Class GeometryTransformer.GeometryTranslator

    • Constructor Detail

      • GeometryTranslator

        public GeometryTranslator​(ContentHandler handler)
      • GeometryTranslator

        public GeometryTranslator​(ContentHandler handler,
                                  int numDecimals)
      • GeometryTranslator

        public GeometryTranslator​(ContentHandler handler,
                                  int numDecimals,
                                  boolean isDummyZEnabled)
      • GeometryTranslator

        public GeometryTranslator​(ContentHandler handler,
                                  int numDecimals,
                                  boolean padWithZeros,
                                  boolean forceDecimalEncoding)
      • GeometryTranslator

        public GeometryTranslator​(ContentHandler handler,
                                  String prefix,
                                  String nsUri,
                                  int numDecimals,
                                  boolean isDummyZEnabled)
      • GeometryTranslator

        public GeometryTranslator​(ContentHandler handler,
                                  String prefix,
                                  String nsUri,
                                  int numDecimals,
                                  boolean padWithZeros,
                                  boolean forceDecimalEncoding)
      • GeometryTranslator

        public GeometryTranslator​(ContentHandler handler,
                                  int numDecimals,
                                  boolean padWithZeros,
                                  boolean forceDecimalEncoding,
                                  boolean isDummyZEnabled)
      • GeometryTranslator

        public GeometryTranslator​(ContentHandler handler,
                                  String prefix,
                                  String nsUri,
                                  int numDecimals,
                                  boolean padWithZeros,
                                  boolean forceDecimalEncoding,
                                  boolean isDummyZEnabled)
      • GeometryTranslator

        public GeometryTranslator​(ContentHandler handler,
                                  String prefix,
                                  String nsUri,
                                  int numDecimals,
                                  boolean padWithZeros,
                                  boolean forceDecimalEncoding,
                                  boolean isDummyZEnabled,
                                  int dimension)
        Constructor for GeometryTranslator allowing the specification of the number of valid dimension represented in the Coordinates.
        dimension - If this value is 3; the coordinate.z will be used rather than dummyZ since 2.4.1
    • Method Detail

      • isDummyZEnabled

        public boolean isDummyZEnabled()
      • getNumDecimals

        public int getNumDecimals()
      • getPadWithZeros

        public boolean getPadWithZeros()
      • getForceDecimalEncoding

        public boolean getForceDecimalEncoding()
      • encode

        public void encode​(Envelope bounds)
      • encodeNullBounds

        protected void encodeNullBounds()
        Method to be subclasses in order to allow for gml3 encoding for null enevelope.
      • boxName

        protected String boxName()
        Method to be subclassed in order to allow for gml3 encoding of envelopes.
      • encode

        public void encode​(Geometry geometry)
        Encodes the given geometry with no srsName attribute and forcing 2D
      • encode

        public void encode​(Geometry geometry,
                           String srsName,
                           int dimensions)
        Encodes the given geometry with the provided srsName attribute and for the specified dimensions
        geometry - non null geometry to encode
        srsName - srsName attribute for the geometry, or null
        dimensions - shall laid between 1, 2, or 3. Number of coordinate dimensions to force. TODO: dimensions is not being taken into account currently. Jody?