Class NetCDFCRSAuthorityFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • NetCDFCRSAuthorityFactory

        public NetCDFCRSAuthorityFactory()
      • NetCDFCRSAuthorityFactory

        public NetCDFCRSAuthorityFactory​(Hints userHints)
      • NetCDFCRSAuthorityFactory

        public NetCDFCRSAuthorityFactory​(Hints userHints,
                                         int priority)
    • Method Detail

      • getDefinitionsURL

        protected URL getDefinitionsURL()
        Returns the URL to the property file that contains CRS definitions.
        getDefinitionsURL in class FactoryUsingWKT
        The URL, or null if none.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Description copied from class: AbstractFactory
        Returns a string representation of this factory. This method is mostly for debugging purpose, so the string format may vary across different implementations or versions. The default implementation formats all implementation hints as a tree. If the implementation hints include some factory dependencies, then the implementation hints for those dependencies will appears under a tree branch.
        toString in class AbstractFactory