Class RangeSpecifier

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, Cloneable

    public class RangeSpecifier
    extends Object
    implements Serializable, Cloneable
    Argument type for DefaultProcessor operations for specifying the range, colors and units of a computation result. RangeSpecifier are used for tuning the Category object to be constructed. By default, most operations try to guess a raisonable range for output values. This default behavior can be overridden with an explicit RangeSpecifier argument.

    All RangeSpecifier's properties are optional; it is up to processor's operation to replace null values by a default one.

    Martin Desruisseaux (IRD)
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • RangeSpecifier

        public RangeSpecifier()
        Constructs a default RangeSpecifier with no value set.
      • RangeSpecifier

        public RangeSpecifier​(NumberRange<?> range)
        Constructs a RangeSpecifier initialised to the spécified range.
        range - The range
      • RangeSpecifier

        public RangeSpecifier​(MathTransform1D transform)
        Constructs a RangeSpecifier initialised to the specified "sample to geophysics" transform.
        transform - The sample to geophysics transform.
    • Method Detail

      • getRange

        public NumberRange<?> getRange()
        Returns the target range, or null if none.
        The range
      • setRange

        public void setRange​(NumberRange<?> range)
        Set the target range to the specified values. Setting this property will clear the sample to geophysics transform, since those properties are mutually exclusive.
        range - The target range.
      • getSampleToGeophysics

        public MathTransform1D getSampleToGeophysics()
        Returns the target "sample to geophysics" transform, or null if none.
        The current sample to geophysics transform.
      • setSampleToGeophysics

        public void setSampleToGeophysics​(MathTransform1D transform)
        Set the target "sample to geophysics" transform to the specified value. Setting this property will clear the range property, since those properties are mutually exclusive.
        transform - The new sample to geophysics transform.
      • getUnit

        public Unit<?> getUnit()
        Returns the target range units, or null if none.
        The current units.
      • setUnit

        public void setUnit​(Unit<?> unit)
        Set the target range units to the specified value.
        unit - The new units.
      • getColors

        public Color[] getColors()
        Returns the target colors, or null if none.
        The current colors.
      • setColors

        public void setColors​(Color[] colors)
        Set the target colors to the specified value.
        colors - The new colors.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns a hash code value for this range specifier.
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object object)
        Compares this range specifier with the specified object for equality.
        equals in class Object
        object - The object to compare with.
        true if the given object is equals to this range specifier.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this range specifier.
        toString in class Object