Class StorageFile

    • Method Detail

      • getFile

        public File getFile()
        Returns the storage file
        the storage file
      • replaceOriginals

        public static void replaceOriginals​(StorageFile... storageFiles)
                                     throws IOException
        Takes a collection of StorageFiles and performs the replace functionality described in replaceOriginal(). However, all files that are part of the same ShpFiles are done within a lock so all of the updates for all the Files of a Shapefile can be updated within a single lock.
        storageFiles - files to execute the replace functionality.
      • id

        public String id()
        Description copied from interface: FileWriter
        An id for the writer. This is only used for debugging.
        Specified by:
        id in interface FileReader
        Specified by:
        id in interface FileWriter
        id for the writer.