Class DiffFeatureReader<T extends FeatureType,​F extends Feature>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable, FeatureReader<T,​F>

    public class DiffFeatureReader<T extends FeatureType,​F extends Feature>
    extends Object
    implements FeatureReader<T,​F>
    A FeatureReader that considers differences.

    Used to implement In-Process Transaction support. This implementation will need to peek ahead in order to check for deletetions.

    Jody Garnett, Refractions Research
    • Constructor Detail

      • DiffFeatureReader

        public DiffFeatureReader​(FeatureReader<T,​F> reader,
                                 Diff diff2)
        This constructor grabs a "copy" of the current diff.

        This reader is not "live" to changes over the course of the Transaction. (Iterators are not always stable of the course of modifications)

        diff2 - Differences of Feature by FID
      • DiffFeatureReader

        public DiffFeatureReader​(FeatureReader<T,​F> reader,
                                 Diff diff2,
                                 Filter filter)
        This constructor grabs a "copy" of the current diff.

        This reader is not "live" to changes over the course of the Transaction. (Iterators are not always stable of the course of modifications)

        diff2 - Differences of Feature by FID