Class WorldImageReader

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    GridCoverageReader, GridCoverage2DReader

    public final class WorldImageReader
    extends AbstractGridCoverage2DReader
    implements GridCoverage2DReader
    Reads a GridCoverage from a given source. WorldImage sources only support one GridCoverage so hasMoreGridCoverages() will return true until the only GridCoverage is read. No metadata is currently supported, so all related methods return null. In the early future we will start (hopefully supporting them).
    simone giannecchini, alessio fabiani, rgould
    • Constructor Detail

      • WorldImageReader

        public WorldImageReader​(Object input)
                         throws DataSourceException
        Class constructor. Construct a new ImageWorldReader to read a GridCoverage from the source object. The source must point to the raster file itself, not the world file. If the source is a Java URL it checks if it is ponting to a file and if so it converts the url into a file.
        input - The source of a GridCoverage, can be a File, a URL or an input stream.
      • WorldImageReader

        public WorldImageReader​(Object input,
                                Hints hints)
                         throws DataSourceException
        Class constructor. Construct a new ImageWorldReader to read a GridCoverage from the source object. The source must point to the raster file itself, not the world file. If the source is a Java URL it checks if it is ponting to a file and if so it converts the url into a file.
        input - The source of a GridCoverage, can be a File, a URL or an input stream.