Class DnDListModel<T>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, ListModel<T>

    public class DnDListModel<T>
    extends AbstractListModel<T>
    A generic ListModel class to support DnDList.

    The DnDListModel acts as a wrapper around an internal list of items; providing notification as the items are changed.

    Michael Bedward
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • DnDListModel

        public DnDListModel()
        Default constructor
    • Method Detail

      • setNofifyListeners

        public void setNofifyListeners​(boolean notify)
      • getNotifyListeners

        public boolean getNotifyListeners()
      • getSize

        public int getSize()
      • getElementAt

        public T getElementAt​(int index)
        Get the list item at the specified index.

        Note: this method returns a live reference.

        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if index is invalid
      • getElementsAt

        public List<T> getElementsAt​(int[] indices)
        Returns a list of the items at the specified indices.

        Note: The returned List contains live references.

        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if any of the indices are invalid
      • getElementsAt

        public List<T> getElementsAt​(Collection<Integer> indices)
        Returns a list of the items at the indices specified in the Collection.

        Note: The returned List contains live references.

        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if any of the indices are invalid
      • addItem

        public void addItem​(T newItem)
        Append a new item to the end of the list of current items
      • addItems

        public void addItems​(T[] newItems)
        Add new items to the end of the list of current items
      • addItems

        public void addItems​(Collection<T> newItems)
        Add new items to the end of the list of current items
      • insertItem

        public void insertItem​(int destIndex,
                               T newItem)
        Insert an item into the list at the specified position.
        destIndex - the position of the new item: if < 0 the item will be inserted at the start of the list; if >= the current list size the item will be appended to the end of the list
      • insertItems

        public void insertItems​(int destIndex,
                                T[] newItems)
        Insert new items into the list at the specified position.
        destIndex - the position of the new item: if < 0 the items will be inserted at the start of the list; if >= the current list size the items will be appended to the end of the list
      • insertItems

        public void insertItems​(int destIndex,
                                Collection<T> newItems)
        Insert new items into the list at the specified position.
        destIndex - the position of the new item: if < 0 the items will be inserted at the start of the list; if >= the current list size the items will be appended to the end of the list
      • moveItems

        public void moveItems​(int destIndex,
                              int[] srcIndices)
        Move the items currently positioned at the indices in the srcIndices array as block such that they are inserted into the list at destIndex. It is assumed that srcIndices is sorted in ascending order.
      • removeAt

        public void removeAt​(int index)
        Remove the item at the specified index
      • removeItem

        public void removeItem​(T item)
        Removes the first instance of the specified item if it is contained in the list
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Remove all items from the list
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(T item)
        Query whether this list contains the specified item
      • indexOf

        public int indexOf​(T item)
        Get the (first) index of the given item in the list of items held by this model.
        item - the item to search for
        the index or -1 if the item is not present