Interface Displacement

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Displacement
    The Displacement gives the X and Y displacements from the original geometry. This element may be used to avoid over-plotting of multiple PolygonSymbolizers for one geometry or supplying "shadows" of polygon gemeotries. The displacements are in units of pixels above and to the right of the point. The default displacement is X=0, Y=0.
    GeoAPI 2.2
    Open Geospatial Consortium, Johann Sorel (Geomatys), Ian Turton, CCG
    • Method Detail

      • getDisplacementX

        Expression getDisplacementX()
        Returns an expression that computes a pixel offset from the geometry point. This offset point is where the text's anchor point gets located. If this expression is null, the default offset of zero is used.
        Horizontal offeset
      • getDisplacementY

        Expression getDisplacementY()
        Returns an expression that computes a pixel offset from the geometry point. This offset point is where the text's anchor point gets located. If this expression is null, the default offset of zero is used.
      • setDisplacementX

        void setDisplacementX​(Expression x)
        Sets the expression that computes a pixel offset from the geometry point.
      • setDisplacementY

        void setDisplacementY​(Expression y)
        Sets the expression that computes a pixel offset from the geometry point.