Class MBArrayStop

  • public class MBArrayStop
    extends Object
    Wrapper for a "stop" in an array function (See MBFunction.isArrayFunction()), providing methods to access the stop key and stop value array, as well as a method to reduce it from an array stop to a single-value stop (for a given index).

    For example, the following "stops" list contains two MBArrayStops. (for each stop, the stop value is an array).

      'stops': [
              // [stopkey, stopValueArray]
                 [0,       [0,10]],
                 [100,     [2,15]]

    Used by MBFunction.splitArrayFunction() to split an array function into multiple functions, one for each dimension in the output array.

    • Field Detail

      • json

        public JSONArray json
      • stopValueArray

        public JSONArray stopValueArray
    • Constructor Detail

      • MBArrayStop

        public MBArrayStop​(JSONArray array)
    • Method Detail

      • getStopKey

        public Object getStopKey()
        Get the stop key for this stop.

        For example, for the following MBArrayStop: [1, [0,10]] the output of stop.getStopKey() is 1.

        stop key
      • getStopValueCount

        public int getStopValueCount()
        Returns the size of the array of stop values.

        For example, for the following MBArrayStop: [0, [0,10]] the output of stop.getStopValueCount() is 2.

        the size of the array of stop values.
      • getStopValue

        public Object getStopValue​(int idx)
        Returns the value from the stop value array at the provided index.

        For example, for the following MBArrayStop: [0, [0,10]], the output of stop.getStopValue(1) is 10.

        idx - The index to look up in the stop value array.
        The value from the stop value array at the provided index.
      • reducedToIndex

        public JSONArray reducedToIndex​(int idx)
        Returns the JSON for a new stop derived from this stop, but reduced to a single-value stop with the value from the provided index.

        For example, for the MBArrayStop [0, [0,10]], The output of stop.reducedToIndex(1) is the following new stop: [0, 10]

        idx - The index to use as the single value for the new stop.
        A new stop, with a single stop value rather than a stop value array.