Class VirtualTable

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class VirtualTable
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Describes a virtual table, that is, a feature type created starting from a generic SQL query. This class also carries information about the primary key (to generate stable feature ids) and the geometry type and native srid (as in most databases those informations are not available on.

    The sql query can contain named parameters. Each parameter has a name, a default value and a way to validate its contents to prevent sql injection.

    As well as passing validation, parameters are also passed through a function to escape double quotes, single quotes and strip backslashes to guard against the cases where quotes are desired in the parameters or backslashes have been allowed by an overly lax regular expression.

    Escaping is enabled by default and can be controlled by a constructor argument or via the setEscapeSql() method.

    Andrea Aime - OpenGeo
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static String WHERE_CLAUSE_PLACE_HOLDER

        public static int WHERE_CLAUSE_PLACE_HOLDER_LENGTH
    • Constructor Detail

      • VirtualTable

        public VirtualTable​(String name,
                            String sql)
        Builds a new virtual table stating its name and the query to be executed to work on it
      • VirtualTable

        public VirtualTable​(String name,
                            String sql,
                            boolean escapeSql)
        Builds a new virtual table stating its name, the query to be executed to work on it and a flag to indicate if SQL special characters should be escaped.
      • VirtualTable

        public VirtualTable​(String name,
                            VirtualTable other)
        Clone a virtual table under a different name
      • VirtualTable

        public VirtualTable​(VirtualTable other)
        Clone a virtual table
    • Method Detail

      • setKeepWhereClausePlaceHolderHint

        public static Hints setKeepWhereClausePlaceHolderHint​(Query query)
        If the provided query has a filter of a where clause place holder exists it will be preserved.
        query - the query to test
        a query hints map that will contain an entry specifying if the the where clause place holder should be keep or not
      • setKeepWhereClausePlaceHolderHint

        public static Hints setKeepWhereClausePlaceHolderHint​(Hints hints,
                                                              boolean keepWhereClausePlaceHolder)
        Will add an entry to query hints specifying if the the where clause place holder should be keep or not. If the provided hints is NULL a new one will be instantiated and returned.
        hints - query hints to update, if NULL a new hints map will be created
        keepWhereClausePlaceHolder - TRUE if the where clause place holder should be keep
        a query hints map that will contain an entry specifying if the the where clause place holder should be keep or not
      • getPrimaryKeyColumns

        public List<String> getPrimaryKeyColumns()
        Returns the virtual table primary key columns. It should refer to fields returned by the query, if that is not true the behavior is undefined
      • setPrimaryKeyColumns

        public void setPrimaryKeyColumns​(List<String> primaryKeyColumns)
        Sets the virtual table primary key
      • getName

        public String getName()
        The virtual table name
      • getSql

        public String getSql()
        The virtual table sql (raw, without parameter expansion)
      • addGeometryMetadatata

        public void addGeometryMetadatata​(String geometry,
                                          Class<? extends Geometry> binding,
                                          int nativeSrid)
        Adds geometry metadata to the virtual table. This is important to get the datastore working, often that is not the case if the right native srid is not in place
      • addGeometryMetadatata

        public void addGeometryMetadatata​(String geometry,
                                          Class<? extends Geometry> binding,
                                          int nativeSrid,
                                          int dimension)
        Adds geometry metadata to the virtual table. This is important to get the datastore working, often that is not the case if the right native srid is not in place
      • addParameter

        public void addParameter​(VirtualTableParameter param)
        Adds a parameter to the virtual table
      • removeParameter

        public void removeParameter​(String paramName)
        Removes a parameter from the virtual table
      • getParameterNames

        public Collection<String> getParameterNames()
        The current parameter names
      • getParameter

        public VirtualTableParameter getParameter​(String name)
        Returns the requested parameter, or null if it could not be found
      • getGeometryType

        public Class<? extends Geometry> getGeometryType​(String geometryName)
        Returns the geometry's specific type, or null if not known
      • getGeometries

        public Set<String> getGeometries()
        Returns the name of the geometry colums declared in this virtual table
      • getNativeSrid

        public int getNativeSrid​(String geometryName)
        Returns the geometry native srid, or -1 if not known
      • getDimension

        public int getDimension​(String geometryName)
        Returns the geometry dimension, or 2 if not known
      • isEscapeSql

        public boolean isEscapeSql()
      • setEscapeSql

        public void setEscapeSql​(boolean escapeSql)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object