Class Descriptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • Descriptions

        public Descriptions()
    • Method Detail

      • format

        public static String format​(int key)
                             throws MissingResourceException
        Gets a string for the given key from this resource bundle or one of its parents.
        key - The key for the desired string.
        The string for the given key.
        MissingResourceException - If no object for the given key can be found.
      • format

        public static String format​(int key,
                                    Object arg0)
                             throws MissingResourceException
        Gets a string for the given key are replace all occurence of "{0}" with values of arg0.
        key - The key for the desired string.
        arg0 - Value to substitute to "{0}".
        The formatted string for the given key.
        MissingResourceException - If no object for the given key can be found.
      • format

        public static String format​(int key,
                                    Object arg0,
                                    Object arg1)
                             throws MissingResourceException
        Gets a string for the given key are replace all occurence of "{0}", "{1}", with values of arg0, arg1.
        key - The key for the desired string.
        arg0 - Value to substitute to "{0}".
        arg1 - Value to substitute to "{1}".
        The formatted string for the given key.
        MissingResourceException - If no object for the given key can be found.
      • format

        public static String format​(int key,
                                    Object arg0,
                                    Object arg1,
                                    Object arg2)
                             throws MissingResourceException
        Gets a string for the given key are replace all occurence of "{0}", "{1}", with values of arg0, arg1, etc.
        key - The key for the desired string.
        arg0 - Value to substitute to "{0}".
        arg1 - Value to substitute to "{1}".
        arg2 - Value to substitute to "{2}".
        The formatted string for the given key.
        MissingResourceException - If no object for the given key can be found.