Class GeometryTransformer

  • public class GeometryTransformer
    extends TransformerBase
    Used to walk through GeometryObjects issuing SAX events as needed.

    Please note that this GeometryTransformer issues GML2 events, the Coordinate

    Ian Schneider
    • Field Detail

      • useDummyZ

        protected boolean useDummyZ
      • numDecimals

        protected int numDecimals
      • padWithZeros

        protected boolean padWithZeros
      • forceDecimalEncoding

        protected boolean forceDecimalEncoding
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeometryTransformer

        public GeometryTransformer()
    • Method Detail

      • setUseDummyZ

        public void setUseDummyZ​(boolean flag)
      • setNumDecimals

        public void setNumDecimals​(int num)
      • setPadWithZeros

        public void setPadWithZeros​(boolean padWithZeros)
      • setForceDecimalEncoding

        public void setForceDecimalEncoding​(boolean forceDecimalEncoding)