Class PolygonSymbolizerImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • PolygonSymbolizerImpl

        protected PolygonSymbolizerImpl()
        Creates a new instance of DefaultPolygonStyler
    • Method Detail

      • getPerpendicularOffset

        public Expression getPerpendicularOffset()
        Description copied from interface: PolygonSymbolizer
        PerpendicularOffset works as defined for LineSymbolizer, allowing to draw polygons smaller or larger than their actual geometry. The distance is in uoms and is positive to the outside of the polygon. Negative numbers mean drawing the polygon smaller. The default offset is 0.
        Specified by:
        getPerpendicularOffset in interface PolygonSymbolizer
      • setPerpendicularOffset

        public void setPerpendicularOffset​(Expression offset)
        Description copied from interface: PolygonSymbolizer
        PerpendicularOffset works as defined for LineSymbolizer, allowing to draw polygons smaller or larger than their actual geometry.
        Specified by:
        setPerpendicularOffset in interface PolygonSymbolizer
        offset - Offset from the edge polygon positive outside; negative to the inside with a default of 0.
      • getDisplacement

        public Displacement getDisplacement()
        Description copied from interface: PolygonSymbolizer
        The Displacement gives the X and Y displacements from the original geometry. This element may be used to avoid over-plotting of multiple PolygonSymbolizers for one geometry or supplying "shadows" of polygon gemeotries. The displacements are in units of pixels above and to the right of the point. The default displacement is X=0, Y=0.
        Specified by:
        getDisplacement in interface PolygonSymbolizer
      • getFill

        public Fill getFill()
        Provides the graphical-symbolization parameter to use to fill the area of the geometry.
        Specified by:
        getFill in interface PolygonSymbolizer
        The Fill style to use when rendering the area.
      • setFill

        public void setFill​(Fill fill)
        Sets the graphical-symbolization parameter to use to fill the area of the geometry.
        Specified by:
        setFill in interface PolygonSymbolizer
        fill - The Fill style to use when rendering the area.
      • getStroke

        public StrokeImpl getStroke()
        Provides the graphical-symbolization parameter to use for the outline of the Polygon.
        Specified by:
        getStroke in interface PolygonSymbolizer
        The Stroke style to use when rendering lines.
      • setStroke

        public void setStroke​(Stroke stroke)
        Sets the graphical-symbolization parameter to use for the outline of the Polygon.
        Specified by:
        setStroke in interface PolygonSymbolizer
        stroke - The Stroke style to use when rendering lines.
      • clone

        public Object clone()
        Creates a deep copy clone. TODO: Need to complete the deep copy, currently only shallow copy.
        Specified by:
        clone in interface Cloneable
        clone in class Object
        The deep copy clone.
        See Also: