Class Mosaicker

  • public class Mosaicker
    extends Object
    A class doing the mosaic operation on top of a List of MosaicElements.
    Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions SAS
    • Method Detail

      • createMosaic

        public MosaicElement createMosaic()
                                   throws IOException
        Once we reach this method it means that we have loaded all the images which were intersecting the requested envelope. Next step is to create the final mosaic image and cropping it to the exact requested envelope.
        A MosaicElement}.
      • createMosaic

        public MosaicElement createMosaic​(boolean useFinalImageLayout)
                                   throws IOException
        Once we reach this method it means that we have loaded all the images which were intersecting the requested envelope. Next step is to create the final mosaic image and cropping it to the exact requested envelope.
        useFinalImageLayout - whether the final image layout requested should be used. if false then a default layout will be used. useful if your mosaic layout doesn't match the final layout. default layout will be whatever layout is necessary to do the mosaic op
        A MosaicElement}.
      • createMosaic

        public MosaicElement createMosaic​(boolean useFinalImageLayout,
                                          boolean skipSingleElementOptimization)
                                   throws IOException
        Once we reach this method it means that we have loaded all the images which were intersecting the requested envelope. Next step is to create the final mosaic image and cropping it to the exact requested envelope.
        useFinalImageLayout - whether the final image layout requested should be used. if false then a default layout will be used. useful if your mosaic layout doesn't match the final layout. default layout
        skipSingleElementOptimization - whether the single element case should be optimized. some callers wish to skip this since there are a few differences along this path that can cause issues (namely using the final image layout for operations)
        A MosaicElement}.