Class EfficientInverseColorMapComputation

  • public final class EfficientInverseColorMapComputation
    extends Object
    This class is responsible for computing efficiently an inverse color map for a given color map.

    This algorithm is adapted from the algorithm found in Graphics Gems volume 2 by Spencer W. Thomas "Efficient Inverse Color Map Computation".

    Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions SAS
    • Field Detail

      • bits

        protected final int bits
        Number of most significant bits we are going to use from the input color in order to quantize them.
      • truncationBits

        protected final int truncationBits
      • blueQuantizationMask

        protected final int blueQuantizationMask
      • greenQuantizationMask

        protected final int greenQuantizationMask
      • redQuantizationMask

        protected final int redQuantizationMask
      • colorMap

        protected final byte[][] colorMap
        Forward color map. Is a 3*numcolors array.
      • mapBuf

        protected final byte[] mapBuf
        inverse rgb color map
    • Constructor Detail

      • EfficientInverseColorMapComputation

        public EfficientInverseColorMapComputation​(byte[][] rgbColorMap,
                                                   int quantizationBits)
        EfficientInverseColorMapComputation that allows us to specify the number of bits we are going to save from the quantization.
    • Method Detail

      • getIndexNearest

        public int getIndexNearest​(int red,
                                   int green,
                                   int blue)
        This method is responsible for doing the actual lookup that given an rgb triple returns the best, taking into account quantization, index in the forward color map.
        red - component.
        green - component.
        blue - component.
        the best, taking into account quantization, index in the forward color map for the provided triple.