Interface Renderer

  • public interface Renderer
    Base interface for renderer. This is very much work in progress. Note: this interface will changes in future versions.
    James Macgill
    • Method Detail

      • render

        void render​(FeatureCollection<? extends FeatureType,​? extends Feature> fc,
                    Envelope viewport,
                    Style style)
        Renders the provided features using the specified style. The features should fill the viewport but may well extend beyond it. Features should be cropped (if appropriate) to the specified viewport.
        fc - The feature collection to render
        viewport - The visible extent to be rendered
        style - The style definition to apply to each feature
      • isInteractive

        boolean isInteractive()
        Getter for property interactive.
        Value of property interactive.
      • setInteractive

        void setInteractive​(boolean interactive)
        Setter for property interactive.
        interactive - New value of property interactive.
      • setOutput

        void setOutput​(Graphics g,
                       Rectangle r)
        sets the output graphics for the renderer and the size of the graphic.