Class Summary Class Description NetCDFCoordinateReferenceSystemType.NetCDFCoordinate Contains basic information related to a NetCDF Coordinate such as: - short name (as an instance: x) - long name (as an instance: x coordinate of projection) - standard name (as an instance: projection_x_coordinate) - the name of the associated dimension (as an instance: x) - the unit of measure of that coordinate (as an instance: m)NetCDFCRSAuthorityFactory A factory providing NetCDF/GRIB customCoordinateReferenceSystem
instances with the related custom EPSG.NetCDFProjection Class used to properly setup NetCDF CF Projection parameters.ProjectionBuilder Class used to create an OGCProjectedCRS
instance on top of Projection name, parameters and Ellipsoid. -
Enum Summary Enum Description NetCDFCoordinateReferenceSystemType Enum used to represent different coordinate reference systems stored within a NetCDF dataset.