a sense, a named style can be thought of as a reference to a hidden UserStyle that is stored inside of a map server.

    A portrayal catalog consits of a set of feature portrayal objects. Many may exist for each feature type that may occur in the dataset. each feature object has assigned a set of portrayal rules. This class is a merged between ISO 19117 Portrayal and OGC SLD 1.1.0

    GeoAPI 2.2
    Open Geospatial Consortium, Johann Sorel (Geomatys)
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        String getName()
        Style name (machine readable, don't show to users)
        String, identification name of this style
      • setName

        void setName​(String name)
      • setBackground

        void setBackground​(Fill background)
      • getDescription

        Description getDescription()
        Description for this style.
        Human readable description for use in user interfaces
      • isDefault

        boolean isDefault()
        The IsDefault element identifies whether a style is the default style of a layer, for use in SLD ‘library mode’ when rendering or for storing inside of a map server. IsDefault uses “1” or “true” for true and “0” or “false” for false. The default value is “0”.
      • setDefault

        void setDefault​(boolean isDefault)
        Indicates that this is the default style.

        Assume this is kept for GeoServer enabling a WMS to track which style is considered the default. May consider providing a clientProperties mechanism similar to Swing JComponent allowing applications to mark up the Style content for custom uses.

      • featureTypeStyles

        List<FeatureTypeStyle> featureTypeStyles()
        FeatureTypeStyles rendered in order of appearance in this list.
      • getDefaultSpecification

        Symbolizer getDefaultSpecification()
        This functionality is from an ISO specificaiton; and conflicts with the idea of an else rule presented by SLD.

        Implementations may choose to look up the first symbolizer of an elseFilter or allow this to be provided?

        Symbolizer to use if no rules work out.
      • setDefaultSpecification

        void setDefaultSpecification​(Symbolizer defaultSymbolizer)
        defaultSymbolizer - To be used if a feature is not rendered by any of the rules
      • accept

        void accept​(StyleVisitor visitor)
        Used to navigate Style information during portrayal.
      • getBackground

        default Fill getBackground()
        The background Fill , if any, null otherwise