Class WorldImageFormat

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class WorldImageFormat
    extends AbstractGridFormat
    implements Format
    A Format to allow discovery of Readers/Writers for raster images that support world files containing information about the image. Supports gif+gfw, jpg/jpeg+jgw, tif/tiff+tfw and png+pgw. wld may be used in place of the format specific extension (jpg+wld, etc) Designed to be used with GridCoverageExchange.
    Simone Giannecchini
    • Field Detail

      • FORMAT

        public static final ParameterDescriptor<String> FORMAT
        Format writing parameter. When writing a world image we need to provide an output format in which we want to encode the image itself. PNG is default output format.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WorldImageFormat

        public WorldImageFormat()
    • Method Detail

      • getReader

        public WorldImageReader getReader​(Object source)
        Retrieves a WorldImageReader in case the providede source can be accepted as a valid source for a world image. The method returns null otherwise.
        Specified by:
        getReader in class AbstractGridFormat
        source - The source object to read a WorldImage from
        a new WorldImageReader for the source
      • getWriter

        public GridCoverageWriter getWriter​(Object destination)
        Call the accepts() method before asking for a writer to determine if the current object is supported.
        Specified by:
        getWriter in class AbstractGridFormat
        destination - the destination object to write a WorldImage to
        a new WorldImageWriter for the destination
      • getWriter

        public GridCoverageWriter getWriter​(Object destination,
                                            Hints hints)
        Call the accepts() method before asking for a writer to determine if the current object is supported.
        Specified by:
        getWriter in class AbstractGridFormat
        destination - the destination object to write a WorldImage to
        hints - Hints to control the internal machinery.
        a new WorldImageWriter for the destination
      • accepts

        public boolean accepts​(Object input,
                               Hints hints)
        Takes the input and determines if it is a class that we can understand and then futher checks the format of the class to make sure we can read/write to it.
        Specified by:
        accepts in class AbstractGridFormat
        input - The object to check for acceptance.
        hints - Hints to control the accepts internal machinery.
        true if the input is acceptable, false otherwise
      • getWorldExtension

        public static Set<String> getWorldExtension​(String fileExtension)
        Takes an image file extension (such as .gif, including the '.') and returns it's corresponding world file extension (such as .gfw).
        fileExtension - an image file extension, including the '.'
        a corresponding Set of world file extensions, including the '.'