Class NamedStyleImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Cloneable, NamedStyle, Style, Cloneable

    public class NamedStyleImpl
    extends StyleImpl
    implements NamedStyle
    A NamedStyle is used to refer to a style that has a name in a WMS.

    A NamedStyle is a Style that has only Name, so all setters other than setName will throw an UnsupportedOperationException

    • Constructor Detail

      • NamedStyleImpl

        public NamedStyleImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Set name.
        Specified by:
        setName in interface Style
        setName in class StyleImpl
        name - style name
      • getTitle

        public String getTitle()
        Human readable title.
        Human readable title, or null
      • getAbstract

        public String getAbstract()
      • setAbstract

        public void setAbstract​(String abstractStr)
      • isDefault

        public boolean isDefault()
        Description copied from interface: Style
        The IsDefault element identifies whether a style is the default style of a layer, for use in SLD ‘library mode’ when rendering or for storing inside of a map server. IsDefault uses “1” or “true” for true and “0” or “false” for false. The default value is “0”.
        Specified by:
        isDefault in interface Style
        isDefault in class StyleImpl
      • setDefault

        public void setDefault​(boolean isDefault)
        Description copied from interface: Style
        Indicates that this is the default style.

        Assume this is kept for GeoServer enabling a WMS to track which style is considered the default. May consider providing a clientProperties mechanism similar to Swing JComponent allowing applications to mark up the Style content for custom uses.

        Specified by:
        setDefault in interface Style
        setDefault in class StyleImpl